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Old November 19th, 2006, 10:11 AM   #1
sofiaoak's Avatar
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Lightbulb Wishes

I have a lot of small wishes what I would wanna see in this game. Be free to add You own wishes in this treath too.

1. When I buy something, I wanna see how the item looks before buying it. So basically this is preview of item. Like when buying armors.

2. It would be easier if we could have "Armour packets". I mean like I could gather one melee armour and Jewelers to one packets. When I click it, I dress them all ones or when I click some icon in dress equim vindow, all drops in one packet.

3. When I seek new crafting spot with "deposit track", the meter value is fine, but makes it pretty hard to find in the end. Why not just add "golf hole flag" to screen, where the deposit is. So when You get near enough, You could see it.

4. Would it be possible to get new kind of looking armours. We have had these armour types for long time. Why not add second type of armours for every race. I know a lot of work, but I would still wanna have more choices.

5. Could we have in guild list the players online status. Now I just put every guild member to my friend list, because of that.

6. Little change to item filtering in bags. Currently they are permanent filtering choices. I would like to You change them so that if I click one of them, I only see that kind of stuff untill I close the bag. Reason is that You really need filters only very short moment, to see what You wanna see and after that You wanna see all again. Also if You forget that You have filter on, You can start thinking that You have lost items or wondering where they are. Also add tickets to filtering too.

7. Currently the "action" icons in hot bar are so that the icons are auto selected from highest "power" inside the action. I would like You to allow us to choose the icon, because many times my healing based spells are all red drops, even if I do't wanna. Example add ability mark one line inside action, so that icon from that line will be used.

8. Increase game maps zooming possibility. Some of my material spot marks are so close together that I have hard time to choose correct one.

9. Could You make ability choose different kind of icons in map too. Example all material icons too, like seed, amber, fiber and so on.. I would then see a lot faster what it was and where.. Maybe some animal looking icons too, so that can mark hunting spots and so on..

10. Ability craft inside apartments.

11. Change the teleport ticket costs, so that it's more related the zone where You teleport. Idea behind this is that lower level zones would not cost so much as higher level zones. This allows younger homins actually teleport more the places where they usually are and those older homins who doesn't anymore have dapper problems to pay more if they go higher level zones.

12. Allow all kind of people to teleport ALL zones what has materials to dig. Example neutrals to PR. Do not discriminate people, just because they don't play how You design them to play. There is no point hurting guilds who don't follow the stories lines and has Kami, Neutral and Karavan members. They do still dig and hunt animals together, but teleport restriction can make it hard for them. Teleportation is too damn important system in Ryzom, because normal walking around can be deadly.

13. Quit team selection in the menu is same place that looting items from the body. If the body disappear before You click it, when looting. The quit team will be in same spot, so You did not loot items, but quit team. Change the position of quit team to be somewhere else, example end of the menu.

14. Have multiple hot bars open same time. Sometimes I can't make all what I need to fit those 20 positions, what I see. So I'm forced to roll the bar middle of actions. Why not allow more of them to be open same time?

15. I'm a neutral, so allow me to do neutral quest. Now I have to do both Karavan and Kami quest to balance my neutrality (Kara 0 and Kami 0). I don't wanna do any favors for them at all, but I have high tryker fame. My neutrality is there for stay forever, so support it and get over that You can't force me to be Karavan or Kami. Because only choice is play or not.

16. Create second guild store area, where all guild members can put and take items. This would allows guild members share stuff without high officers or guild leader to be online.

17. Fix the Trykers swimming under the water. I don't wanna be submarine.

18. Allow me to disable the feature of automatic action taken next while I'm casting. I'm sure it's very good in melee, just double click action and them it continues doing so. But in casting spells, I sometimes wanna cast only one spell. If I acidently double clicked the spell, it means I have two spell in line. When pulling mobs, this can be very annoying, when You start running back to others, but You get stopped because second cast just started.

