ICDIA CD-i software archive - Professional |
Title | Publisher |
1000 Jahre Osterreich | Haudek & Kurek |
Aalborg tekniske skole Uddannelsesguide | Aalborg tekniske skole |
Adjustable bed, The | Philips Electronics |
AGFA Matrix CR2030 Interactive training disc | AGFA Diagnostic Imaging Systems |
Aide a la vente | Memsoft |
Aldosterone: un toxique cardiovasculaire? | Searle |
Allerheiligen Schaffhausen | Suisa |
Alpine Car audio and communication systems | Alpine |
Ampeda Symbol | Ampeda |
Amsterdam Auto RAI 1995 | Amsterdam RAI |
AMTS Pilot disc | Philips Electronics NV |
Asics interactive catalogue 1996 | Asics |
Atlas of Hair, The | L'Oreal |
Auf die Platze, Fertig, Los! | Colmar |
Autosurveillance des stations d'epuration | Office International de l'eau |
Avis | Avis |
Aylesford Newsprint SCA Graphic Paper | Aylesford Newsprint |
Bang & Olufsen Test | Bang & Olufsen |
Bang & Olufsen Test Disc | Bang & Olufsen |
Basiskennis natuurkunde en techniek 2: Eenheden | Vapro |
Basiskennis natuurkunde en techniek: 1 - Meten | Vapro |
Bautagebuch | Tauernkraftwerke AG |
Bedrijfshulpverlener supermarkt: 1 - Inleiding EHBO 2 | supermarkt |
Bedrijfshulpverlener supermarkt: 2 - EHBO 1 | supermarkt |
Bedrijfshulpverlener supermarkt: 3 - Brand ontruiming | supermarkt |
Being a marketing organization | The Principal Financial Group |
Bell Atlantic Info Active electronic directory | Bell Atlantic |
Beneteau sailing yachts 95/96 | Beneteau |
Besancon parcours d'une ville | Besancon/l'iinnovation |
Best Practices | Philips Electronics |
Bhairravi Varnam - Tamil Text | University of Amsterdam |
Bild am Sonntag | Axel Springer Verlag AG |
BioNova Badeteiche | BioNova |
Blaascathertesisatie | onbekend |
Bleu Corail - Aout 1994 | Bleu Corail |
Bleu Corail decembre 1994 | Bleu Corail |
Bleu corail janvier 1995 | Bleu Corail |
Blue Corail demo | Blue Corail |
BMW: Kiosk v12/97 | BMW |
BMW: Motorrad- und Fahrerausstattung | BMW |
Borne Citis | Borne Citis |
Bose Home cinema sound systems | Bose |
Bose Lyfestyle 12 | Bose |
Brantano | Brantano |
Brantano Interactive | Brantano |
Breedbeeld TV, CD-i voor demonstratie van | Nederlands HDTV Platform |
British American Tobacco GmbH - Wilkommen bei BAT | British American Tobacco |
Brockhues AG Image | Brockhues AG |
Bruxelles | Bruxelles |
BSO Company presentation | BSO |
Building the winning company - Toolkit | Philips |
Burger King CD-i training | Burger King |
Canal Plus - 10 ans | Canal Plus |
Canal Pro | Canal Pro |
CanalSEM - Soins & Conseils pour le jardin | SEM |
Canton HiFi Lautsprecher | Canton |
Cardiology Diagnosis Interactive | Zeneca Pharmaceuticals |
CDA - Ein unternehmensportrat | CDA |
CD-Eye world media demodisk | CD-Eye |
C-ditabac | Paris sans tabac |
Centurion - a process of change | Philips |
Centurion - Building the winning company 1 | Philips Electronics |
Chanel juin 95 | Chanel |
Change Angels's Kick-off - Go for assets 1 | Industrial Management Force |
Chargeurs rapport annuel 1993 | Chargeurs |
Churchhill Livingstone Tumours CD-i programme | Epic |
Churchill Livingstone tumours CD-i programme | Churchill Livingstone |
Ciba | Ciba |
Cilag - Mycoses & Allergies | Cilag |
Clarins Initial Training I | Clarins Paris |
Clarins Initial Training II | Clarins Paris |
Clarins Initial Training III | Clarins Paris |
Codes Rousseau CD-i Test 3 | Codes Rousseau |
Codes Rousseau Cours A - AL moto | Codes Rousseau |
Codes Rousseau test no. 5 | Coed Rousseau |
Concept of clustering, The | Philips Medial Systems |
Confronting the risks for CHD | Merck, Sharp & Dohme |
