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Old November 9th, 2006, 12:30 AM   #1
alphacen's Avatar
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Posts: 61
How come..

How come this game have been so much underrated, overlooked and what not, when it is:

1- So beautiful/exotic in terms of graphics, sounds and design
2- So "open minded" as: limitless skill abilities, world exploration, ect..
3- So greatly managed by both the community (thanks for all the noob's helpers in region/UNIverse) and GMs

Since Saturday - the day I've downloaded and launched the game, I am spending some time reading the forum looking for info and checking how the general "feeling" of the community is: to me, a community is a sort of living entity, it has it's own desire, feelings etc.. and so far I pretty much enjoy what I'm reading even the current tension between "pvpers and non-pvpers": the simple fact they can debate together is a great point in my ex-L2 book!

Anyway, back to my original question and since I've seen few posts of newcomers stating how bad or disturbing or "broken" this game is, I think you might like to know that there are few like me who instead get a really good surprise playing this game. To tell the truth, 2 hours or so after the installation, I did pay a 3 month bill and started few threads in some of my previous game forum to describe what I felt..

I could resume here what I wrote down that day but a copy and past of the opening would fit better: you might find it more interesting to see what was at that time my total noob comments, from someone who heard of Ryzom only in a negative way.


Strange events can lead to great fun!

All started almost 15 hours ago, out of boredome and unwilling to keep going on my current solo game (UFO aftermath.. or was it shock...), I started to wonder if I could get a hand on an English version of NVN2 since the collector is only in FR -witch usually as as bad as the movie fr version are good. So, after lurking several websites and because I was unwilling to download it to torrent, or to be precise, because I feel such good games deserve to be paid for... I finally found out an online website to download the game. The only problem is that the game download is only open for US and the game itself only available at the end of the month.So out of solutions, I was lurking some forums and websites related to NVM2, to get at last some info about the game and that's precisely when the things started to derail completely

In one of these website, I saw an add for Rysom, mentioning a free Trial of 7 days.. since I had nothing better to do, I decided to give it a try! The first good surprise came out from the download itself: it took me exactly 40 min to download the necessary 1.7Gb that installs the 5Gb game.. then the game had to be patched out of a huge.. 80Mb lol.. So basically an hour after , I was able to try this game. At the launch, the systems automatically guide you through the necessary Registration (for the trial account) + Account creation: no need to wonder if you need to do stuffs prior install, it will all be asked after. During my hour of download, I also had the time to go on the Rysom website and to discover that the Trial was indeed far more that 7 days: it's unlimited in time! The only restriction is that you will stay on the noob area, your level is not capped, just your skills.. a pretty nice 2nd surprise if you ask me!

My third surprise came out right at the character creation : 4 races, male/female of course, but you can also modify, in several ways, the shape and form of their body and faces. I think I did spend around one hour, playing with the tools, creating the ugliest or funniest faces possible. Anyway, compared to the Korean rarity or the cartoonish look of WoW.. I must say that the look of these characters, as pointed out by some ppl , is really close the French comics artworks, something I already love.

Anyway, the HUD itself is extremely well done, you can move every windows, reconfigure the fonts, the transparency, ect.. they are also all connected to a direct keyboard shortcut, that also allow to be re-configured, lol. A pure beauty in terms of design. In certain ways, it made me think about Eve's HUD type: like Russian puppet, the more you open a sub menu, the more precise and detailed the info will become, really impressive.

So far, I am a pure noob and I still find several things very confusing: like the movement system that allows you to use the keyboard and/or the mouse, but in a different way than in L2: with the mousse you have to click left+right to move, though you use the keyboard for most of the situations. I still have some very limited spells and melee atks so I cannot tell much about it.

The main aspect is that there is no class in Rysom, you level your skills by using them, "a la Morrowind", you also start with basic Magic/Melee/Craft/Spoil abilities. So basically, it's up to you to decide what path you will chose, depending on how you feel in the game. I have 3 spells atm: Ice, Poison and Fear: the animation are really nice, the most impressive imo goes to the Fear spell : my toon start to levitate for 1 sec while casting the spell in a superb effect. There was also sometimes a slight lag between the visual Melee atk animation and effective action, something really painful but still a bit disturbing. Melee atk animations seems pretty diverse though I still haven't used any shield and am currently more on a magic orientation.

