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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 223
Manifesto:: Divine Indignation
I will be making a guild called Divine Indignation. It will be a high role playing guild and completly dedicated to the Kami. I have a great many new ideas for my guild, and I believe I may gain some followers. I will now allow Zandryok to tell more about his upcoming guild. <IC> Greetings my fellow brothers and sister homins! Today I bring great news to all of Atys as my guild, Divine Indignation, is being formed with the guidence of the Kami. We are an honorable people dedicated to the Kami. We shall explore the Old Lands for places of great ritual to praise the Kami. We will tour Atys preaching and performing good deeds to all on behalf of the Kami. We will be ranked and have positions of power based on their performance. We shall have a large political system and have many departments with which members shall take hold of. We strive to have a massive impact on Atys so that we shall never be forgotten and always in homins minds. We will have a set of rules, and you wil be diciplined for breaking rules. We shall partake in all grand stages and members are encouraged to develop plays, drama, music, and other fine arts. Does this sound like the guild for you? __________ I will now go deeper into specific peices that make our guild what it will be. Old Lands- All members are encouraged to embrace the powers of the Terminals and explore this great left behind region. We will search for lands that can give us areas for ceremony, sport (besides purly fighting), resorts, knowledge, and anything they have to offer. I have already begun explorations, and have found areas suitable for an initiation ceremonies as well as tasks and tests to earn rank. More will become aavalible for use when we further gain knowledge on these wonderous locations. __________ Political System- It shall be composed of many different branches with different duties. You gain entrace and power in these branches by obtaining higher ranks. Here are some of the branches I wish to implement: President- That would be me! ![]() -has control over guild -makes final decisions -I can take part in all branches work -take full responsibility of the entire guild Judgment- -the judges, a Homin jury system -hold trials when there are rules broken -decide punishments -have power to mark others outside of guild as unworthy and enemies of the Divine Indignation -they issue the law of the Kami, Divine Indignation, and the common code to all homins and guilds on Atys Council- -lawmakers -propose and vote on laws which are voted on by the rest of the guild -advisors -have power to set taxes to the guild, such as if we are low on dappers, then we can issue a 1,ooo tax per memeber per day Holy Order- -religious group -in charge of Kami ceremonies -preach to Atys -hold events open to all honoring and teaching the ways of the Kami -have a regular service attendable by all -in charge of setting up offerings to the Kami Commerence- -trade and international affairs -supply the gear for the guild -control the money -store the materials for our crafters to craft -form alliences and treaties with other guilds Military- -masters of war -train guildees and others on the art of warfare -controls the militia which can be released in moments under specific circumstances -direct strategies and placing during OP as well as other battles -all members are required to learn and train from them in some form Explorers- -Old Land experts -masters of traversing and treking through any terrain effectivly -search through the lands, both new and old, to find areas useful to any other branches -discover new ways to interact and communicate with fellow homins from different areas -divise some of the rank tests __________ Code of Honor- -strive to help and serve fellow Homins -Ally ourselves with any honorable people who will accept our allience -fight for a common goal of the Homins and Kami -will not fight those weaker or anyone who holds theirselves high in our view -we will strike if the outcome will be benifit many Homins -guild members will hold their head high and act with respect towards others -guild members will uphold the name of the Divine Indignation __________ Rank- We will have tests of rank. The higher your rank, the better positions you have in guild as well as more responsibilities. Rank leads to power, control, and influence within the guild. Members may have more than one rank, for instance may have two different rank 1 ranks, but you must complete all requirments each time to obtain an additional rank. When you are accepted as one of our guild, you are not truly considered a member until you have passed at least a rank 1 test. When you decide to take a rank test, you will be judged and catagorized based on your actions throughout the tests. For instance, if you scout out the eniemies and carfully navigate through them you will have a different rank then if you charged in with an axe and hack and slash until you an pass. Ranks lead to the political system. If you progress through the rank system to become a General, a heavy armor and two hand weapon wielding force, you will have high status in the military branch. But, following the Kami, we believe more in magic than brute force, so many of our branches are composed of magic users such as Sages and Bishops, two high ranks of the magic and religious ranks. To earn ranks though, you must pass tests. I will give you an example of how to become a pupil. Pupil- A first rank title. You must first take the combat, gauntlet, and survival tests. You must use cunning. knowledge, and magic to pass these tests on your way to Pupil. After completing these tests, it will be determind wether you shall continue your tests on the pupil, recruit, apprentice, or sparrow paths. You have obviously performed to go down the pupil path. The next test is the test of comitment. You must make offerings to the Kami and to the guild in forms of dappers, materials, and crafted items. As well as in knowledge. Almost done, the next test is to memorize and recite one of the codes of Ma-Duk. And finally, the last test is to navigate your way down a path, wether it be in Old or New lands, and at the end you shall find your reward. The rewards for a pupil will be a set of light armor (q30-50), and amp (q30-50) charged with a lightning spell, a tutorship with one of a magician or higher in rank, and 2 stacks of q50 cats once we obtain our outpost. [note: I am not trying to implement classes. The rank titles will be diverse from creating Ring Scenerios, to preaching about the Kami, to becoming a military general and scedualing hunts for the guild to take place in] __________ I hope that this gave you an insight to the guild I am creating. If you are interested please post your name, reasons for joining, and a little about yourself below.... Or if you have any comments post them here.. <OOC> Note that these ideals will be implemented as needs and members come to meet them. Thank you, Zandryok Last edited by zangan : October 23rd, 2006 at 11:21 PM. |
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