Bug #1445

Difference in format of a CL_CONNECT message between FES and EGS

Added by kaetemi over 3 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Status:New Start date:03/08/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:Services: General
Target version:-


At line 991 in fe_receive_sub.cpp of the FES, there is a "msgout2.serial( const_cast<CInetAddress&>(clienthost->address()) );" inbetween the "string fromAddr" and "CLoginCookie cookie", which should not be there, according to "cbClientConnection" in the EGS. Assuming it's a bug and not an ugly hack. (There is also another CL_CONNECT elsewhere in the FES which does format the message correctly according to the EGS format.)

Also, does anyone know why it actually sends a CL_CONNECT after CL_DISCONNECT in this part of the code? Is it related to the quit to character selection?


#1 Updated by kaetemi over 3 years ago

Or it may be a hack to have it send a deliberately wrong cookie with the correct address?

#2 Updated by kervala over 3 years ago

I suppose it's a bug, but is that normal it's working on official shards with this bug ?

I compared the code between SVN and Hg and I confirm it's identical on both of them...

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