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Old March 10th, 2009, 01:27 AM   #1
whiterider's Avatar
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Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

But before I go to bed (not losing sleep on a weeknight for mediocre playtime), I fancy a bitch.

I know juggling timezones is a challenge at the best of times - but too late for EU and too early for US isn't a particularly good idea. Weekends are definitely the way to go. (Excluding repeatable events discussed in that other thread, 'cept the posts seem to have disappeared; this one wasn't repeatable so that's fairly irrelevant anyway.)

Carbon copies are, to some degree, unavoidable - and not necessarily a bad thing. Not every experience has to be unique to be enjoyed. But please be more creative with the blurb >.< Upon reading about the giant kitin in Demon's Lap, my first thought was "Aww, shame we've done this before".

Thanks to Mokoi for doing Allort's communication for him It would have been nice had that started earlier, but then, neither Mok nor the other CSRs involved were responsible for that really.

Please, shorter treks!!
First time round the group stayed together pretty much, and it got a bit boring because it was so easy - this time it seems everyone went in a different direction, and I imagine a fair few people died along the way, which is frustrating as those doing the trekking rather than porting are likely doing so because members of their group don't have TPs or spawns closer to the target than quite a few miles away. On a time limit it's even more frustrating, because you can't just say "Ah well, try again, we'll get there in the end!".

The event is very much appreciated, simply because it's an event, and we like those; but it seems like more careful planning and foresight could have made it awesome fun, whereas as it stands I'm left with a distinct feeling of "meh". Swap you six hundred grind wood for another crack at it. Maybe 700.

(Evidently I gave up mid-event, if they really pull something out of their hats in DL, someone screenshot it for me?)

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Old March 10th, 2009, 02:09 AM   #2
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Re: Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

I will pay stinga ruhm to everyone at Thesos Bar if this is not an excuse for the kitins to invade the surface.

And still we will have to blame fyrosians....
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Old March 10th, 2009, 03:48 AM   #3
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Re: Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

We need flexible events. The attending population has to be considered, the event's goals and obstacles must be adjustable by the event team. Events should be fun and no endless treks, DP stacking and maybe in the end: failure.

Thankfully the event team had a so-so solution to the problem and in the end it worked out, but after the first 2-3 wipes almost half of the homins left as the /who listing showed.

It is always hard to get the event aimed at all players, for sure, however Demons Lap was too far away and too hard (for not so organized players that is). It was nice to get introduced to the new lair population though, but that's about it.

So maybe you could
- Announce it way earlier, use somewhat rp language to do so, the "EVENT! FORUM!" announcements were kinda funny but didn't quite catch the spirit
- Chose a better time, why Monday? Why so rushed? If it didn't fit for Sunday, just make it next Sunday instead of rolling out an unfinished idea!

Just my 2 cent.
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Old March 10th, 2009, 10:38 AM   #4
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Re: Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

Well members of Knights Leviers died quite a few times, had to respawn and trek back to the cave where the Boss was, but we indeed (ALL homins who were there) did help bring the Boss down.

The oncoming large patch, and the hint that was given out by the organizers of the event..indicates that the Kitin are downright angry with us, and there will be some sort of retribution.

So hang onto your hats today, this could be interesting to say the least.

(if this is an invasion it will be the first one ever for me)

Can't wait..sounds fun.

Also the patch notes are posted, Silan has been worked on, and they are suggesting we make a newbie character to try it out..after the patch comes out. I will be doing this for sure.

Send any bugs or other things that aren't working or maybe just send kudos...that works

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Old March 10th, 2009, 10:43 AM   #5
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Re: Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

...Kitin Patrols!
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Old March 10th, 2009, 12:50 PM   #6
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Re: Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

I am not sure how many more people needed to show up for it to be considered a success, but to me there were a great number of 'em.

Every event can or should go smoother, but those of us that stuck around till the end (and filmed about 60 gigs worth hehe) thought it was just fine.

Remember, even those of us that have ONLY been here 2 1/2 years still haven't seen too many combat events. Seems the only real sore spot were the players hollering out stupid questions in the middle of a speech. A small gripe, though.

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Old March 10th, 2009, 03:03 PM   #7
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Re: Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

--- the event's goals and obstacles must be adjustable by the event team

As for that, I'm pretty sure they did do some adjusting... Or its simply not possible that we would have won.

I.E. they stopped the spawning. Because every time we'd make some head way (and we were doing good) they would respawn and overwhelm us. (which is the 'only' reason we wiped.)

Honestly, I'm glad we got our asses handed to us a few times, The hell would be the fun in walking in, smacking the kitin down, and going home. (wouldn't that be a bit off, when talking about kitin nest anyway?)

Anyway - The only real problem I had, was the General! he just left us all to die at the end, with no real retreat plan, just ported/poofed on the spot. (along with half the homins there)

Fortunately some survived and we got everyone up, And in the end only me and goofymonkey were KIA and had to respawn (because we waited to make sure everyone got out safe, and then waited for each other, only to both die lol)

Alittle more organization = a good thing. Kinda killed my RP mode when the General just left us all to die
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Old March 10th, 2009, 11:51 PM   #8
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Re: Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

Nah the adjustment was spawning the boss behind us!

Although, that was AWESOME. I was like "WTH??" lol

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Old March 11th, 2009, 01:14 AM   #9
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Re: Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

Todays Event was really awesome though! Thanks for the fight! Never seen such a huge Kitin before!
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Old March 11th, 2009, 01:23 AM   #10
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Re: Maybe I'm just grumpy re event...

Only problem I have, Another careless retreat costing far more then just two lives this time.

Maybe I should just not care what happens to others and port out the moment the thing dies next time. But thats just not me. I find it incredibly annoying how many ppl died because of careless retreating at the end.

Seems its "Oh look objective complete! bye!" then those who aren't so quick to click, Or like me don't like leaving ppl behind, are left to die.

A better way to handle it, Fall back to a safer area, THEN port out.

/annoyed rant

/going to bed
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