19. Allow us teleport while riding, this would make mounts more usefull. It's very rare that You see someone riding in Ryzom, even if most of them have mount.

20. Create something what make apartments more useful. Like new funiture/decoration crafting skills system. Allow people in friend list inside You appartment.

21. Change the spell casting animation timing, when casting spells what cause You jump in the air. Because current way, You add more "time" in You spell cause You freeze in the air when casting spells. Change the time of wait front of the spell, not in the middle. This means You just concentrate longer and then do fast the casting animation.

22. Rebalance close combat and range combat relating to other melee combats. It seem that they do WAY too little damage in long time, compared to other melee skills.

Last edited by sofiaoak : November 19th, 2006 at 10:33 AM.
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Old November 19th, 2006, 11:06 AM   #2
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Re: Wishes


Very demanding is all I have to say at the moment. Its 2 AM and I just returned from GenCon SoCal for the evening, so I'll add more of what I have to say when I have a brain to say it.
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Old November 19th, 2006, 12:53 PM   #3
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Re: Wishes

Originally Posted by sofiaoak
13. Quit team selection in the menu is same place that looting items from the body. If the body disappear before You click it, when looting. The quit team will be in same spot, so You did not loot items, but quit team. Change the position of quit team to be somewhere else, example end of the menu.

totally agree on this one
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Old November 19th, 2006, 02:06 PM   #4
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Re: Wishes

Most of these suggestions have been asked for and are in the feedback section under what bugs you the most. Nice to have a good write up on it maybe post in that thread and link to this one ? The feedback thread gets read and passed on to the devs once in a while. Have you made a feedback ticket ?
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Old November 19th, 2006, 03:15 PM   #5
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Re: Wishes

Some good points, some bad points, some actually new points, some frequently asked points.

While I agree to some of them, like the loot button (I never use it, but I can understand the trouble), some of these points would make the game easier.
And as we all know, this will backfire here. *sigh*

I´m trying to be gentle now, but please don´t try and make the game easier for you. Some things are meant to be a bit hard. Look at them as a challange for you and your friends, like getting to PR is for "neutrals".
There are reasons for this kind of thing, that will become apparend if you not just play the game, but actually take your time to "get to know it" and its lore.

I myself oftentimes travel with the only true neutral Guild on Leanon and we always have so much more fun traveling then simply TPing to a certain spot.

Yeah I know Humans are lazy, but it simply won´t go to my head that always they have to demand things to be easier for them, if a little more effort on their own part would make it all the more fun.
It´s like playing basketball and asking Magic Jonson to do the actuall points for you.

But well, people won´t stop this... *sigh*
People won´t understand this... *deepsigh*
So, why even bother...

CU and have Fun
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Old November 19th, 2006, 03:42 PM   #6
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Re: Wishes

First, let me say that I agree with the majority of the wishes you've placed here, some are just great suggestions that I'd love to see.

Here though, I've only copied and pasted those I disagree with or that I don't fully understand.

2. It would be easier if we could have "Armour packets". I mean like I could gather one melee armour and Jewelers to one packets. When I click it, I dress them all ones or when I click some icon in dress equim vindow, all drops in one packet.

Noob question: Can't the Macro system do this for you? I though you could create one and place it on a shortcut bar, is this impossible?

8. Increase game maps zooming possibility. Some of my material spot marks are so close together that I have hard time to choose correct one.
Don't ppl use the compass when they have such issue? I've placed several flags almost 1 meter from each other and got no problem with it... or is there a limit in the numbers of flags the compass can show?

9. Could You make ability choose different kind of icons in map too. Example all material icons too, like seed, amber, fiber and so on.. I would then see a lot faster what it was and where.. Maybe some animal looking icons too, so that can mark hunting spots and so on..
Would be nice to have a choice to select for the kind of flag you are placing, yep: Animals/Mats/Npc. On the other way, once again if you name your flag correctly, can't you do it yourself, like : "Hunting spot - animal" / "Town- Npcname -prof" / "Mat - loc - name", then from the compass the search is prety easy.

