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Old June 15th, 2009, 03:32 PM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 54
Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

Sorry swatter but when every person that comes within map range usually comes right for me and does the similar routine of "bot checking" behaviour.
It gets old after a few many times, AS stated, I dig to be alone. And seriously if I wanted to be a friggin bot, tell me why the hell would I waste energy on here about it?

First games went to forced grouping, now forced socialization? What gives.

Yes I know you mmo preachers will say, "It's a mmorpg, whats the point if you don't group/socialize?" Well I DO, just not when I dig. Is this so hard to get?
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Old June 15th, 2009, 06:37 PM   #12
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Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

So then we should all stop making sure players aren't cheating? Or should we make an exception just for you?
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Old June 15th, 2009, 07:00 PM   #13
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Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

Or maybe leave the policing to the Devs, they should implement anti-cheat code in the game like every other game. Tho I am aware that most games fail miserably, but still.

So grapes, you expect me to respond to EVERYONE that looks to me to either be social when I don't feel like it, or test me for bot activity? Get a clue.

But yea, make the exception to me then if you want to be a sarcastic prick. If it isn't obvious I want to be left the heck alone when digging!!
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Old June 15th, 2009, 07:01 PM   #14
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Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

Originally Posted by grapes
So then we should all stop making sure players aren't cheating? Or should we make an exception just for you?

Speaking as another homing who (in both my mains) digs for precisely the same reason that Sarpedonia does, to relax and feel the rhythms of Atys,


Stop assuming that another homin is possibly a bot. Botting in Ryzom is difficult (if possible at all) and much more likely to be a function of a "team" dig than of a solo digger (automated cpers and the like). In the end, what's the harm? Dappers are not totally useless, but they're close, no one is going to spend IRL money for mats, and Atys is so generous with her resources that there is no shortage of anything but the most important of Sup Mats.

Now, I haven't ever had someone come bugging me the way that Sarpe reports. I think if someone did that, I would definitely get pissed.

Bottom line: I support the complaint rant.

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Old June 15th, 2009, 07:11 PM   #15
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Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

Ty Odo, you broke it down a little better than I did.

I do "team dig" with my alt. Still its not "automated" just makes it easier to not die lol.
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Old June 15th, 2009, 07:20 PM   #16
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Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

That might make a difference, for those who like to see malefaction because it justifies their busybody nature. When I solo, I'm solo. I am insufficiently coordinated to deal with handling an alt. (Not to mention the fact that I don't have two computers.)
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Old June 16th, 2009, 01:05 AM   #17
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Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

If people harass you I'm sure it can be dealt with. Aggro dragging may be legal, but doing so 24/7 is certainly not acceptable. Nobody cares for ryzom bots, people looking/testing for them with aggro dragging just hide behind a lame excuse to kill someone for fun imho.

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Old June 16th, 2009, 03:42 AM   #18
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Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

I admit, i`m one of those homins that would go up to a digging homin and say hello to see if they are botting. I dont search people out, or hunt them down, but I used to dig alot/know all the dig spots in the PR.

I would approach a player if in passing I knew that the spot they were digging was not logical (ie, mission mats, crap mats and they`ve been in region on the same spot for hours).

I guess ive helped catch about 10-15 botters (not including Cho) over the years. I think aslong as the 'hunters' are reasonable and sensible, and dont harass then it helps the community.

My advise would be to install fraps, both 'hunters' and diggers, and flick it on if you are being harassed or suspect a bot. I have never agro dragged a suspect, and never would.

On the opposite side, I was once "watched" by a homin for about 5 mins, no hello, no communication at all, he circled me for a while until a CSR showed up, and it was annoying, but I greeted the CSR, and the idiot hunter was on his way. If you are gonna report someone to the CSR then you have to be 100% sure, and know the area like the back of your hand.
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Old June 16th, 2009, 04:33 AM   #19
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Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

Actually thats when I get bugged the most, after I been there for hours. I guess it's imposable for a real person to want to grind away jewel crafting by digging all day/night when they drink a bunch of beers... lol

But anyway, I give up, you all win. I didn't sign up for this and the early experience I had in Closed beta and shortly after was far better than it is now. I am not talking about gameplay, I have seen a strange change in the community since. (I had an account that didn't make it through the beta to live account fiasco)

I do not believe in the concept of protecting yer butt and taking extra measures to prove you are being legit just to play legit. I refuse to justify my gaming style to anyone when I am not breaking the rules. I refuse to install any extra tools to "prove" my innocence against vigilante gamers.

Edit of Edit: (some useless drunken ramblings that served no purpose but to justify people's continuing garbage) Yes I am out, no biggy, I await a different game, one where legit players are not thought of as suspicious if they don't talk.

Last edited by stheno2 : June 16th, 2009 at 05:41 AM.
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Old June 16th, 2009, 05:26 AM   #20
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Re: For those trying to find the BOTS in game

If your at your comp, then i dont see what your problem is.

If you want to ignore everyone whilst digging, thats your choice, but this community has and always will be protective of each other, and look out for one another. IMO its part of digging to know knows in the area to give and recieve rezzes.

player 1 "hi can I get a rez? 100m south of you"
player 2 -silence-
player 1 "hello?"
player 2 -dings 210 jewel craft-
player 1 respawns, runs back to spot passing player 2 on the way
player 2 digs
player 1 "hi player 2, hows it going?"
player 2 -silence- whilst continueing to dig

the community hasnt changed since the betas mate, player 1 would be suspicious whether they are a new gamer or old. I cant comment whether there are more botters nowadays than there were in 2004/2005 as i havnt logged in much the last couple years. Would you rather play a game that self policed itself, or a game where botting and gold selling was out of control and the community/devs had no way of keeping it under control?

My recommendation to instal fraps was to catch agro draggers, not prove innocence :P

EDIT: glad you made the edit and will continue to play
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