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Old June 9th, 2009, 01:44 AM   #71
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 54
Re: New Patch 1.5.0

It seems that the desire to heap praise on the new devs trumps opinions that oppose that view.

If you can't see how I did say "truly constructive feedback by detailing how the new UI features should behave."

Then you are blind. I did say they should have allowed an ability to shut them off.

What you are all not getting because you can't seem to see past the "heaping praise" point. Is that if they want decient revenue and increasing revenue, the easiest ways are to

1) make current customer feel they are justified in staying
2) bring back old customers that were bored.
3) get new customers.

So, lets visit how that is done.

Make the game stable (it is and has been), move on to exploit fixes and game unplayability fixes. Then if you want to "tweak" and add features either add them to a new content pack OR add content so the game is new again for a vast majority so that less disgruntled players are distracted enough with the new content and then you have time to tweak.

If there is one thing Ryzom has ALWAYS struggled with is the following:

1) A community that seems to have a good number of people that have a need to suppress those that offer different or more negative views than themselves.

2) A serious lack of marketing.

3) Bad word of mouth due to a lack of continuing fun.

ATM the easiest overall way to gain market share is to get older bored players back. You are not going to do that with this style of deving. I don't really care how you look at it. Thats just internet gaming in this modern age.

Give the older players reasons to come back and word of mouth will defiantly start the marketing in a positive direction.

Being judgmental jerks because I don't praise what you praise wont help anything either.

I like that they are active in deving, I seriously heap praise on them for it. Just think to make the game attractive in this market, they are being a little backwards.
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Old June 9th, 2009, 02:07 AM   #72
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Re: New Patch 1.5.0

I think the patch is basically a good idea. Progress without breaking too much. We had way worse moments. I would sleep a night or two over the changes being made, I remember for example all the raging back then when we lost our free for all teleport tickets and they got bound to the factions.

And about the content, I think it is more important to attract new players and make them stay. I'm pretty disappointed too, new content, the magic words. But what happens once you got your new land? Your new skill?

You grind a month and it's done. The content problem is an endless one, deliver, deliver, deliver.

What made me sub again and stay loyal to this game is the community, the people. A MMO is nothing without people. So fresh blood is needed, the feeling to explain and help a new player, watch him / her gaze at all the wonderful things Atys offers. This is what I enjoy the most here.

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Old June 9th, 2009, 02:11 AM   #73
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Re: New Patch 1.5.0

Good post Arc.

I agree, but we are sadly overdue for content. and the ball has to start rolling to get new players in for us to mentor :-)

What people forget, when someone is angry posting about a game they love, it's just that, they love the game and don't want it to die yet again. Don't forget this folks. I want reasons for new players to come to zom, and I want the old folks back so that the ball rolls smoother.
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Old June 9th, 2009, 08:34 AM   #74
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Re: New Patch 1.5.0

I haven't been around much lately. I'm (obviously) subscribed and I've started logging in again, occasionally.

I didn't leave because I was bored, nor because the game needs new "content" (whatever that is). I left because I was sick to death of the negativity of a few very vocal people. I just couldn't stand to be around it any more.

It doesn't take very many of those people to drown out all the polite, calm, patient people that make up the large majority of this community.

Thanks for the patch, dev team. Your efforts are appreciated, and I'm sure we'll work out any problems over time.
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Old June 9th, 2009, 08:52 AM   #75
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Re: New Patch 1.5.0

I've been having way too much fun chasing the "Kitins of the Depths" to notice anything really negative. I like the new tooltips but they should also include the OPTIONS of the action, not only the costs and duration.

5% success on Self-heals ? that thing has 100% success rate at all times !

Please make the Kitins of the Depths respawn faster but take a bit longer to despawn. It makes no sense that they disappear so quick (before you can loot) if they are going to take forever to respawn. These aren't Christmas gifts... they are mission mobs ! With all the people that are going to run around chasing them once they find out what they truly are... they shouldn't take longer to respawn than regular named mobs.

So far I like the newbie missions in Pyr. As far as I know they don't give XP, only consumable goodies that can be quite helpful for newbies. And they do teach them what a TP is (which is great, because most newbs I teach have no clue about them) so they continue the tutorial tradition of the Silan mission, without the gear rewards. I have yet to see if fulfilling all those missions will give me access to the old Fame missions from the City welcomer again or if they have been moved somewhere else.

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Old June 9th, 2009, 10:04 AM   #76
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Re: New Patch 1.5.0

Originally Posted by kalindra
These aren't Christmas gifts... they are mission mobs !
new missions require them or just the Observer npc for titles ?
Originally Posted by kalindra
I have yet to see if fulfilling all those missions will give me access to the old Fame missions from the City welcomer again or if they have been moved somewhere else.
in Pyr, there is new npc (without title) near Welcomer that has all the old welcomer missions.
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Old June 9th, 2009, 07:08 PM   #77
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Re: New Patch 1.5.0

overall not impressed with patch and disapointed

seems to be the concenus in game too

and thats from a old player that loves ryzom
make it newbie friendly but don't dumb it down

i score it 3 out of 10 and thats only because outpost auto launcher fix (waited 2 years for that)
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Old June 10th, 2009, 01:27 PM   #78
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Re: New Patch 1.5.0


Following our last patch, we'll apply some small fixes this Thursday 11/06 at 10:00 (Paris time).

These fixes will address several issues, for example with the "counter attacks" actions being unusable and the client crashing when you try to create certain types of actions. The full list is:
- Fix a client crash when you try to create an aura when having an active target.
- Fix a client crash when using the /tar command.
- Fix the counter-attacks against critical, against attacks after dodge and against attacks after parry.
- Fix inappropriately greyed-out actions in the action bar.
- Fix several other minor bugs.
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Old June 10th, 2009, 01:41 PM   #79
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Re: New Patch 1.5.0

sounds good to me good work
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Old June 10th, 2009, 03:20 PM   #80
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Re: New Patch 1.5.0

Fix afillys as well cause they are screwed atm.

Cant fear then root a mob , its comes back to smack you before you get the root spell cast.

Cant fear a mob link and tp out.

Cant fear a a mob and make it run out of aggro range.

Cant fear a mob and run away from it.

Way to go devs, should play the game atleast once a month before you start screwing up skills that dont need to be fixed.

May as well take the afilly skills out if game because they are no use in PVE.

Why the hell did i waste my time mastering both afilly skills if they are useless now.

Advice to anyone thinking about mastering afillys, they are uselss if the game stays with this patch.
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