
Patch 00007

September 28th, 2004


[ G e n e r a l ]

. We now pop up the guild info window automatically when you join a guild.
. New optimizations in the server code (some of them should improve performance in Tryker Land).
. You can no more use HP- / sap- / stamina- / focus-boost options when crafting ammunition.


[ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ]

. Text fixes : missing places names (DE), items / actions / stanzas names (DE & FR), titles (FR & EN), system messages (all)...
. Delivery-missions sometimes popped up a "forage result" window several times.
. The stanzas for lower oil / resin / glue / particle specialization couldn't be learned.
. A bad parameter was preventing bots from taking the direction of their movement.
. The icons for crystallized spells and sap crystals have been fixed.
. The "absent-minded" emote has been corrected.
. Some fixes in the loot inventory.
. Fixes in players appartment inventory.
. Some openings are now available when you reach level 10.
. Fixes in players movement speed.
. Fixes in the compass when searching the path in order to fulfill some missions.

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