Mobs behavior is really fun : first their look is unlike any other, a mix of realism and dream.. then of course they got all the regular agro behaviors: agro, social, neutral and every combination possible. Also, just like when you target a mob to check it out, mobs can and will "target" you as well! careful, I am not referring to agro here but simply that when you are in range of a mobs, this mob might target you to "check" you out: you can see it by an eye that appears near their name. This may be a coincidence, but I feel that I do less dmg to mobs that are "aware" of my presence! Once they target you , they might also start following you, until you leave their area.. this can be freaky when you get suddenly surrounded by 4-5 mobs, all watching you and running around you (unlike in L2, it all but an Auto Follow mode!).. not knowing if they are social toward each other, hahaha. You might also catch these mobs doing stuff you would not want to know, lol.. see one of my screens below to understand. The weather and seasons management is also implemented and it looks really good : there are 4 seasons, all induce a distinct effect on the environment from what I've read. Atm , this is summer and it's frequently raining, sometimes there are also thunder: the sky is really breathtaking in these moments.

On the pvp side, well being an utter noob atm I have no idea, it looks like EvE's pattern: noob region with only consensual pvp (and Clan vs Clans), then some siege like areas: outpost where several factions can fight to control the resources .. something really close to L2 Castle siege imo: the fight last 2 hours, but you get a rematch, ie: if in the first match the defender lose, then the winner will have to defend in the 2nd match. There is also a full pvp area, strictly reserved to high levels where you find the best mat apparently. Looks interesting if you ask me, though I have notice one thing: there are Arenas just like L2.. but you still lose xp upon death in these places apparently! This leads to the many deaths I've had like every true noob: technically, you do not lose xp upon death in Rysom.. what you get in fact is an xp penalty that you have to "wash" prior gaining any supplementary xp. To wash it, well guess what: you got to grind.

Well, now, here are some screenees I've made.. hehe, oh I forgot: the emote system is absolutely insane: there are probable around 100 different emotes per toons. Many do not work or repeat existing ones, but I think I've already found 20-30 distinct one for my toon.. dunno if the devs are regularly implementing the missing/redundant ones but the existing are quite funny to see!

To tell the truth, I am a bit confused because everything I've heard about Rysom before, has always been extremely negative.. and really far from what I am currently experiencing. I imagine that there must be some flaws to explain how the game has been treated but until now, my experience in-game has been only positive.. so positive in fact that I've plan a bill for the next 3 months.

You won't find 2 identical toons

I can't remember.. was this /egocentric or /heroic? Bah, who cares: we simply need you !

Mobs observing me and... and.. omg, how dare... erf...

Will I find my name up there?
http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/8519/starsfi1.jpg http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/9153/moon1mj5.jpg http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/425/moon2iz9.jpg http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/4133/thunderon2.jpg

So.. how come , what's Teh Hidden Trick Of Death?
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Old November 9th, 2006, 12:41 AM   #2
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Re: How come..


Wheeee, thank you for your nice oppinion

And the secret Trick of death is :
1. "Don´t take live to seriously, you´ll never get out of it alife anyway."

2. Don´t die.

3. you get Death peanlty to work of by XP. No Problemo at all in the low levels.

CU and welcome to Atys.

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Old November 9th, 2006, 01:11 AM   #3
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Re: How come..

In reply to your question...."behold the power of advertising". ..erm...or lack of...
Nevrax is now heavily promoting Ryzom *cheer*.

Welcome to Ryzom
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Old November 9th, 2006, 01:22 AM   #4
pahya's Avatar
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Re: How come..

A wonderful post I'm just excited as you about this game and can't believe I missed it for so long!
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Old November 9th, 2006, 01:24 AM   #5
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Re: How come..

I find that a lot of games fall subject to this. It will forever remain a mystery to me why Fifa soccer and the sims are such amazing successes, while games like beyond good & evil and gunvalkyrie gets brushed under the rug.

