
Phaedrea's Tears

von jamelaErstellungsdatum : Sonntag,02 Juli , 2006

Devoted to Yrkanis and the regrowth of an enlightened civilization.

From the tale of Sumguy:
... Phaedrea arrived to look upon her young friends, noticed them leaving, and although joyful, wept, for such was the warmth of her heart for all Matis kind. And so in honour of this lady, the band of Matis bound in friendship and love for Phaedrea created the Guild that would be known henceforth as Phaedrea’s Tears … Each Tear being a Matis soul, to defend Yrkanis against evil, in all its forms.

Such is the essence of Tears. If you love King Yrkanis and the Lady Phaedrea, if you hold friendship dear above all else, then you already are a Tear at trueheart. You know Life Is Beautiful, because you share it unasked. When the clouds grow dark and the rain sets in, your face turns high, to the sky. When they skitter and run before a strong wind, you'll grab a javing, by its feet, try to fly. Every snowfall makes a snowball, when you're cold you make a huddle. When you hear a plaintive cry you will, every time, reply. Before you know it, you've made another friend.

Such is the light of Jena which glows in every young homin, never let it blow out.

We came to the lush Verdant Heights to regrow the beautiful civilization destroyed by the kitin onslaught, and there is much to be relearnt. A Tear is expected to find their own place in this endeavour and help others to find theirs. Nothing is learned so well as that which a homin discovers for themselves, many new discoveries have been made when a fresh pair of eyes has looked over old ground.

New Tears shall receive a guild uniform and can expect other choice or excellent crafted items upon request, given due time and an available crafter. They can expect help in sneaking through to other lands to rejoin friends made on Silan, and dappers for teleport pacts. A mektoub can also be provided for storage or for transport, to any Tear with a valid permit and licence. Experienced Tears are always happy to offer advice when asked, and we usually join with our allies, Elders of Atys and Legion of Atys, when making up teams.

A Tear must uphold the good name of the guild and help, if they can, whenever asked. Once a Tear has paid their respects to the Green Seeds, and as soon as they are able, they should be proud to perform their civic duty keeping the pathways of Majestic Gardens free from raguses and gingos. Weapons, amplifying gloves and picks should not be wielded in the guildhall, and footwear must be removed before entering; crafting tools may be used with caution, well away from the polished furnishings. 

The Small Print:

Phaedrea's Tears is a small Jenite guild open to polite applications from homins of any race, even those not Matis. All Tears must swear to defend Yrkanis, king and capital, in word and in deed, so long as they shall live. Matis citizenship is not necessary but certainly seemly, allegiance to the Karavan is respected not expected.

Roleplaying in Tears is much more important in deed than in word. Hypocrisy is discouraged, tolerance valued, rational arguments debatable. Friendship is our keystone. Courtesy, respect and common sense are all virtues a Tear should strive to maintain. Dappers and abilities are merely worthwhile.

Tears is a cooperative guild, not competitive, but whilst we have no PvP ambitions of our own, we are a part of an intimate Alliance with Legion of Atys and Elders of Atys, proud to fight together and support our friends as best we are able.

Tears and their allies are usually to be found online 16:00-03:00 GMT (23:00 EDT) Monday to Friday and at almost any time over the weekend.

Please address any enquiries or prospective applications to myself (Jamela, using either ingame mail or forum personal messaging), Razz or Ulani.

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