Unix/Linux | OS-9 | Description |
ls | dir | Overview of files in a directory
rm | del | Erase files
cp | copy | Copy files
cat | list | List files
cd | chd | Change data directory
mkdir | makdir | Create new directory
rmdir | deldir | Remove directory
pwd | pd | Show current data directory
jobs | procs | Show active processes
kill | kill | Kill active process
fg | w/wait | Select active process
chmod | attr | Change file attributes and access rights
sz/rz/rx | kermit | Send and receive files
ed | edt | Very limited line-based editor
vi/pico | umacs | Extended full-screen editor
man | help | Displays information about a command
set | set | Set environment variables
.profile | .login | Procedure file that is executed at login
logout | logout | Close active user shell