PC/Windows Downloads - Asset conversion and management
On this page, you will find some utilities and applications to convert PC audio and video files into CD-i formats and vice versa. These tools are especially designed for CD-i developers. Note that some of these tools are 16-bit Windows 3.x applications which will sometimes work fine in Windows 95/98/NT/2000, but lack the use of long file names.
MediaStockRoom 1.0
MediaStockRoom is an integrated package allowing you to convert still images and audio files to the various CD-i formats and vice versa. It allows for the creation of extensive databases with asset files for easy retreival. Please note that although the program supports multiple PC formats as input, only uncompressed TARGA is supported for 24-bit images.
Download mediastockroom10.zip (780 KB)
Image Conversion Utility 2.0 Alpha
This is a small tool that lets you convert PC still image formats to CD-i's CLUT, RLE and DYUV formats. Please note that although the program supports multiple PC formats as input, only uncompressed TARGA is supported for 24-bit images. The Image Conversion Utility is a precursor of MediaStockRoom, with less functionality. Output quality is very good, though.
Download pc_cdi_icu.zip (160 KB)
Audio Conversion Utility 1.0 Alpha
This small utility lets you convert RAW audio files into CD-i's ADPCM format (all levels), and vice versa. It allows for
the conversion of stereo to mono. The Audio Conversion Utility is a precursor of MediaStockRoom, with less functionality.
Download pc_cdi_acu.zip (95 KB)
IFF info 1.0.2
IFF info displays the attributes of CD-i IFF (Interchange File Format) files, such as CLUT, RLE and DYUV images and ADPCM audio files. It dislays resolution, bit depth, sampling frequency, etc.
Download pc_cdi_iffinfo.zip (24 KB)
CDi-View 0.05
CDi-View is a small tool for Windows 95 written by Robin Burrows of Cambridge Multimedia that lets you view CD-i IFF images (CLUT, RLE and DYUV) directly on a PC.
Download cdivv05.zip (27 KB)