Classic ICDIA Articles

This section lists some articles that were originally written by staff members of the ICDIA in 1996-1999. They are listed here for archival purposes. Remember that the information contained in it might not be accurate anymore.

  • Pricing and designing a multimedia title
  • Multimedia for the "non-computer literate"
  • The Comdex story
  • What is happening to CD-i in 1999?

  • The following articles were part of the original ICDIA FAQ listing. For a more up-to-date FAQ, refer to the CD-i FAQ 2000 Edition on this site.

  • I am a busy person, why should I be interested in CD-i?
  • What is CD-i?
  • Where is the CD-i industry now?
  • What about titles?
  • So what can you do with CD-i?
  • What will it cost me to develop a CD-i title?
  • What are the advantages over CD-ROM?
  • How can I use CD-i in training?
  • Why is CD-i so successful in the kiosk market?
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