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Old October 2nd, 2009, 06:29 PM   #41
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

Originally Posted by razorfang
So what would you suggest, to attract those new players. Bearing in mind that a lot of MMO players don't want to be held by the hand by established players.

Not aimed at me, but you´re right, we should propose other solutions.

I´d say at first the game needs to have the things finished that were promised by release and never came. We all know what these are. So theres no point in counting them of by the fingers again.

If these things are finally done and the game has a good solid ground to build upon, then other any more fit for the "mass market".
But as opposed to just copying other games in mechanics and play style, Ryzom should have its own brand of these things.
Its own flavor, so to speak.
For above all, and I think you´ll agree with me here Razorfang, stands the need to remain unique and true to its original vision.

The new Newbe-Missions are a good start, I think now.
For as opposed as I was at first, I´ve come to realize that they do serve a purpose and do not somehow "spoil" things for newbes. I admit to being wrong on that account.

It has been said before, but what the game needs, at least in my opinion, is not faster or safer leveling.
Its more diversity and chances to do other things than leveling any given skill, or at least more variation to said activity.

Things that come to mind from earlier discussions are:

More variants in "clothing". We´ve seem that such can work quite well in LotRo.
Changes to the MOBs behaviour, especially the Bosses.
Changes to the 4 Bandit-Bosses, variants to the tactics needed to kill them. (this could work even for animal-bosses)
Changes to existing skills, meaning for example "Alchemy" as a new "Craft".
More skills that change the way we "need" to play. For example some kind of Sniper-Skill for Gunners, or some specailaist skills for multiple 250s in some branches.

A better documentation. The last changes made to Silan and some texts on the main-land were a good start, but still don´t seem to be enough. People still have trouble learning some skills. And, frankly, changing the craft system, or foraging just because some people don´t quite get it would be a bit over the top.

More advertisement!
But advertisement needs money.
Money is generated by more players.
More players come only with more advertisement....

Originally Posted by razorfang
Ok, those are ideas, but I don't see one of those ideas having the ability to attract new players.

And you´re sure, yours will?
Ah, of course you are, how could I even ask.
But please explain just how they will.
Up until now you haven´t really explained that.
You just said "the most successful game has it so we must have it too".
Is that all?

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Old October 2nd, 2009, 06:50 PM   #42
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

Originally Posted by razorfang
Ok, those are ideas, but I don't see one of those ideas having the ability to attract new players.
I think it was more meant into the follow direction:
We need to keep the current players before getting new ones.
A wave of new players does not really help if none of them stays longer.
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 07:13 PM   #43
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

One of the biggest problems we have in keeping new people as I see it, is the lack of people ingame in the first place.

People play MMOs because other people are there even if those people are not very good at mixing in MMO communities.

Part of the problem is the long skill tree (especially with low populations). I've know people that loved the game in the past, but they left in the end because it got lonely for them, they could never find teams. Because there was nobody that had similar level skills that wanted to team with them. It kind of works like this they solo and get into a few teams here and there. Around level 125 (this level can change ofc depending on what level skills are around at the time) they start to find it harder to team when this happens they start to get bored or find all they are doing is digging and then they just quietly leave the game. You may disagree with this but I've seen it happen loads of times.

So the obvious way to try and keep new people in game is to somehow speed up and make easier the leveling process at lower levels so that there is likely to be more teams about when they get to the mid levels. Just a thought.
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 07:24 PM   #44
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

Originally Posted by ajsuk
Funny isn't it?

That's one of the main reasons why I'm not what you'd call Mr Optimistic these days, with respect for Aniro and Leanon, if the English-speaking server is in such a state there's something seriously wrong.

And PS: This isn't a new situation.

Maybe baby.

Hate to say it Jayce, but I'm starting to become as optimistic as you.
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 07:51 PM   #45
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

Originally Posted by razorfang
So the obvious way to try and keep new people in game is to somehow speed up and make easier the leveling process at lower levels so that there is likely to be more teams about when they get to the mid levels. Just a thought.
This is why they should join a guild. New players get help and levels.
About the long skill tree, if people could master it lets be extreme in a week, what should they do after? With a missing endgame content (Bosses, PvP? not really "content"..) all there is left is roleplay passive or active (ring) and grind (e.g. second char, farm rare monsters, materials etc).