Congress Innsbruck - City meets nature | Congress Innsbruck |
Conseils et demonstrations interactifs | Opticiens Krys |
Controles et verifications avant depart en circulation | AFT Iftim |
Cours de perfectionnement en imagerie cardiaque | Synthelabo |
Cover Girl | Procter & Gamble |
Culture & Tourisme en Lorraince | Region Lorraine |
Customer Care | Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht, Infath |
Dat lucht op | Astma Fonds |
DCC Product Presentation | Philips Consumer Electronics BV |
De vernieuwing van agrarisch Nederland | AgriPers |
Delta demo | Delta |
Deutsche Bahnen: Bahn Flug | DB |
Deutsche Bahnen: Das Ameropa Buchungssystem | DB |
Deutsche Bahnen: Die bessere BahnCard | DB |
Deutsche Bahnen: Reserviert ist garantiert | DB |
Deutsche Bahnen: Verkaufen am Expressschalter | DB |
Diagnostic Procedure | Philips Medical Systems |
Diamant Frituurtest | Diamant |
Dictionaire de la langue de signes Fraincaise disque 1 | Philips |
Dictionaire de la langue de signes Fraincaise disque 2 | Philips |
Die Shell produkte 1996 | Shell |
Dienstleisterungen der Radio Austria AG | Radio Austria AG |
Digital Video POS Demo disc IIa | Philips Media |
DISCover Belgium | Inbel |
Dolby Surround Prologic POS/Demo | Philips Sound & Vision |
Driving Guide | Query, Inc. |
Dutch Publishers Demo | Philips Media Systems |
Dwangmiddelen op straat | Ministerie van Binnelandse Zaken |
E-Cat No. 1 | Philips Media |
E-Cat No. 2 | Philips Media |
ECCO: Ein Meeting jagt das Andere | ECCO Electronic Coaching |
ECCO: Erst stirbt das Image | ECCO Electronic Coaching |
ECCO: Messegesprache | ECCO Electronic Coaching |
Ecolauto: Cours de formation B | Codoroute |
Ecolauto: Moto 1 DV | Codoroute |
Ecolauto: No. 1 | Codoroute |
Ecolauto: No. 1 Test codoroute | Codoroute |
Ecolauto: No. 2 | Codoroute |
Ecolauto: No. 3 | Codoroute |
Ecolauto: No. 3 Tets codoroute | Codoroute |
Ecolauto: No. 4 | Codoroute |
Ecolauto: No. 5 | Codoroute |
Ediser 4 | Ediser |
Ediser CDITest | Ediser |
Edudisc: Biocoupe | Philips |
Edudisc: Kosmografie | Philips |
Edudisc: Reis langs de velden | Philips |
Edudisc: Relief | Philips |
Edudisc: Weer en klimaat | Philips |
Effectief communiceren | FIMMBO |
Enci-clopedie | Enci |
Energiemanagement | Novem |
English for Business 2: Managing Quality | University of Wolverhampton |
Enter 94 | IGR |
Essentials - The new shape of home shopping | Freemans |
EuroStar | European Union |
Eurotower - Von Schilling zum Euro | EuroTower |
Examen du permis de chasser vol 1 | Chasseur de France |
Examen du permis de chasser vol 2 | Chasseur de France |
Examenvragen december 1998 | Veka Best |
Exit 7 | Harley Davidson |
Facom 96 | Facom |
Fahren lernen A | Vogel |
Fahren lernen B | Vogel |
Fendt L'innovation tracteur | Fendt |
Fiat: CD-i demo marco 95 | Fiat |
Filieres d'enseignement professionel en Alsace | Alsace |
Finance and accounting | Philips |
Financial Jigsaw | Barclays Financial Services |
Fischer tennis collection | Fischer |
For me it must be a Silhouette | Silhouette |
Ford Courier | Ford |
Free Record Shop Jaarbericht 92/93 | Free Record Shop |
Futuropolis | Nederlandse Bibliotheken |
Generation Inoxydable | Ipsen |
Generation Inoxydable | Ipsen |
Glucobay | Bayer |
Goca | Goca |
Gouden brief 1993 op CD-i, De | DMIN |
Grootel bedrijfspresentatie | Grootel |
Group 4 securitas | Group 4 securitas |
Grubenhunt & Ofensau - Von Reichtum der Erde | Grubenhunt & Ofensau |
GTE Imagitrek presentation disc | GTE |
GTE Selling naturally / Telecom services | GTE Vantage |
