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Old October 25th, 2006, 12:22 PM   #21
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Re: A new player's experience with the trial

Originally Posted by cjpetri
I uninstalled the client, but I did not give away all of my stuff. I will check back here now and then, and if they have expanded the trial, I will give this game another chance.
At level 50 you only just start to branch out to more specialist skills...and that was the cap before the 21 change. On the island you do not have access to ranged weapons.....and the quest system is to explain the mechanics of the game...so again, more is not going to tempt you off the island , ....so I really do not see how increasing the level cap can influence you in making the move to pay ?
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Old October 25th, 2006, 01:11 PM   #22
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Re: A new player's experience with the trial

To the OP:

Hmm.. I fail to recognize the issues you have.

I started up with my "reactivated account" ( Played ryzom way back in beta ) and made a new char on refugee island

First off, you expect this "trial" to give you an entirely free game? The trial is ment for "casual" gamers just to introduce them to the game.. The 14 day period is not ment to be a "gaming" estimate. IE in WoW a hardcore gamer could hit level 60 in that time ..

The lvl 21 cap is an annoyance, yes, but even at lvl 21 you should have tried the mechanics of the game long enough to notice whether or not the beginning of the game is to your liking.
The game itself is free, there is only monthly pays.
So you could prolong your "trial" to 1 month, for only 15 dollars.. Thats pretty cheap considering I paid 90$ for WoW incl. 1 month playing time, just to try the game.

I have zero problems with animations.. It could be caused by a "slow" computer, or laggy connection.

The range is ment to be intuitive.. You're not supposed to calcute the exact distance and then expect the creature to stand still while you kill it.. The creatures are ment to be alive ( which IMO is working great ) and therefor you have to try out different ranges to see which gives you the best outcome..

Regarding "auto-shoot"... Did you even think about reading the manual? Or the in-game information? Did you try pressing the attack button twice, quickly?
You know, then a white square pops around the attacking spell, informing you that it will keep attacking with this spell ...

The quest system updated fine as i killed and collected bodoc meat, killed yubos etc..

The only issue i agree on is that you are not informed completely on what the quest has in store for you.. But then again, you could always read the mission information when you get the mission ..

Alt-tabbing works ... Strangely...
It does work here, but sometimes the windows get black ..

Potions are stupid, and its great that they are not in the game :P
You have alot of self-heal spells and you can "credit" them with your stanzas in a lot of ways..

Creatures chase you untill they give up. Seems to work more "realistic" than the "It chases you for 10 ft then gives up".. It could seem too long of a chase, but the essence of the game is about knowing your opponent.. IE, you will not attack it unless you have a good chance of winning.. Like IRL

Lvl 21 is not really the level to be talking about "hack and slash of ryzom"... Im still only lvl 13, but i can imagine stanzas given me the best immersive experience when it comes to customizing your character..

All in all, I find the trial to be a trial, and i will start playing the game when i reach the lvl cap ( today prolly ).

My only concerns are with the community and how players ingame respond to new players.. And the amount of players of course..

The only great thing about WoW is that there are so many players that you always have people to group with.. I hope this game has even the slightest feel of being a really populated world

Happy me
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Old October 25th, 2006, 02:10 PM   #23
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Re: A new player's experience with the trial

Originally Posted by fidomuh
Regarding "auto-shoot"... Did you even think about reading the manual? Or the in-game information? Did you try pressing the attack button twice, quickly?
You know, then a white square pops around the attacking spell, informing you that it will keep attacking with this spell ...
If I didn't miss a change on the client lately cjpetri is right, that you can' auto attack with spells. The auto attack mode works fine with melee and ranged attacks though. When I play a low level character, I don't want auto attack enabled on spells, as I use a long range spell with time credits to start the attack, a long range spell with no time credits that uses lots of sap and hp on the second attack, and one or two short range spells to finish the mob. If I go for mobs that give me 1000-1400xp that maybe even move slow, like Bodocs and Yelks, that works pretty fine for me, when I solo.
Originally Posted by fidomuh
Creatures chase you untill they give up. Seems to work more "realistic" than the "It chases you for 10 ft then gives up".. It could seem too long of a chase, but the essence of the game is about knowing your opponent.. IE, you will not attack it unless you have a good chance of winning.. Like IRL
The distances how far a mob chases you depends on how you aggroed it. Generally you can say a herbivore stops earlier than a carnivore.
A mob that you hurt follows you farther than a mob you didn't attacked.
Any mob should break the chase if you moved 200m in a straight direction.
Trini - Darkmoor Rangers
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Old October 25th, 2006, 02:35 PM   #24
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Re: A new player's experience with the trial

I could be wrong ( of course :P ), but i'm pretty positive I used the "continuous attack" thingy with my "acid shot" thingy last night

Could easily be wrong though, since i'm a fighter this time
And yeah, auto attack is usually not used at all

( I use inc. damage 3, with accuracy, to start off and then a small inc acc. only. It kills suckling bodocs in 2 punches )

Mobs chasing you is based on "distance" of course, i just wanted to point out that I find the system way more realistic ( and fun ) than in all other games i've tried
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