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Old January 5th, 2010, 04:01 PM   #61
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

I wonder, no one was ever stupid enough to call me a useless fool to my face either. Slacker, lazy, maybe. But useless ? Hell no !

I wonder who's spreading such misconceptions and fallacies about the game. They need to be caught and spanked hard.

I started healing at outpost battles at lvl 75. And I loved it. I started boss hunting around lvl 150 or even before. No one is useless unless they're voluntarly avoiding to make themselves useful. That's in no way related to levels, the only determining factor is the attitude of the person behind the keyboard.

Back to topic : more grind is not a longevity solution. Granted I never, ever grind, I just imagine people's annoyment over losing their 4-10-35 hard earned masters. And the lowbies being slightly discouraged by an even higher mountain to climb. 300 is a lot. 250 is already a big number. What are we going to do with all those new skill points ? We already have too many !

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Old January 5th, 2010, 06:05 PM   #62
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

I´ll ask

But could take a while, 'cause of most people using the IG Boards, if any at all.
(I´ll ask in both, of course.)


P.S.: No-one is useless. You can always act as bait ^^
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Old January 5th, 2010, 06:24 PM   #63
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

Originally Posted by jwenting
Not counting time needed to create new areas to contain lvl300 critters and mats (and the associated lvl310 named and 320 bosses), raising the level cap might be as simple as changing a single constant in the codebase somewhere (not knowing the codebase I can't tell if that's all that's required, but it could be).
And that's exactly what I'm afraid they'll do, and exactly what would be very very bad.

Seeing their progress on the kitin lair so far, I don't believe this dev team has the manpower to really add several new level 300 regions within the next year. Okay, so maybe the kitin lair will be level 300, so then you'll have one little corner of Atys that's actually appropriate to a level 300 player, while all the current highlevel content becomes easy to them. While all the current purple bosses and kitin patrols can be killed by just 3 level 300 players. They would actually make even more of the current content useless to the "endgame" players that way.

Unless... unless they 're-level' the current regions... it'd be relatively easy to turn Enchanted Isle into a purple zone and then turn Loria into the new level 300 zone... and do something similar for all the other continents as well.

But even then raising the level cap still only presents the new players with an even higher mountain to climb before they can really play along with the high-level events. Like I say, I like the Ryzom skill system exactly because even casual players can have one skill at level 250 in relatively little time and then have enough raw power to at least compete with the powerlevellers. For some of us, that 'relatively little time' was already a year and half; imagine if we needed another 50 levels... I wouldn't enjoy needing two and a half years of playing before I can actually even hit an event kitin.

And to quote a guildie who's unsubscribed and thus can't post here:
Originally Posted by sehraci
Auww, come on now- I'm sure you all are just dying to get your hands on Accurate Attack 12, Hit Rate 14, and Poison 7. This will tremendously enrich your gaming experience, right?
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Old January 5th, 2010, 06:40 PM   #64
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

Raising the cap adds nothing, new areas add nothing, new mobs add nothing. To me the actual game system is exhausted. Players are smart, if they were happy with a new land and new mobs the ryzom ring would hit like a bomb.

What I wish for would be a new skill tree, but wait, a skill tree with a new game mechanic.

Not just spiritual magic with dark and holy and 250 grind levels, nay, something new. Musical Instruments? Okay bad example bad you get the point. Something the other skills can be incorporated into (craft a traditional tryker flute) aswell as complete new mechanics e.g. music learning stuff, earn chords whatever.

I remember reading about some of those visions in the early ryzom papers, anyone know what I mean?

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Old January 5th, 2010, 06:46 PM   #65
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

Originally Posted by ajsuk
Yeah, I'm still waiting to hear who these people are 'cos I rarely hear such things from our community. Are they made up or do I have the wrong faction chat?

Originally Posted by memiki
If you look how long I have been here well my highest level is 187
My hat's off to you.
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Old January 5th, 2010, 07:32 PM   #66
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

Originally Posted by chibiarc
Raising the cap adds nothing, new areas add nothing, new mobs add nothing. To me the actual game system is exhausted. Players are smart, if they were happy with a new land and new mobs the ryzom ring would hit like a bomb.

What I wish for would be a new skill tree, but wait, a skill tree with a new game mechanic.

Yup I agree.
I once posted something about a creature-handler-skill, where you would need an item to order the creature, and the creature needed to be trained, and higher levels could get different creatures, etc.

@Sehraci / sidusar, lol nice quote!
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Old January 5th, 2010, 07:42 PM   #67
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

Originally Posted by sidusar
While all the current purple bosses and kitin patrols can be killed by just 3 level 300 players.

Currently, I know a few (lvl 250) people who can do just that.
Those guys really know what they´re doing.
I´ve even heard rumors of some besting some boss in a two-man team.

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Old January 5th, 2010, 08:10 PM   #68
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

Yes, I know Acri, but it requires some skill, and is not nearly as easy as how a 3-man team of 250s can effortlessly swap any 220-boss aside.

Or how a 3-man team of 300s could presumably do the same with a 270-boss...
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Old January 5th, 2010, 08:28 PM   #69
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

Yup, you need to know what you're doing, and then killing a 250 boss with 3 people is perfectly doable. Well some of them at least. Others would just take waaay too long but still be doable. Doing them with less people is also more challenging and fun in a way.

Take Clopperketh, he's just a little lvl 120 Boss in OO. But his minions can wipe a full team of multi-masters in no time when they rush if they don't know what they're doing. Managed to kill him, just Daemion, his alt and me. And it wasn't exactly easy. Just too bad he doesn't give better (Higher Quality) mats for the challenge.

New skill branches, new mechanics, new craft plans, craftable fashion or "social" clothing, craftable and tradeable consumables/foods that you make from some "food" mats that can be obtained by raising animals and crops or by foraging.

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Old January 5th, 2010, 08:30 PM   #70
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Re: Level Cap still 250?

There are some 270 bosses that can be killed by a 3-man team of 250s, actually. Some can be even killed by a 2-man 250s.
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