Hafner fur gute zahne | C. Hafner |
Halm Super Jet | Halm |
Halm Super Jet 2.0 | Halm |
Halm Super Jet spare parts | Dutch Electronic Publishers |
Harlon corporate communicatie | Harlon |
Helioform HF 600 | C. Hafner |
Highlights auf Philips Photo-CD | Philips Media Systems Deutschland |
Hoegaarden | Hoegaarden |
How to improve your liefe by making time | XDRA |
Hubert Ebner Verkehrslehrmittel GmbH | Hubert Ebner |
Inme | Loreal |
Innovative technologies - Simple solutions | Philips Professional Products |
Interactief Philips Magazine '92/'93 | Philips Electronics NV |
Intermarche - Les Mousquetaires | Intermarche |
Introducing CD-Medical | Philips Medical Systems |
Introducing: NOB Interactive, 1995 | NOB Interactive |
Isere Demo (incl. floppy) | Isere |
ItaltelSistemi | Philips Automation SpA |
Itineraires en ophtalmologie | Ipsen |
Jeulin 93 | Jeulin |
KB Pour ne pas se planter | KB |
Klantenservice | Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht |
Know Now: Klantvriendelijk en klantgericht functioeren | Know Now |
Know Now: Zakelijk Telefoongebruik | Know Now |
Koelen, maart 1994 | PNEM |
KTM Bikes vom Besten | KTM |
Kulturberg National | Tirol Werbung |
La Palma | La Palma |
Lanzor 30 mg | Laboratoires Houde |
LDD Gmunden | LDD Gmunden |
Leichter Lernen | Hubert Ebner |
Lenting & Van Etten Advertising Company Presentation | Lenting & Van Etten Advertising |
Lenzig AG | Lenzig AG |
Leren leren | Ministerie van de Vlaamse gemeenschap |
Leri's Trend 97 | Leri |
Les magiciens d'os | Theramex |
Les meilleurs moments d'Atlanta | Specia |
Lights of Vienna | Vienna |
L'Oreal interactief dialoogprogramma voor salon gebruik | L'Oreal |
Lux - Verkeufs Schulung teil 1 | Lux |
Marie Claire 97 | Marie Claire |
Marine Nationale 3.2 | Marine National |
Marine Nationale Encyclopedie | Marine Nationale France |
Maritiem Museum Curacao | Maritiem Museum Curacao |
McDonnel Douglas | McDonnel Douglas |
McNoddell Douglas | McDonnell Douglas |
Media Bit Showmaster Demo | Media Bit |
MediaPro Instore Demo (incl. floppy) | MediaPro |
Mediasud | Mediasud |
Melrose: A good person to do business with | Melrose |
Melrose: Agreed? | Melrose |
Melrose: Ideas into action | Melrose |
Melrose: Keeping customers cool | Melrose |
Melrose: Managing change | Melrose |
Melrose: Motivating the team | Melrose |
Melrose: Quaility the only way | Melrose |
Melrose: Say what you want | Melrose |
Melrose: Targeting for performance | Melrose |
Melrose: Teams & Leaders | Melrose |
Melrose: The appraisal interview | Melrose |
Melrose: The coach 1.0 | Melrose |
Melrose: The newcomers | Melrose |
Merceded Occasion (incl. floppy) | Mercedez |
Mercedez: Die neue E-klasse | Mercedez |
Merz & Co. GmbH - Tetesept Erkaltungsmedizin | Merz & Co |
Met raad en daan | Koninklijke luchtmacht |
MJM Info 98 | MJM |
Mobalpa Cuisines & salles de bains | Mobalpa |
Mopedprufung | Kuratorium fur Verkehrssicherheit |
Moyens d'aller plus loin, Les | Lipha Sante |
Msterialen interactief | FIMMBO |
M-Studios Internal Demo animation | M-Studios |
Museo Amparo | Museo Amparo |
New perspectives in heart failure | Zambon |
Nieuwe regelement Rijbewijzen | CBR |
Objectif Transparence | Laboratoire Chauvin |
OGB 100 Jahre | OGB |
Oil of Ulay - Colour consultant | Oil of Ulay |
Omgaan met steriele medische hulpmiddelen | Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum |
Ontdek de interactieve wereld van Neckermann | Neckermann |
Osterreichs werbepreise | ORF |
Otto Bock neuheiten vol. 2 | Otto Bock Orthopadische Industrie |
