No MFC what do i do

Added by birvin about 5 years ago

In all honesty this is why i no longer want anyhting to do with Microsoft and why i will be going to a mac. Enough raging what do i do since i cant seem to get MFC for 2008 express....can i just copy past the code into a 200f standard invronment?

Replies (13)

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by vl about 5 years ago

Without MFC, you can compile client, server and run your own server, not so bad :)

If you want the tools that used MFC, you can 1/ download a compiled tools of the tools 2/ buy visual studio 3/ port the tool under Qt :)

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by birvin about 5 years ago

in truth neither the client nor server compiled and i think one of the errors was related to that mfc shit parden the language. Is it posible for you to link me a place to download the tools or could you email the compiled tools for me? In fact if it aint against the terms of this forum can i just go ahead and get your email for any futher quiestions?

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by Wellark about 5 years ago

For Mac and Linux it would be interesting if someone could try to get the MFC code to compile natively with winelib.
The Qt porting is going to take some time anyway, so winelib could offer "workaround" in the mean time :)

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by kaetemi about 5 years ago

I have uploaded compiled tools here:

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by birvin about 5 years ago

thanks for the compiled tools. Now just to figure out how to set this up so i can play around oh...i know this is a pro system for the most part but is there any other 3d tools that i can use other than 3ds max such as blender or something affordable?

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by vl about 5 years ago

Client and Server compile without MFC.

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by birvin about 5 years ago

1>c:\mmo source\code\ryzom\tools\client\client_config\stdafx.h(33) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h': No such file or directory

thats from building the client, afxwin is an mfc thing, so the question is how do i get rid of this error without mfc? Theres actual quite a few errors about not being able to find the afxwin header.

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by vl about 5 years ago

1>c:\mmo source\code\ryzom\***tools***\client\client_config\stdafx.h(33) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h': No such file or directory

As I told you, you are trying to compile the tools. And anyway, client_config is not used.

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by birvin about 5 years ago

yea i know, but the thing is i didnt open the solution any where in the tools directory. I opened the client solution itself in its own directory.

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by birvin about 5 years ago

this is exactly why i want to develope on a mac, down load a few things as aposed to 10.

RE: No MFC what do i do - Added by Speedz about 5 years ago

Yes I tried that when I had express installed. It did not work either. I broke down and installed pro as I was lazy and didn't want to install it yet. Now everything compiles just get a ton of warnings and a non-connect situation with the server and the client or the admin web tool as I posted in another post. So I am just waiting for binaries to be posted or for the project to mature a bit before trying another compile.
