ICDIA CD-i software archive - Help page

The ICDIA software archive listing was compiled between 1990 and 2001 by Jorg Kennis.

The entire contents of this database are copyrighted by The New International CD-i Association. You are allowed to reproduce parts of this listing only if the source is indicated as follows: "(Part of) this information was based on the ICDIA CD-i software archive, available from www.icdia.org". In case of a website, the URL should be a direct link to this site.

The categories

For easy reference, the titles in the archive are devided in a number of categories.

The first five categories include titles that have been released trough regular sale channels onto the consumer market: Games includes all titles with a gaming element in them (such as arcade games, adventures, quizes, etc.), but it does not include titles that were especially developped for children or which have an emphasis on education or learning. Kids includes all titles that were especially developed for young children between the ages of 3 and 12 years. Reference includes all general purpose CD-i titles, including discs with reference works (such as encyclopedias), training, arts and culture, hobbies, learning, etc. Music includes all titles with an emphasis on music, such as musical biographies, karaoke titles and music videos (only in CD-i format, does not include Video-CD releases). Movies includes movies and other linear video programs in CD-i format. Does not include Video-CD releases.

Then there is a listing of all of our Professional CD-i titles, which were developed with a single professional client in mind, and which were not available for consumers trough normal channels. Titles include company presentations, training programs, point-of-sale, point-of-information, etc.

The next two categories are very CD-i specific. CD-i demo discs includes all titles that demonstrate either a particular CD-i title, several CD-i titles, or the CD-i system in general. Some of these titles were distributed to consumers as special offer discs, others were used in stores to demonstrate CD-i. This category does not include normal CD-i titles that were released for demonstration purposes, these are included in their respective category. CD-i authoring includes titles that can either be used to create CD-i titles or that can be used to assist the creation of CD-i titles, and titles that demonstrate the features of CD-i authoring tools. These discs were especially developed for CD-i authoring studios.

The last three categories are not realy CD-i discs, but discs in CD-i related formats that can be played back on a CD-i player. Includes Photo-CD discs with or without playlists and audio (more info in the FAQ), CD-BGM discs for professional background music (more info in the FAQ) and CD+Graphics discs (more info in the FAQ).

The fields

For each of the titles in this database, certain information is included, which is described below.

Title indicates the full title of a disc or a disc set. Prefixes like 'the', 'a', 'la' and 'le' are included at the end of a title, so these wont interfere with the alphabetical order of the lists.

Publisher is the name of the company who released the particular title on the market, or which took care of its distribution. In most cases, this field lists Philips Media, which refers to all of Philips consumer software publishing devisions or brand names, like Philips Interactive Media, Philips Interactive Media of America and American Interactive Media.

Producer indicates the name of the company that created the actual CD-i software code on the disc. In case of a conversion of a title that is also available on other platforms, it does not include the name of the original creator (this is listed under Content), but the studio that released the CD-i version. For movies and other linear titles it indicates the company that created the CD-i software engine on the disc.

Content indicates the name of the company, persons or organization that provided the CD-i studio with their materials to create the title, or which licensed its format or characters to be used on this particular title. This field also lists the name of the original producer of an existing title that has been ported to CD-i.

Date gives a year, month+year or an exact date as when the title was included in the catalogues and being given a catalogue number by the publisher. In most cases, this release date is earlier than the actual introduction of a title onto the market.

Version indicates what specific version of a title is owned by the ICDIA. In some cases, there is an FPD indication in this field. FPD is short for Final Product Delivery, which was used by Philips to number interim releases of a title that were used for testing or demonstration, before the actual title was completed (consider them "beta" versions). DEMO means that we own a demonstration version of this disc, which were released without the accompanying case or booklet. This field may also indicate a particular localized or translated version of a title, when this is not clear from the title of the disc (such as French or Spanish). CD-R means that we do not own an original copy of this title, but only a backup copy on a CD-recordable disc. For movies, CD-BGM and Photo-CD discs, this field indicates the name or version of the CD-i software engine that is used on the disc.

Catalogue Number lists the catalogue number of the particular version of the title that we own! Philips Media used to release a title in many different localized versions, which sometimes meant that the disc either was entirely translated in a particular language or contained a help voice or text in a certain language, but in most cases it just refers to the packaging of a title. All countries had specific requirements of the contents on the packaging (such as brand logos, age indication, warnings, or a translated promotional text). In these cases only the packaging varies from country to country, but the actual discs are identical. The 81xx numbers are European releases, the 31xx numbers are US releases.

DV indicates wether the disc requires a Digital Video cartridge to be installed in the player to run the title (indicated as Yes), or when additional performance or functionality is obtained when a cartridge is present (indicated as Opt for optional).

For Photo-CD, a Category is also mentioned. When this field lists 'CD-i', it means that the title is either about CD-i or Photo-CD itself, or that it was otherwise used to promote the CD-i or Photo-CD system.

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