So let's say a roleplayer joins, he/she reads most of the Lore, Missions, generel stuff, comes along rather well and usually does not plan to master the skill tree asap. Ryzom works for those player types.

Though for the rest, except mastering the tree I don't see any content right now. Is this maybe what you were after with this discussion?

However I also see the grat danger of adding too much of the mainstream content and mechanics and making ryzom as boring and generic as any other game you see around. Ryzom is different and everyone appreciates this alot.
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 08:03 PM   #46
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

I would speculate now that most players in-game have a spread of skills from 75 on up. So finding a group of players that you can group with is actually much easier than in most class/level based games where everything you do is biased off of one number. Faster leveling won’t change anything, if anything it may well make it worse.

If you want more players you need something different to attract them, not more of the same.
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 08:08 PM   #47
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

Originally Posted by chibiarc
However I also see the grat danger of adding too much of the mainstream content and mechanics and making ryzom as boring and generic as any other game you see around. Ryzom is different and everyone appreciates this alot.

Does this "everyone" include all those who've come and gone, taking their subs with them? Subscriptions are lifeblood of mmo business, y'know.

(Don't mind me, too much. In as much as I'm commenting, I'm at the stage where none of game content matters to me anymore.)
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 08:23 PM   #48
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

Originally Posted by 0balgus0
Does this "everyone" include all those who've come and gone, taking their subs with them? Subscriptions are lifeblood of mmo business, y'know.
People come and go in every mmo, maybe Ryzom was not the game they were looking for? There are many reasons to leave a game. However everyone who stays appreciates this, yes I would say so.

About the subscriptions it's as easy as: incoming people > leaving people.
So what's helping there? Make people stay / less people leave and of course more people coming.
How? Well if we knew the easy solution to this, we wouldn't discuss here right?

Btw, Shania, was your initial DP problem solved? I think your problem was, that the amount of DP you get depends on the highest skill. So to get rid of the DP you also need to use your highest skill, with anything lower it takes ages, yes. It should take about 3x 3k or so to get rid of 1x DP.

And a general thought about DP. Right now we are in easy mode. You can buy divine kisses to reduce the DP, also it decreases over time automatically. Back then nothing of this was possible

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Old October 2nd, 2009, 11:22 PM   #49
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

Originally Posted by gavin205
I would speculate now that most players in-game have a spread of skills from 75 on up. So finding a group of players that you can group with is actually much easier than in most class/level based games where everything you do is biased off of one number. Faster leveling won’t change anything, if anything it may well make it worse.

If you want more players you need something different to attract them, not more of the same.

You may speculate all you want ,but I can assure you that this is not the case as I said I know for a fact that people have left for those reasons.
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Old October 2nd, 2009, 11:29 PM   #50
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Re: The DP system should really be done away with. This is why...

Originally Posted by chibiarc
This is why they should join a guild. New players get help and levels.
About the long skill tree, if people could master it lets be extreme in a week, what should they do after? With a missing endgame content (Bosses, PvP? not really "content"..) all there is left is roleplay passive or active (ring) and grind (e.g. second char, farm rare monsters, materials etc).

So let's say a roleplayer joins, he/she reads most of the Lore, Missions, generel stuff, comes along rather well and usually does not plan to master the skill tree asap. Ryzom works for those player types.

Though for the rest, except mastering the tree I don't see any content right now. Is this maybe what you were after with this discussion?

However I also see the grat danger of adding too much of the mainstream content and mechanics and making ryzom as boring and generic as any other game you see around. Ryzom is different and everyone appreciates this alot.

Well not all players want to join a guild straight away as some prefer to check out the game first. And if they have to join a guild to get any where then something is drastically wrong.

On the whole the main reason Ryzom can be boring is through lack of players. But it does amaze me that people playing Ryzom seem to think it stops at 250, it's a sand box 250 does not mean you have completed the game. If you think 250 is the end (not saying that the chibiarc does btw) then you are only playing to level.
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