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Old July 7th, 2009, 09:00 PM   #1
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I was reading the site for Ryzom improvements and suggestions and saw that second on the list is a player driven economy. I truly like this idea. I would like to add, that it would also be nice to have a player driven bank.

Ok this is the idea behind that. People walk with their money on them all the time. Seriously how many people would really walk with 1 million dappers on them. My idea is that if you have money on you, and you die but get a rez in time nothing happens but if you die, and dont get a rez and have to respawn you lose some money. Hence the need for a player driven bank where you can store your hard earned money.
Now we've seen how this can be abused in EvE Online, but seeing how this is a more mature community, it might work and add some more RP and realism to the game.
Now, this is just an idea and I haven't been playing Ryzom that long. I certainly welcome any feedback and or suggestions to this idea. What does Atys think?
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Old July 7th, 2009, 09:05 PM   #2
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Re: Suggestion

You are hopefully aware there is an option to add exactly such a comment to the posted suggestion itself at the feedback page?
If everyone was to create a new thread here the whole purpose of the feedback page would be gone...
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Old July 7th, 2009, 09:42 PM   #3
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Re: Suggestion

There certainly are some good roleplay and gameplay possibilities that could be introduced to the Atys currency system. At the moment it is just there in your pocket.

Banks, interest, inflation, deflation, stocks, investments, loans.

If weight was added to dappers, banking would become a necessity. You would see mektoub transportions between the banks (and a few good old western style hold-ups no doubt).

But, alas- none of that would improve the value of the dapper.

I dont think many players would trust a single player with any amount of money when they can just keep it in their pocket, unless there was some sort of benefit to it. But would be interesting socially to see how it would pan out.

I dont think the community would respect any profiteering done by the bank managers either. If a single homin announced a grande lottery, 100k dappers per ticket, no limit on the amount of tickets per single homin. The winner gets 98% of the total prize money, the organiser gets 2%, the organiser would probably get frowned upon for being greedy.
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Old July 7th, 2009, 11:05 PM   #4
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Re: Suggestion

Originally Posted by scarazi
Banks, interest, inflation, deflation, stocks, investments, loans.

Shudders inwardly please never!!!
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Old July 7th, 2009, 11:15 PM   #5
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Re: Suggestion

Sorry if anyone is slightly offended.
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Old July 7th, 2009, 11:30 PM   #6
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Re: Suggestion

You are absolutely right Chibiarc.

I just figured it wouldn't be a problem posting the suggestion here since

1.I've seen others post suggestions in the forum as well.
2.I spend more time here than there so I can monitor the responses better.

I do apologize for any inconvenience. I will play Ryzom some more and learn a bit more about the world before I post anymore suggestions or personal views here.
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Old July 7th, 2009, 11:43 PM   #7
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Re: Suggestion

Don't worry, I'm not a moderator, I should have said nothing...
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Old July 8th, 2009, 12:22 AM   #8
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Re: Suggestion

I always wondered exactly where on light, or heavy and in particular medium armor, all those Billions of "Pearls suffused with Sap" where hidden... 0ô

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Old July 9th, 2009, 02:17 PM   #9
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Re: Suggestion

(putting this here as a discussion piece, I will also post it on the suggestion site...)

I think there could be some improvements to the economy or rather to the value of dapper if a simple idea was implemented.

Instead of having crafters and digger selling junk to vendors have them supply the vendors.

How this works is simple: an NPC hands out missions like dig 100 q50 lake fiber upon handing in the mats the digger gets the sell price in dappers and an xp reward.

A crafter could get a mission to craft 20 choice q50 LA Tryker boots with hp bonus, the crafter pays a collateral and is given the mats to craft. He, or she, then crafts the boots hands them in and is given a dapper reward as well as some xp.

Both the mats and the boots would end up for sale at the apropriate vendor for a reasonable price.

The mats given to the crafter are crucial as they will ensure that the boots will have the right specs because for this to work the gear on the vendors needs to be good enough to use yet not too good as to put top crafters out of business.

The xp reward would make leveling harvest and crafting faster ensuring a steady supply of mats and gear and lower the flow of grind junk (which is what makes diggers and crafters filthy rich and the dapper worthless as a currency...).

Since players are now supplying the vendors the (almost) useless vendors items can be removed and replaced by player crafted and dug items and mats of decent quality. Now you can finally buy something that's good enough to use at your local vendor, you will still have to find a crafter for the really good stuff but you'll at least have an alternative should said crafter be offline when your amps break down.

I don't think this system would threaten the position of diggers and crafters (no exec or sup mats and gear on the vendors) but it will make dappers more usefull both by lowering the amount of dapper generated by digging and crafting (the xp reward) and by putting stuff on the vendors that's actually worth buying.
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Old July 9th, 2009, 05:41 PM   #10
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Re: Suggestion

I'm kind of puzzled by this suggestion. The vendors are already supplied by the players (the NPC stuff could be removed as I'm sure nobody ever buys it) so it looks like all you are proposing are ways to buy dig/craft xp for dapper.

To me this looks like it would just have the effect of making xp as worthless as dapper already is (though cats have already gone a long way towards making that happen).
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