
Version 177 (ChrisNewman, 08/21/2010 07:20 am)

1 1 vl
h1. CurrentState
2 1 vl
3 1 vl
This page list the current state of all members of the community.
4 1 vl
5 1 vl
Please edit and update this page to add your profile and your current state.
6 1 vl
7 117 Cyberj
8 117 Cyberj
9 3 vl
h2. vl/ace
10 1 vl
11 73 vl
* server compiled & run on ubuntu_x86 & debian_x86 (using build system in static)
12 73 vl
* client compiled & run on windows 7 x86 (vc express 2008 sp1)
13 1 vl
* tools compiled & run on windows 7 x86 (vc express 2008 sp1 + MFC)
14 1 vl
* client compiled on ubuntu 9.10 x86 (using build system in static)
15 1 vl
16 1 vl
h2. bdh
17 1 vl
18 1 vl
* server compiled windows 7 x64
19 175 ChrisNewman
20 175 ChrisNewman
h2. Chris Newman
21 175 ChrisNewman
22 177 ChrisNewman
*     *Windows Vista x32:*
23 177 ChrisNewman
* server compiled & run (VC 2008 pro)
24 177 ChrisNewman
* client compiled & run (VC 2008 pro)
25 177 ChrisNewman
* all 3 tools projects compiled & run (VC 2008 pro)
26 177 ChrisNewman
*     *Linux Ubuntu 10.0.4 i386:* 
27 177 ChrisNewman
* server compiled (MakeFile)
28 177 ChrisNewman
* client compiled & run (cMake)
29 177 ChrisNewman
* NeL compiled and installed (cMake)
30 5 kerozcak
31 16 grego
h2. grego
32 16 grego
33 50 grego
* server compiled & running under ubuntu 10.04 i386
34 32 grego
* server paritally compiled under debian lenny i386
35 96 grego
* server compiled & run win 7 x86 (VC++ 2008 SP1)
36 96 grego
* client compiled & run win 7 x86 (VC++ 2008 SP1)
37 96 grego
* tools compiled & run win 7 x86
38 52 grego
* connected to my local shard and created account, logged in and am cruising around!
39 96 grego
* opened firewall to allow remote clients to connect to the world @ - feel free
40 16 grego
41 5 kerozcak
h2. kerozcak
42 5 kerozcak
43 25 kerozcak
* server compiled, running and working on gentoo Linux 2.6 x86
44 26 kerozcak
* Windows Ryzom Core Client  connects to the server, creats character and logs in the game testing area
45 1 vl
* Apache/php configured
46 19 kerozcak
* http://localhost:40916/login/r2_login.php working
47 25 kerozcak
* http://localhost/admin/index.php working
48 144 kerozcak
* Client compiled on Windows 7 32bit using Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
49 6 Kane
50 87 Kane
h2. *Kane Hart*
51 1 vl
52 87 Kane
* Client compiled under & run on Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64Bit but running under 32Bit Application.
53 87 Kane
* Nel compiled as 32Bit under Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64Bit.
54 87 Kane
* Server compiled on Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64Bit.
55 87 Kane
* Server Running under Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition 64Bit. 
56 87 Kane
* Connected Client to Server on separate networks fine.
57 87 Kane
* *Current Status:* Trying to make a patch?
58 7 ratmice
59 7 ratmice
h2. ratmice
60 7 ratmice
61 7 ratmice
* nel with cmake & client with cmake, on x86_64/fedora 12 (patches in tracker, does not run yet)
62 8 kervala
63 8 kervala
h2. kervala
64 8 kervala
65 118 kervala
* client (32 and 64 bits) and server (32 and 64 bits) compiled and run on Windows 7 64 bits
