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VCD Compliant MPEG Files

Q: How do I *confirm* that the MPEG files are *NOT* VCD compliant? Are there some header bytes in the file we can peek into to confirm their specs?
Of course, looking at the header bytes would only confirm that the header bytes were done correctly, and what the file specs are, not necessarily confirm that the file is fully VCD compliant. If you want complete info on header bytes, I suggest you pick up the White Book. It is available from our sales department, [email protected]. Additionally the MPEG 1 ISO 11172 spec might be helpful. (Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd St., New York, NY 10036, Tel: (212)642-4900, Fax: (212) 302-1286). A stream verifier is the only way to look at the compliance of the entire file.

Header Info:

If you are using the PC version of VCD 2.0TK, the manual is skimpy on the required parameters for VCD2.0TK mpeg. To remedy that, and to provide a comparison between the requirements for VCD 1.x, 2.x, CD-i, and MediaMogul, a table shows the requirements and differences.

There is a PC shareware product called "VMPEG" which is available on various online services and in the FTP section of this site. It gives basic info on mpeg files, and also plays them. For compliance testing, though, a stream verifier is the way to go.

Q: Our files are not working. How do we convert them into VCD compliant format?
Assuming your elementary audio and video streams are correct, you would need to re-multiplex them with a VCD-compliant multiplexer. If your mux'er isn't compliant, I would suggest our product pink (shameless plug :-}). It reliably produces VCD-compliant multiplexed mpeg.

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