The question is : can you re-edit this flag listing directly through the compass?

11. Change the teleport ticket costs, so that it's more related the zone where You teleport. Idea behind this is that lower level zones would not cost so much as higher level zones. This allows younger homins actually teleport more the places where they usually are and those older homins who doesn't anymore have dapper problems to pay more if they go higher level zones.
I disagree,

The noob areas are there for the noobs to explore: take this from them and you'll get ppl using the port only, giving up one of the main aspect of the game - at last for a noob like me: discover this brand new world!

Plus it would give a huge advantage to those who got already some money either from friends, reroll , ect: they will get to places faster than the others.. pushing further away the leveling difference.

To top it off, noobs/foragers/hunters will require much less party to move from one place to the other, at last this will drastically reduce what I like in this game: you have to play with the others, meet ppl. This cost port "strongly" invite noob to meet others.. in the end, to find their own "place" in Athis.

For higher level regions though, my point would be completely diffenrent: make the ports cheapers, to enhance mobility. It won't be a problem since ppl apparently can already afford the current price.

For a balance (if there is one needed) just limit the number of port a high level can use per/day, something like a "recover period for the high distrubance teleports create to one's mind"

12. Allow all kind of people to teleport ALL zones what has materials to dig. Example neutrals to PR. Do not discriminate people, just because they don't play how You design them to play. There is no point hurting guilds who don't follow the stories lines and has Kami, Neutral and Karavan members. They do still dig and hunt animals together, but teleport restriction can make it hard for them. Teleportation is too damn important system in Ryzom, because normal walking around can be deadly.
I disagree,

You chosed to be neutral: this is known, even irl, to be the hardest choice of all.. Put such system in place and soon, ppl from these 2 sides will use the neutral system to their own benefit: playing neutral card to gather critical resources for their futur faction wars.

Let's see the political consequences: a neutral is actually gathering materials in a wared zone with the same "mobility bonuses" than the 2 sides. Thuss, he enters directly in competition with them.

Congratulation! Neutrals are now the 3rd side (tm) and therefore fully elligible for faction pvp: is this really what you want?

14. Have multiple hot bars open same time. Sometimes I can't make all what I need to fit those 20 positions, what I see. So I'm forced to roll the bar middle of actions. Why not allow more of them to be open same time?

Maybe they could add few more slots per bar instead? Most multy-bar features I have seen are an absolute horror when it comes to design and "user-friendliness".. eating half of the screen.

15. I'm a neutral, so allow me to do neutral quest. Now I have to do both Karavan and Kami quest to balance my neutrality (Kara 0 and Kami 0). I don't wanna do any favors for them at all, but I have high tryker fame. My neutrality is there for stay forever, so support it and get over that You can't force me to be Karavan or Kami. Because only choice is play or not.
Congratulatioon, you are now the 3rd side (tm), elligible to faction pvp.

When a Neutral starts doing his own Neutral quests, in the eyes of a Kami (or a Kara), he becomes a potential enemy in disguise: any group using the neutral card will grow in strengh, away from the battlefiled. None of the 2 sides will be ready to risk a sudden allegiance to the "enemy": they"d rather ally each other to crush you first - note that it's precisielly what happens IRL. This behavior enters in a direct conflict with the Kittins concept: the only official 3rd side (tm).

Neutrals cannot play that role or we should just screw the entire lore and make it a "player vs Kittin" game: Is this what you rally want?

18. Allow me to disable the feature of automatic action taken next while I'm casting. I'm sure it's very good in melee, just double click action and them it continues doing so. But in casting spells, I sometimes wanna cast only one spell. If I acidently double clicked the spell, it means I have two spell in line. When pulling mobs, this can be very annoying, when You start running back to others, but You get stopped because second cast just started.
Make it so that nukers still receive a kind of "penalty".. or what you do is further enhancing "tanking" / "taunting" abilities of magic professions.
There are specific skills designed to pull, lure mobs: taunt and these should always be the most effective way to do so.