Gunvalkyrie might be a somewhat of a niché game, but some of it's reviews bugged the heck out of me. To give an extremely brief description of the game; You're a character with a gun and a jetpack, a big part of the playstyle is staying airborne. Managing your altitude is very complicated a whole game in itself.
One of the biggest games review sites said how bad the level design was, and used one of the early vertical levels as an example, saying "the goal of the level is to fall down the shaft, pick off as many enemies as you can, climb back up, and repeat".
I'm not even sure if he knew about the hover button.

Beyond good & evil did get great reviews though. That's one of the bigger mysteries. They all seem to go "hey this game is actually pretty awesome despite it's sales". So why doesn't it sell?

I guess it all comes down to marketing and advertising, which is a shame.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 03:18 AM   #6
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Re: How come..

Welcome, young Homin
Originally Posted by alphacen
How come this game have been so much underrated, overlooked and what not...
Two main reasons:
1.) No snowstorm-thingy or vinyl-mogul blew 287 million dollars into marketing affairs
2.) and it may not appeal to the fast-food-generation because it doesn't spoonfeed (and prechew and -digest, while we're at it) its inhabitants like they've gotten used to on their travels through the many lands of elves, orks and dwarves, where the good guys still exist and even still always wear white hats, rescuing the princess and lugging twelve rat tails to their king for them to be announced the hero of the courtyard while, of course, some giant red light emits most obvious flashes of *uuhhmm* red light to direct the bold adventurer and explorer to the courtyard they have just been named hero number seventyfivethousendfourhundredandtwentyone of so they won't miss it...? Naaa, no way cockaigne could be a reason.

(Not to be taken too seriously, even when telling the truth. A jester's way... )
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Old November 9th, 2006, 10:58 AM   #7
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Re: How come..

Originally Posted by alphacen
How come this game have been so much underrated, overlooked and what not

There are many reasons. First is that what you are seeing now in game is not the way it's always been. It's taken them two years to get the game into decent shape and relatively bug free. If you saw the game anytime in the first year you would see why it was overlooked.

The other reason is that while the game does have it's strong points, it has it bad points too. One of those bad points is a lack of a variety of things to do when you get past level 150. Another is the lack of a quest system. Granted with the Kitin Lair soon being opened and the ring now available, that is changing.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 11:24 AM   #8
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Re: How come..

/tar aplhacen
*Courtly bow*

You made nice and clearly analyzed "reviev" of game.
As other mentioned, there have been some bumps on ride, but with new Homins like you, im sure this community will go forward.

This is not allways easy one to play, but after 2 years i still find some good points from here to keep me bumping back

Hopefully i see you and more new homins like you coming to Atys in future


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Old November 9th, 2006, 12:27 PM   #9
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Re: How come..

Very nice plug about the not so known world of ours :-) Hope you alone have an impact and get more people here.

I can think of 2 reasons that Ryzom has gotten bad to no mention.

1- It seems Nevrax is not a corporate pushover :-) No big pockets pulling them around. So it might cause other companies to complain about it therefore seeding bad publicity to squelch the competition. (because IMO corporate jerks ruin everything they touch.)

2- As mentioned, there is a lack of content/variety past certain levels. Once you reach 240+ up to level cap 250 you really only have the option of grinding skills you may not like, or only PvP.

For some PvP is fun, can be a good way to unwind. But for people such as myself, PvP after top level or nothing else isn't a nice reward :-( and we cry for more things to do.

I have strong faith that this game will continually evolve to support more diversity in play styles than any other game out there currently. So I grind away on all my skills and dream up of suggestions to write in about :-)

Speaking of suggestions, they actually do listen to your feedback. You get a direct reply ingame from a live person when you send a feedback or bug report. Unlike other games that I wont mention. Where at best you get a form letter reply and it feels like its deleted.

Glad you like it so far, may you have fun and enjoy Atys.

ps. oh btw as far as death penalty. You can also buy things to hasten the recovery time.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 01:44 PM   #10
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Re: How come..

Welcome to Atys and I felt the same way do when I first started this game back in August! It is refreshing to hear the enthusiasm again and again from the new homins that join us And the to answer your DP question just grab a pick and do some foraging and you can get rid of the DP pretty quickly! If you have any questions please send a /tell to me or when you get to the main land, if you are on Arispotle, we can do some exploring
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