Paindent | Paindent |
Personenauto - de theorie | Veka Best |
Peugeot: Excellence in sales leadership | Peugeot |
Peugeot: La Peugeot 406 en Val de Loire | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Magazin Interactif 01/97 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Magazin Interactif 02/96 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Magazin Interactif 04/96 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Magazin Interactif 07/96 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Magazin Interactif 10/96 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Magazin Interactif Hors Serie 10/96 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Peugeot 106 showroomversie | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Peugeot 605 | Peugeot / Philips |
Peugeot: Product range information 03/97 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Product range information for showroom use | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Selling fo real 4 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Selling for real 1 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Selling for real 2 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: Selling for real 3 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: The New 106 | Peugeot |
Peugeot: The passport experience | Peugeot |
PFS Interactive training: Math | PFS |
PFS Interactive training: Osha MHE forklifts | PFS |
PharmaLaser Volume 2 | Kava |
Philip Morris Gema | Phillip Morris |
Philips Audio/Video products '92/'93 (1.0) | Philips Consumer Electronics BV |
Philips Audio/Video products '92/'93 (1.1) | Philips Consumer Electronics BV |
Philips Car Systems - The power to perform 10/94 | Philips Car Systems |
Philips Car Systems - The power to perform 3/94 | Philips Car Systems |
Philips Competence Centre - The Evoluon | Philips Competence Centre |
Philips Consumer Electronics Promo 1995 | Philips Consumer Electronics |
Philips Customer Day 1995 | Philips Electronics NV |
Philips HiFi 1992 | Philips Consumer Electronics BV |
Philips Honderd | Philips Electronics NV |
Philips ICR '95 Limited Edition | Philips |
Philips Invents | Philips |
Philips S&V Mission on music - June 1995 | Philips Sound & Vision |
Philips S&V Presentations - June 1995 | Philips Sound & Vision |
Philips S&V Replay - April 1995 | Philips Sound & Vision |
Philips S&V Update - October 1994 | Philips Sound & Vision |
Philips TASS presentation | Philips TASS |
Plexicolor Golden | Plexicolor |
Poilane | Poilane |
Poilane | Poilane |
Points de vue sur le claucome | Laboratoire Chauvin |
Praxicolor interactive colour training | Loreal Centre Technique |
Pregolide | Eli Lilly & Company |
Procesbeheersing deel 1 | Vapro |
Process Surveillance | Rover Group |
Quest for M-powerment, A | Philips Electronics |
Rabobank TV 11/99 | Rabobank |
Raffeisen Interaktiv | Raffeisen Landesbank |
Reform Theoretische Lenkerprufung | Hubert Ebner |
Renault demo (incl. floppydisk) | Renault |
RFO 96 | RFO |
Royal Smilde | Royal Smilde |
RVV 1990 | RVV |
Salzburger Elektronische Programm sommer 1995 | Salzburger Land Tourismus GmbH |
Salzburger Elektronische Programm winter 1995 | Salzburger Land Tourismus GmbH |
Scan & Teach | Degener |
Schindler | Schindler |
Schindler 700 | Schindler |
Scholenbouw | Campman Tennekes de Jong architecten |
Schon Design | Schon Design |
Screendisc interactive preview systems | ScreenDisc |
Selling intimate appearal | Computer Training Development |
SEP Moteurs 1994 | SEP |
SEPPI winter 94/95 | SEPPI |