The least I wanna see, is a "nuker fest" as I've already seen in soooo many other games.

21. Change the spell casting animation timing, when casting spells what cause You jump in the air. Because current way, You add more "time" in You spell cause You freeze in the air when casting spells. Change the time of wait front of the spell, not in the middle. This means You just concentrate longer and then do fast the casting animation.
I disagree,

First it's beautiful to see and definitely a non negligible part of Ryzom's distinct unique atmosphere..any modification that would break it should not be considered slighly.

Second it puts nukers - aka the overpowered profession in every games - in a dangerous/risky situation, a highly defensless position. Thuss, giving purpose to the nearby melee heavy armor taunting machine friend you have. In pvp , doesn't this gives a window.. even a small one, for a melee to come in range?

If it's not enough, I would go as far as asking for an increase.. enough of the multi-purpose of ranged skills please.

22. Rebalance close combat and range combat relating to other melee combats. It seem that they do WAY too little damage in long time, compared to other melee skills.
So, it is a nuker/range fest here too? :/

Last edited by alphacen : November 19th, 2006 at 04:03 PM.
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Old November 20th, 2006, 07:30 AM   #7
sofiaoak's Avatar
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Re: Wishes

Originally Posted by alphacen
First, let me say that I agree with the majority of the wishes you've placed here, some are just great suggestions that I'd love to see.

Here though, I've only copied and pasted those I disagree with or that I don't fully understand.

Some comment about You comments.

8 & 9 & 14. It's a choise what I would like to have. It doesn't take anyting away, just adding possiblity what makes life in game easyer. It's not about that You can't do it allready, but improve what You allready have.

12 & 15. I'm NOT interested about YOUR Kami and Karavan PvP wars. I play this game for fun and those wars aren't fun for me. Stop trying to force me to take part of this PvP stuff, it will NEVER happen. I'm asking them to give neutral players ability play this game. This game requires good traveling possiblities, because it's too hard walk around. Teleports to all zones are needed, because harvesting and PvE hunting needs it. Stop limiting my options to have fun in this game, because of Your own fun.
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Old November 20th, 2006, 07:41 AM   #8
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Re: Wishes

I was going to do a post on your comments and suggestions. Mainly comstructive and other random tidbits to add to your list. But seeing that this is like the 8th post. And it's already turning into a psuedo-flame war just like in previous threads like.... too many to list. Why should I even bother adding my suggestions when they'll just get lost in the flamefest? Meh...

"You're ruining my RP."
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Old November 20th, 2006, 07:47 AM   #9
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Re: Wishes

Originally Posted by acridiel
I´m trying to be gentle now, but please don´t try and make the game easier for you. Some things are meant to be a bit hard. Look at them as a challange for you and your friends, like getting to PR is for "neutrals".
There are reasons for this kind of thing, that will become apparend if you not just play the game, but actually take your time to "get to know it" and its lore.

I myself oftentimes travel with the only true neutral Guild on Leanon and we always have so much more fun traveling then simply TPing to a certain spot.
I can respect You opinion about what You like, but it's what You like, not what I like. If walking would be so fun, then why don't we just remove all teleports from game and see how fun it is really walking around. Of cause that's not what I would suggest, because in reality people don't wanna walk too much. Short distances yes, but not long ones.

Yes, walking long distance can be fun, but not all the time in every day...
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Old November 20th, 2006, 07:50 AM   #10
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Re: Wishes

Originally Posted by praha
And it's already turning into a psuedo-flame war just like in previous threads like.... too many to list. Why should I even bother adding my suggestions when they'll just get lost in the flamefest? Meh...
Yeah, it happens pretty often, because people have strong opinions about they own playing styles. People care a lot about the games what they play.
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