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View Poll Results: Whats up with the situation?
I see hope for GF and Ryzom. 13 21.67%
I think GF gave up. 25 41.67%
I can't tell yet, give me more time. 22 36.67%
Voters: 60. You may not vote on this poll

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Old September 28th, 2007, 01:25 AM   #1
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GF - Ryzom Poll

I read tons of speculations, why not have a poll?
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Old September 28th, 2007, 01:40 AM   #2
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Re: GF - Ryzom Poll

I'd like an 'Haven't got the foggiest whats going on but I wish somebody would pull their finger out' option.
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Old September 28th, 2007, 01:48 AM   #3
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Re: GF - Ryzom Poll

Vote #3 then :P
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Old September 28th, 2007, 01:50 AM   #4
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Re: GF - Ryzom Poll

Originally Posted by ajsuk
I'd like an 'Haven't got the foggiest whats going on but I wish somebody would pull their finger out' option.
Hm if you tell me how to add it, I will. But I don't see how to change it now

Anyway, you know what I mean, I guess... what do you *think* goes on
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Old September 28th, 2007, 03:13 AM   #5
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Re: GF - Ryzom Poll

I know some crazy stories about Game Forge, the german society that develops those highly populated browsergames. The difference is, they are not speculations. They are true, I was there, and I won't tell the tale not to scare you off.

Let me just tell you this :
It could have been much worse if, for instance, Neverax had
1) been bought by SoE *shudders*
2) not been bought at all

I wonder wich one of the 2 would have been worse, though.

Facts about GF browsergames :
1) Communication : Never been their strenght. Marjo is doing a wonderful job in comparison.
2) Game updates : Volunteer ingame and board staff trembles in fear when the word "update" is mentionned. (A bit exagerated but so near to the truth)
3) Soon(tm) : They didn't buy it from Neverax, they already had it.

Which is why I'm not worried a bit about the lack of communication here. Just seems so... usual to me. In fact I've seen more communication here than what was actually communicated there. It's just a quiet moment. That's all.

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Old September 28th, 2007, 08:50 AM   #6
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Re: GF - Ryzom Poll

Originally Posted by cielchan
I read tons of speculations, why not have a poll?

I've read tons of polls, why not have a cookie
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Old September 28th, 2007, 12:40 PM   #7
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Re: GF - Ryzom Poll

How about the option:

"Just to make the Dev team feel that litle bit more special, how about we remind them constantly of how disaoppointed we are in them. That way, we're sure to have them on our side. after all, it's only a job for them, one that they can replace easily enough, but probably stay becuase they are passionate about the game and the community, but with the community constantly riding them like 10 people on a shetland poney, makes them feel otherwise. Thus more likely to leave, which in turn comes back to bite us becuase what we want in a game is more content, not less."

Instead of pissing about with polls like this, how about a mass movement for a Dev chat, that way we can avoid all the speculation, right?

*shakes his head for even looking at the forums again*

I know that people are dissapointed, heck even i would have liked to have seen something more by now, but moaning and bitching about it all the time will do what? FRICK ALL.

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Old September 28th, 2007, 01:09 PM   #8
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Re: GF - Ryzom Poll

Originally Posted by ffxjosh
how about a mass movement for a Dev chat, that way we can avoid all the speculation, right?

The best idea I've heard so far (I'm reading every singlo post that speculates about GF France health status but I'm such a newbie so ... there's nothing useful I could add to the discussion here).
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Old September 28th, 2007, 01:18 PM   #9
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Thumbs up Re: GF - Ryzom Poll

Originally Posted by ffxjosh
how about a mass movement for a Dev chat
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Old September 28th, 2007, 01:49 PM   #10
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Re: GF - Ryzom Poll

Anatti / Tylin,

please consider my post not as an agressive one, just another point of view. Apologies in advance if this may sound harsh.

Originally Posted by ffxjosh
"Just to make the Dev team feel that litle bit more special, how about we remind them constantly of how disaoppointed we are in them."

I'm pretty sure the devs are smart enough (with all due respect) to know that the uproar coming from the comunity and the disappointment is not specially targetted to "them" (the poor french guy, expert in c++ that has implemented, debugged and made his best to release a gaming system) but to Gameforge in general in terms of management and communication. I would not conclude the community is "blaming the devs".

but probably stay becuase they are passionate about the game and the community,
as much as I am sure that the devs that have prolly being involved with implementing game subsystems, web pages, billing systems etc. since 2000 are passionate and care about Ryzom, I am not so sure about the upper layers of management that bough a game at a bargain, and whose (reasonable) goal is to make a profit are. Their lack of communication and their lack of official commitment from the upper layers of Gameforge, plus the policies of no communications in forums from community representatives (they *are* here, Marjo edited several posts yesterday, just not replying). I am not buying the "Gameforge is passionate about the game" argument at all.

Thus more likely to leave, which in turn comes back to bite us becuase what we want in a game is more content, not less."

I tend to think that a dev that "is likely to leave" has waaaaay more substantial and important reasons to leave, reasons such as being underpaid or not paid at all, unstable employment, status of the company, lack of commitment from or feeling about management not appreciating their work, newer or better opportunities, being tired, and the global feeling as an "insider" and better knowledge of the status of than 30 people bitching in the forums. Give each thing it's weight, the "you are making devs quit"... not sure

Instead of pissing about with polls like this, how about a mass movement for a Dev chat, that way we can avoid all the speculation, right?

I am all for it.... as long as we clearly know who are we talking to (a former nevrax dev, a Gameforge representative, a community manager)... and we can go past the market-speech ("there are several options that we are evaluating") .. all in all... I am not sure what can a dev chat bring... given the past experiences. Promises? Commitment? a false feeling of security? Also, I don't see in what "mass movement and asking for a dev chat" and "uproar about lack of communication" differ, but maybe in the manners.

I know that people are dissapointed, heck even i would have liked to have seen something more by now, but moaning and bitching about it all the time will do what? FRICK ALL.

I honestly consider that the community is not "moaning" all the time, and I do think that it needs to be done. You cannot "smile and be happy". Also, positive answers and some "action" has been the result of "noise past a given threshold".

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