Service a la clientele, Le | Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht |
Shimano Grundig - See me, feel me, hear me | Grundig |
Shimano product catalogue | Shimano |
Sipa Image catalogue | Sipa Image |
Sista/Pattex/Rubson | Henkel |
Skin Style | Lancaster |
Somewhere | La Redoute |
Splend'Or Photo-CD projecten | Splend'Or |
Stars: Ad Peters | Star Netherlands |
Stars: Rob Peetoom | Star Netherlands |
Starten Sie mit Uns | Algemeine Sparkasse Oberosterreich |
Stella Artois | Stella Artois |
Stomach in motion | Janssen Pharmaceutica |
Stomach in motion | Janssen Pharmaceutica |
Strafvordering Aruba | Korps politie Nederlandse antillen |
Stretch top System | TTI |
Studiedisk strafrecht: De overval | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
STW Jaarverslag 1991 | Stg. voor Technische Wetenschappen |
Swatch 1993 | Swatch |
Swiss Click | Switserland aroad |
Tandem Production presentation | Tanden Production |
Tele Bebe | Tele Bebe |
TeleApotheke | TeleApotheke |
Thrombolyse dans tous ses etats, La | Actilyse |
Tissot Info Kiosk | Tissot |
Transport Multimodal | AFT Iftim |
Transport the Produits 1 | VAPRO |
Triatec IDP | Triatec |
Trodat | Trodat |
Trois mats Belem | Fondation Belem |
TVR 6 | TVR |
Unique world of Unisource | Unisource |
Veterinarpharmaka | Serum-werk Berburg AG |
Video Arts: Best of motives 1, The | Video Arts |
Video Arts: Dreaded Appraisal, The | Video Arts |
Video Arts: Meetings, bloody meetings | Video Arts |
Video Arts: Report Writing | Video Arts |
Video Arts: Sell to me 1 | Video Arts |
Videotronic D'Or | D'Or |
Videotronic: De Keyn | De Keyn |
Videotronic: Eschenback Optik | Eschenbach Optik |
Videotronic: Gaz de France | Videotronic |
Videotronic: Neudorff | Neudorff |
Videotronic: Ouvre Huitres | Ouvre Huitres |
Volvo 960 - Colour & Upholstery | Volvo Car Corp. |
Volvo 960 - Product Information | Volvo Car Corp. |
Volvo: 440/460 information produit | Volvo |
Volvo: 440/460 product upholstery / product information | Volvo |
Volvo: 440/460 teintes et garnitures | Volvo |
Volvo: 850 farben & bezuge | Volvo |
Volvo: 850 information produit | Volvo |
Volvo: 850 product & upholstery / product information | Volvo |
Volvo: 850 racing | Volvo |
Volvo: 850 teintes et garnitures | Volvo |
Volvo: 940 colour & upholstery | Volvo |
Volvo: 940 information produit | Volvo |
Volvo: 940 product & upholstery / product information | Volvo |
Volvo: 940 teintes et garnitures | Volvo |
Volvo: 960 colour & upholstery | Volvo |
Volvo: 960 information produit | Volvo |
Volvo: 960 product information | Volvo |
Volvo: 960 teintes et garnitures | Volvo |
Volvo: Films II | Volvo |
Volvo: Films III | Volvo |
Volvo: S80 | Volvo |
Volvo: Tirez le meilleur parti du CD-i | Volvo |
Von der Elbe an die Spreek | Thyssen |
Von Haus zu Haus | Arik Brauer |
Wall in motion | Janssen Pharmaceutica |
Wapenherkenning | Ministerie van Binnelandse Zaken |
Welcome to Philips | Philips International BV |
Welkom bij Albert Heijn TeleCD-i | Albert Heijn |
Werndl Office Furniture Systems | Werndl |
Weru | Weru |
Wet milieubeheer | Gemeente Doetinchem |
Whirlpool - Le monde fantastique | Whirlpool |
Wiener Blut | Wiener Blut |
World Wide Advise | Royal Haskoning Group |
Yamaha 1996 French market | Yamaha |
Yamaha 1997 Belgian market | Yamaha |
Yamaha 1998 Dutch market | Yamaha |
Yamaha brochure 1994 | Yamaha Motor Europe |
Zestril 24 hours | Zestril |
ZielspahrPlan: Wohne. | Volksbank |
Zorg voor houding en beweging | FIMMBO |
Zumtobel Staff the light | Zumtobel Licht GmbH |