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Ryzom does not start on Linux Mint Debian Edition (Debian testing)
Added by orestes1986 about 3 years ago
Hi, I had found Ryzom some years ago and I am very excited about this free project, I had it and it was running on my Sabayon 7/8 system, but now that I moved on LMDE (with KDE desktop if it matters) the game does not start.
First I tried my old installation, then after I saw that there is a problem, I tried a fresh installation..
So I downloaded the linux client (.7z)[], I extracted it, moved it to the location I wanted it to be, tried to run and nothing happens.
This is what I take when I try to run through terminal:
orestes@orestes_first-pc ~ $ /winLinData/Games/MMO/ryzom/ryzom_client
ERR f728f6e0 client_cfg.cpp 1935 init <Unknown> : cannot find client_default.cfg
Log with no filter:
Log Starting [2012/07/08 11:11:02]
2012/07/08 11:11:02 <Unknown> INF f728f6e0 client.cpp 555 : Pre-Login Init of Ryzom...
2012/07/08 11:11:02 <Unknown> INF f728f6e0 init.cpp 404 : CPUInfo: CPUMask before change: f, after change: 1, CPUID: 0, hasHyperThreading: NO
2012/07/08 11:11:02 <Unknown> INF f728f6e0 init.cpp 730 : RYZOM VERSION : FV 1.10.2 (Nov 9 2010 10:13:38)
2012/07/08 11:11:02 <Unknown> ERR f728f6e0 client_cfg.cpp 1935 : cannot find client_default.cfg
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 4294967295
HomeId: 0
ShardId: 0
On a Mainland Shard
Application: NotFound
No user entity information
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 0h 0min 0sec
LocalTime: 2012/07/08 11:11:02
ServerTick: 0
ConnectState: NotInitialised
LocalAddress: :0 (
Language: <NotExist:LanguageName>
ClientVersion: 1.10.2
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Memory: 2744MB/3964MB
Process Virtual Memory: 0B
OS: Linux version 3.2.0-2-amd64 (Debian 3.2.9-1) ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Debian 4.6.3-1) ) #1 SMP Sun Mar 4 22:48:17 UTC 2012
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor / ? Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3 / AuthenticAMD / 3400.000MHz / ? Processors found
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: No driver
No sound
orestes@orestes_first-pc ~ $
I would be grateful if you could help me..
thank you for your time and for all your efforts to bring such a good and nice game to free software and GNU/linux..
Replies (2)
RE: Ryzom does not start on Linux Mint Debian Edition (Debian testing)
Added by orestes1986 about 3 years ago
Now I updated the game (run and this is what I get in the terminal:
orestes@orestes_first-pc /winLinData/Games/MMO/ryzom $ /winLinData/Games/MMO/ryzom/ryzom_client
ERR f72556e0 driver_opengl_window.cpp 1090 setDisplay <Unknown> : glXChooseVisual() failed
Log with no filter:
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), fyros already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), matis already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), tryker already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), zorai already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), goo already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), kami already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), kitin already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1286 : 0 seconds for I18N words: Total: faction_words_en.txt
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 4
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 4
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1286 : 0 seconds for I18N words: Total: place_words_en.txt
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 9
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 9
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1286 : 0 seconds for I18N words: Total: item_words_en.txt
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 8
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 8
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), ccegf3.creature already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1286 : 0 seconds for I18N words: Total: creature_words_en.txt
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 11
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 11
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1286 : 0 seconds for I18N words: Total: sbrick_words_en.txt
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 10
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 10
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1286 : 0 seconds for I18N words: Total: sphrase_words_en.txt
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 4
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 4
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), unknown already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), harvester already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), faber already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), gn_kami_sentinel already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), gn_karavan_guardian already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1249 : Error in initI18NSpecialWords(), gn_kami_adept already exist (not replaced)!
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1286 : 0 seconds for I18N words: Total: title_words_en.txt
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 path.cpp 516 : PATH: File (classificationtype_words_en.txt) not found (classificationtype_words_en.txt)
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 4
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 diff_tool.cpp 711 : At line 0, numCol changed to 4
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 string_manager_client.cpp 1286 : 0 seconds for I18N words: Total: outpost_words_en.txt
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> WRN f72556e0 init.cpp 533 : Can't check video driver version
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 driver_opengl_window.cpp 356 : 3D: XOpenDisplay on ':0' OK
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 driver_opengl_window.cpp 367 : 3D: XRandR 1.3 found
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 driver_opengl_window.cpp 378 : 3D: XF86VidMode 2.2 found
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> INF f72556e0 driver_opengl_window.cpp 392 : 3D: XRender 0.11 found
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> DBG f72556e0 driver_opengl_window.cpp 396 : 3D: Available X Extensions:
3D: XVideo XVideo-MotionCompensation X-Resource DOUBLE-BUFFER GLX
3D: glesx AMDXVOPL AMDXVBA Generic Event Extension SHAPE
2012/07/08 16:21:39 <Unknown> ERR f72556e0 driver_opengl_window.cpp 1090 : glXChooseVisual() failed
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 4294967295
HomeId: 0
ShardId: 0
On a Mainland Shard
Application: ryzom_live
No user entity information
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 0h 0min 0sec
LocalTime: 2012/07/08 16:21:39
ServerTick: 0
ConnectState: NotInitialised
LocalAddress: :0 (
Language: English
ClientVersion: 1.13
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Memory: 2650MB/3964MB
Process Virtual Memory: 0B
OS: Linux version 3.2.0-2-amd64 (Debian 3.2.9-1) ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Debian 4.6.3-1) ) #1 SMP Sun Mar 4 22:48:17 UTC 2012
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor / ? Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3 / AuthenticAMD / 800.000MHz / 4 Processors found
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: OpenGL isn't initialized
No sound
orestes@orestes_first-pc /winLinData/Games/MMO/ryzom
thank you again for your efforts to bring this game to linux
RE: Ryzom does not start on Linux Mint Debian Edition (Debian testing)
Added by orestes1986 about 3 years ago
All right, I think I figured it out..
It was something about 32bit libraries
Thanks anyway