Technical Docs Needed

Added by praveingk almost 5 years ago

Hi All,

Can anyone point me to the technical docs/ wiki of ryzom, for understanding the code.


Replies (4)

RE: Technical Docs Needed - Added by vl almost 5 years ago


Did you try the "Wiki" link on the top menu?

RE: Technical Docs Needed - Added by praveingk almost 5 years ago

I tried, but couldnt find any doc suggesting the design and how the code is structured in ryzom. This doc would be very helpful in understanding the code.
Can you provide pointers to it.


RE: Technical Docs Needed - Added by kervala almost 5 years ago

I suggest you to begin by low-level with NeL:

NeL is used everwhere in Ryzom, if you don't understand its concepts/classes/etc... you won't be able to understand Ryzom code.
