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Old July 6th, 2009, 01:40 AM   #1
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An open letter to the game owners

Sorry for being rather harsh, but... in all seriousness, what the hell? Do you not think you might possibly be driving this event shit too far?

I'm not whining about things being "a bit harder", I'm talking about large parts of the game being entirely unplayable for the major amount of players.

You happen to be a master desert forager? Bad luck for you, because you're not going to use this skill. You enjoy digging and crafting? Well, screw you, that's your problem.
You happen to be a group of people of only level 150-200? Well, too bad for you, come back another time, you're not meant to play right now.

Really, how are players expected to do anything but stupid kitin-grinding, and how are players who are so unlucky not to be 250 in melee and magic meant to ever advance? Killing KotD is fun for 10-15 minutes, but that's it. And inhowfar is grinding on KotD any better than grinding on anything else, except you're not given a choice, and they don't drop anyhting you can use for crafting. Oh, and except they can't be properly taunted...

Role playing and events are one thing, and sure enough, events are welcome. I'm sure many people are happy about these new bosses and the cool loot they drop.
However, forcing something onto people like this is always negative, and if an event comes at the cost of denying access to 50% of the game to all players, then something is seriously wrong.
Worse, however, the current event makes 100% of the game (apart from standing at stables) impossible for non-250 players.

Is this how you intend to convince a broad audience of new players to pay for this game? Seriously?
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Old July 6th, 2009, 02:44 AM   #2
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Re: An open letter to the game owners

I just recently became interested in Ryzom and have been playing it for a few months now. Its a gem of a game, great crafting system, very original and even the npc animals are full of life and curiousity.

Up until a few days ago, there has always been something fun out there to do with a smaller group of folk my level or solo. However, this past weekend especialy, the play stopped being fun. My partner and I could not explore or find monsters our level to battle ... kitins were everywhere blocking us and chasing. The forest dig area was also littered with Kitins.

I am not sure exactly what is going on with the new infestation or how long it will last. But for the sake of those of us who are not old pros yet, I hope the spawns will be toned down alot. I feel I have to stop playing until this event is over.

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Old July 6th, 2009, 03:00 AM   #3
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Re: An open letter to the game owners

Interesting post, with some valid points.

However, I must say that even players below 250 can participate. There are KotD in areas of lvl100 and up (as I'm sure you know), and they haev been getting more numerous (you know this as well, we all do). Groups of 2 or 3 lvl 75 or higher can take out some kitin in the lvl 100 areas. I say this because I have seen a group do it. I understand how frustrating the upsurge in population of kitin can be aggravating at best, but you should also remember that it will be over soon, the full scale invasion can't be that far away.

Also remember, when you reach lvl 200+ in melee and magic, you will be looking for something a little different to do. This event is for everone, but in my view, it is geared mainly for mid levels to masters, lower levels just need a larger group to kill them, instead of soloing the lvl 100 areas as a master might. We have been through 2 changes of ownership, lag monsters, and shutdowns, and in my opinion, we (the players who stayed through it all) deserve a treat. I am not saying I don't respect your opinion, I do, and can see you side of the agrument as well. Just hope you can see ours.

If you want, send me a tell and I'll help you get a title or two by helping you kill KotD and stay alive while doing so. This event really is for everyone, and if you or others need a little help, let us "old guys/gals" know, and we'll be happy to include you. It is a good way to see the world, if you haven't done so already, and gather some teleporter pacts to new areas.

Don't be left out, come and join the fun. It will be over soon enough and we will be looking back on these days with nostalgia, wondering when we will get the chance to do it again. Hope to hear from you in game
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Old July 6th, 2009, 04:35 AM   #4
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Re: An open letter to the game owners

Originally Posted by dnycran
Worse, however, the current event makes 100% of the game (apart from standing at stables) impossible for non-250 players.
WRONG. Oh how ignorant and weak people can be...
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Old July 6th, 2009, 09:58 AM   #5
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Re: An open letter to the game owners

Originally Posted by xandra25
I am not sure exactly what is going on with the new infestation or how long it will last. But for the sake of those of us who are not old pros yet, I hope the spawns will be toned down alot. I feel I have to stop playing until this event is over.
I think the current problems can be summarized with:

A major event launched at a minor community. Long live the Kitins.


