Can anybody say something about *.cwmap2 files?

Added by up2dub almost 5 years ago

Hello all))

Does anybody know how to create *.cwmap2 files?
And can advise in it purpose and generally explain server/data_shard directory purpose?

Would be grateful even in your suggestions about it ;)

Replies (10)

RE: Can anybody say something about *.cwmap2 files? - Added by nimetu almost 5 years ago

quick search gave these hits:

so basically its used for server side AI. ai_data_service alone seems to be able to create it.

RE: Can anybody say something about *.cwmap2 files? - Added by molator almost 5 years ago

server/data_shard contains all binary files generated by the server from xml files, etc.

Looks like *.cwmap2 is related to the collision system.
Have a look here, can give you an idea :

RE: Can anybody say something about *.cwmap2 files? - Added by kaetemi almost 5 years ago

Build pipeline will build this soon.

RE: Can anybody say something about *.cwmap2 files? - Added by up2dub almost 5 years ago

And can you say something about *.zonenh files? how can i get them and do i really need them?

The problem is in build_gamedata/processes/zone build script, it complaining for absence of *.zonenh files, which one i have no idea how to get. Did you faced with this "obstacle" ? ;)

RE: Can anybody say something about *.cwmap2 files? - Added by sfb almost 5 years ago


Do you mean zonenhw files? The rbank process generates these. Do you know if this process was run?


RE: Can anybody say something about *.cwmap2 files? - Added by up2dub almost 5 years ago

There is a string in zone build script:
list_zone=`ls -1 zone_exported/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][nN][hH]`
after execution of this i get error messages that there is no *.zonenh files, obviously, because i haven't put them there)
So, how i gonna make them?

By the way, from what source rbank generate these?

RE: Can anybody say something about *.cwmap2 files? - Added by Krolock almost 5 years ago

Did you update your sources the last 4 days? I just have read this comment in Revision 782 "[...] Fixed an issue with rbank build [...]"

RE: Can anybody say something about *.cwmap2 files? - Added by sfb almost 5 years ago


More importantly... are you using the old cygwin version of build_gamedata in code/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata ? If so stop immediately and start using Kaetemi's awesome new Python version in code/nel/tools/build_gamedata. We'll remove the old one as soon as Kaetemi's Python variant has been fully tested and vetted by the community.


