Help with Compile....

Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

I followed all the instructions and I am getting a bunch of errors.... any help :) Please see the attached :)

error.txt (434.5 kB) Magnifier

Replies (15)

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

Did you put your external/include/stlport before all other includes in VC++ ?

It seems like you removed VC++ "include" path :(

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

I did not remove anything and had it set up in the same order as the picture... I will try reinstalling but I do not think it was there to start with.... All of the directories I add should be first though?

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

Ok I went at it again and got less errors but the build is still failing... see the attached :)

error.txt (81.3 kB) Magnifier

include.jpg (121.6 kB)

lib.jpg (100.8 kB)

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

32 bits libs from my last externals were corrupted :(

I'm uploading new ones and I will put a link to them here :)

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

========== Rebuild All: 37 succeeded, 3 failed, 0 skipped ==========

getting there :)

error.txt (177.3 kB) Magnifier

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

You didn't put a "lib" folder from DirectX SDK in your libs VC++ settings :)

For the "you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file", I will see if I can comment "assert" in luabind or replace them by nlassert

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

this is not right? (see image)

newlib.jpg (100.6 kB)

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by Kane about 5 years ago

It does look right but try this DX for fun since you got time:

luabind is not your fault I have it also so you got time to play around with the DX SDK till its fixed:

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

Ok will try that SDK :)

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

ok well update :)

only one error now...

28>Embedding manifest...
28>insert the hi res icon
28>'g:\Game\Ryzom' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
28>operable program or batch file.
28>Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "insert the hi res icon"
28>Build log was saved at "file://g:\Game\Ryzom Source\code\ryzom\obj\Release\client\BuildLog.htm"
28>client - 1 error(s), 22 warning(s)

As always full log in attachment :)

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

ok it failed to attach....

BuildLog.htm (103 kB) Magnifier

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

hmm not attaching first file?

ok... its not posting my error.txt.... try 1 more time....

error.txt (172.9 kB) Magnifier

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

ok I have another problem...

3 days ago even with 3 errors I was able to run the server. Today however with just one error, when I run the server I get all these errors about missing files in the "release" folder and when I go to that folder there is only one file there called "ai_share" but none of the other files the server is looking for...

RE: Help with Compile.... - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

Still getting server unable to find files when I am trying to start it...