PS: Adjust the rates to the actual number of players please, thank you.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 10:15 AM   #6
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Re: An open letter to the game owners

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Old July 6th, 2009, 10:23 AM   #7
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Re: An open letter to the game owners

Although I must agree there are tons of KoTD out there (obviously too many for diggers to dig) it still is the LORE going forward and _that_ is what long last players have all been waiting for for years.

I think it is only a matter of time until the LIVING planet is back to normal... because that is why we all love Atys it is a LIVING planet...

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Old July 6th, 2009, 10:34 AM   #8
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Re: An open letter to the game owners

the event itself is not bad, but unfortunately most of the people have given up on the event (or never intended to break their normal grind for levels) and just hunt kitins or exterminators for titles.

for 5 or so per land who do take part of the event, building 24 camps at the same time is just too much to handle in timely manner.

even when there would be increase of people who would do the supply delivery runs, they would not make any difference because diggers just cant get enough mats for missions. there is usually kitin activity and the normal aggro on the dig spots. teaming up with warriors to protect the diggers sounds good in 'paper', but in reality, digging is all solo.

... and ofcourse there was this mysterious delivery % increase and decrease happening at the first part of the event that made those who were interested in this event to give up. playing with the % also made it very clear that nothing that players do will speed up the event. it's scheduled for X weeks and it runs X weeks. even the outcome might be already determined.

seems that Ryzom population (in Arispotle) does not enjoy large scale world event that requires cooperation and instead need small, non-interfering, localized, out-of-the-way, easy, static encounters so that they can ignore it and just go on with their daily grind. ironically, people are always wanted world event/kitin invasion to happen. "be careful what you wish for" hehe.

... and if you think that lvl 250 melee/magic have it easy, nope.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 11:56 AM   #9
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Re: An open letter to the game owners

Originally Posted by blaah
the event itself is not bad, but unfortunately most of the people have given up on the event (or never intended to break their normal grind for levels) and just hunt kitins or exterminators for titles.

for 5 or so per land who do take part of the event, building 24 camps at the same time is just too much to handle in timely manner.

even when there would be increase of people who would do the supply delivery runs, they would not make any difference because diggers just cant get enough mats for missions. there is usually kitin activity and the normal aggro on the dig spots. teaming up with warriors to protect the diggers sounds good in 'paper', but in reality, digging is all solo.

... and ofcourse there was this mysterious delivery % increase and decrease happening at the first part of the event that made those who were interested in this event to give up. playing with the % also made it very clear that nothing that players do will speed up the event. it's scheduled for X weeks and it runs X weeks. even the outcome might be already determined.

seems that Ryzom population (in Arispotle) does not enjoy large scale world event that requires cooperation and instead need small, non-interfering, localized, out-of-the-way, easy, static encounters so that they can ignore it and just go on with their daily grind. ironically, people are always wanted world event/kitin invasion to happen. "be careful what you wish for" hehe.

... and if you think that lvl 250 melee/magic have it easy, nope.

I think we all want large scale events.
But maybe would have been better to increase the population first.
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Old July 6th, 2009, 12:35 PM   #10
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Re: An open letter to the game owners

I´m sorry for the crosspost but it seems to be necesassry.

I think it all comes down to most other games having established the feeling of being able to master everything on ones own,
or at least with a small group of friends in a pre-established environment, that is 100% predictable and follows a certain prepared path.

Now if something unpredictable, unexpected and out of the ordinary happens to those who are used to following a pre-established route,
that millions of players before them did already travel successfully, they´re naturally going to react with intense frustration.
Just think of what would happen in WoW, if the Silithides were to suddenly overrun Orgrimar and Stromwind?

It would be a never before heard of outcry of rage!

But! And here´s the point:

Ryzom IS exactly about such unexpected things happening.
It is NOT about following a beaten path and just going from level to level to max. in a few weeks.
It´s about survival of Hominkind. It´s about how people like the Homins deal with out of the ordinary Events.
Not them living their regular lives and getting just on with the regular routine.
We have that for most of the time, of course.

But ever so often something happens to break that routine.
And players have to band together, be they established Veterans, or Newbes, to best these circumstances.

All I can do is invite those who feel like they´re not up to the challenge alone, to get together with other players, preferably higher ones and
beat the living shit out of these Bugs!

So, are you ready for a challenge that is playing Ryzom?
I truly hope so!


P.S.: And this is the exact reason why I´m a fanboy of this game
And: http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=26892
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