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Old March 10th, 2007, 11:46 AM   #1
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What do you love about this game?

I've been doing a bit of reading in these forums, and have been quite sad to note the prevalence of negativity. While there is always a need for constructive criticism, and even sometimes outright venting, I really believe that most of us truly love Atys and all that it holds. Otherwise, why would we care enough to complain?

So in order to combat this trend, I'd like to hear from those of you who, like me, simply bubble over with enthusiasm for the game. What are your favorite things to do, favorite places to visit, favorite friends and acquaintances, favorite beasties to hunt, or any other thing you might care to mention?

I'm looking for good suggestions for ways to enjoy and have fun in my favorite pretend place. Sourpusses need not apply.
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Old March 10th, 2007, 12:00 PM   #2
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Re: What do you love about this game?

Aaaaah! I dont even know where to start! There is so much love for so many things. I love all the animals in the game. Except for gingos, I hate those
I dont have any real favorite place yet. I would guess it would be where ever I can find Wombaï. I cant really start to list all the cewl things about this game, would take to long to get into details ^-^
Yubo's, Wombaï's, Goaris and all the other cuties out there. Zepth, Xtarsia, Linkys, Jnf.. Nnnghhh... *collapses from overload of joy*
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Old March 10th, 2007, 12:02 PM   #3
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Re: What do you love about this game?

I love the leveling system, community (even if only a very small part) and atys, its a stunning place. If i was asked this question a year ago i would of had alot more good things to say
Aww well a few months away normally does the trick
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Old March 10th, 2007, 12:33 PM   #4
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Re: What do you love about this game?

at first i love this great Community here in ryzom ,so many nice ppl from so many countries,its only nice to know them (nearly) all

then i would say the world..if Jungle,Forest,Desert,lakes or Prime Roots every land has his beautiful side and some nice places to hang around

the Mobs are great too ,so many different mobs live on 1 planet...and teh Kitins are cool ,its every nice to have a fight with them

i love the whole skill system ,if its magic,Fight,Digging or Crafting, this skill system is awesome

the Craft system i love alot ,cuz u play around with much different mats,like Fine ,Choice ,Excell and Supreme mats and find good or great recipees with them

the Bosses Atys has are lovely too ,u get a nice fight ,a great team and some nice mats from them and its allways great to hunt such a Boss

there are alot other stuff i love ,but would sit some hours here to list them all so thats all for now then

see ya in game
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Old March 10th, 2007, 02:25 PM   #5
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Re: What do you love about this game?

The Roxxor and Dweeb Show
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Old March 10th, 2007, 02:51 PM   #6
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Re: What do you love about this game?

Two words explain why I still play - My friends.

Mainly-Saraii,Sunce and Kiwi since they are the ones I talk to most :P But there is quite a few more, Most of you know who you are too If I named you all Id not get anything done today, Cus id be typing for awhile
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Old March 10th, 2007, 03:07 PM   #7
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Re: What do you love about this game?

The different continents are all so lifelike and beautiful, one to suit every mood, I just like being in Atys, it feels like home.

I spose should mention community and friends, just in case
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Old March 10th, 2007, 03:26 PM   #8
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Re: What do you love about this game?

First is the Story (because you come in touch with the story and only then the community). Story is complicated, detailed, with double or more meanings, prone to different interpretation, a heaven for those who like immersion in a different world.
Then complexity of skills (anyone can be master in something, few can master their skill tho)
Community... yes, hurt and endangered now, but we'll see.
Guild community 100% yes. I could live only in guild for months in this game.
Graphics descriptive detail. - The game was made by people as immersed in the story as we are, maybe more. The detail on every little object proves this.
Relatively lack of bugs. Compared to other games, and taking the Ring out of equation, Ryzom is stable and bugfree.
Relative infinity of craft work. (Not in all crafts but in a lot of them the combainatorics of receipe will probably survive the game lifetime)
More into detail: the infinite magics of the Prime Roots.
Fast answer of support. Still here, even if events are now absent.

Order in not a value one but rather how you come into contact with these things during game play.
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Old March 10th, 2007, 04:25 PM   #9
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Re: What do you love about this game?

I love that it is a skill system instead of a cookie cutter class system. I love the depth of the harvesting and crafting systems. Those were the main things that attracted me to Ryzom but as well as those I've also developed a like of the setting and the way Atys works when you are in it.
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Old March 10th, 2007, 04:45 PM   #10
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Re: What do you love about this game?

The community, period. Another thing you have to remember: only a small percentage of players actually frequent the forums. Think of it this way: most players that are out having fun and doing things just continue to play and to meet other players. But, if something does happen to upset a player, they will not hesitate to post about it. I mean picture the last time u went into a restaraunt and have a good experience, everything done well and the food is good. Do you fill out one of their little forms they have at the front or go to their website to email them and tell them how glorious it was? No, you go home satisfied, patting your tummy.
So although sometimes I feel like there is negativity on the forums, I know that int he world of Atys the Community is busy helping each other and being better than any MMO out there.
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