66 91 kervala
* client (64 bits) compiled with CMake and run on Ubuntu 10.4 64 bits
67 169 kervala
* currently working on OpenGL driver, OpenAL driver and Linux client
68 9 vinnie
69 17 Krolock
h2. Krolock
70 14 ulukyn
71 106 Krolock
* Windows XP + Visual Studio 2008 SP1
72 106 Krolock
** client and server compiled successfully
73 106 Krolock
** NeL and Ryzom tools compiled
74 106 Krolock
** connected with client to and the local server
75 106 Krolock
** char creation and connection fine
76 109 Krolock
** admin web interface works as supposed to be
77 122 Krolock
** Implementing a new NPC and a test armor went smooth
78 1 vl
* OpenSuse 11.2 32 bit
79 122 Krolock
** successfully compiled the client with cmake.
80 122 Krolock
** server doesn't work with cmake yet. Trying to compile in the classical way
81 106 Krolock
* OpenSuse 11.2 64 bit
82 106 Krolock
** Failed complete because of typecast errors
83 106 Krolock
84 17 Krolock
85 14 ulukyn
h2. Ulukyn
86 14 ulukyn
87 14 ulukyn
* client (32 and 64 bits) and server (32 bits) compiled and run on Windows 7 64 bits
88 14 ulukyn
* client and server (32 bits) compiled on debian 32 bits
89 14 ulukyn
90 101 aquatic
91 101 aquatic
h2. aquatic
92 101 aquatic
93 101 aquatic
* client (32 and 64 bits) compiled and run on Windows 7 64 bits
94 101 aquatic
* client (32 bits) compiled and run on Windows XP 64 bits
95 101 aquatic
* client (64 bits) compiled with CMake and run on Ubuntu 10.4 64 bits
96 101 aquatic
97 27 kaetemi
h2. Kaetemi
98 27 kaetemi
99 45 kaetemi
* _Windows 7 x64 *VS2008* without SP1 without STLport compile for x86 on desktop_
100 27 kaetemi
** *Compile Success*: NeL, NeL Tools, NeL 3ds Max Plugins, NeLNS, Ryzom Client, Ryzom Tools
101 27 kaetemi
** *Compile Failed*: Ryzom Server: A missing hash_map operator gives compile errors
102 45 kaetemi
* _Windows 7 x64 *VS2008* without SP1 with *STLport* compile for x86 on desktop_
103 27 kaetemi
** *Compile Success*: NeL, NeL Tools, NeLNS, Ryzom Client, Ryzom Tools, Ryzom Server
104 1 vl
** *Compile Failed*: NeL 3ds Max Plugins: 3ds Max SDK define kills STLport during compile
105 45 kaetemi
* _Windows 7 x64 *VS2008* with *SP1* without STLport compile for x86 on laptop_
106 1 vl
** *Compile Success*: NeL, NeL Tools, NeL 3ds Max Plugins, NeLNS, Ryzom Tools, Ryzom Client, Ryzom Server
107 45 kaetemi
** *Run OK*: NeL Tools, NeL 3ds Max Plugins, NeLNS, Ryzom Tools, *Ryzom Client, Ryzom Server* :)
108 45 kaetemi
* _WampServer 2.0 with *Apache 2.2.11*, *PHP 5.2.10*, and *MySQL 5.1.33*_
109 45 kaetemi
** *Script OK*: Login
110 45 kaetemi
** *Script Fail*: Admin: Shard does not show up, cannot add anything either.
111 27 kaetemi
112 9 vinnie
h2. Vinnie
113 9 vinnie
114 85 vinnie
* Windows 7 Pro x64, VS2008 SP1, compiled 32b
115 85 vinnie
** server compiled & running
116 85 vinnie
** client compiled & running
117 85 vinnie
** tools compiled
118 72 vinnie
119 85 vinnie
* Windows 7 Pro x64, VS2008 SP1, compiled x64
120 89 vinnie
** server compiled entities_game_service crashes when starting all services
121 85 vinnie
** client compiled
122 85 vinnie
** tools gave errors
123 10 vikarti
124 10 vikarti
h2. vikarti
125 11 vikarti
126 30 vikarti
* Visual Studio 2008 SP1,STLPort,Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit(but all was build as 32 bit)
127 30 vikarti
* Apache: Apache/2.2.14 (Win32)
128 30 vikarti
* PHP 5.2.13 (built: Feb 24 2010 14:32:32) (used as mod_php)
129 30 vikarti
* MySQL Server:Ver 5.1.46-community for Win32 on ia32 
130 30 vikarti
* Client compiled and runs correctly (with
131 30 vikarti
* NeL & server compiled correctly
132 1 vl
* Apache/php configured
133 30 vikarti
* Server modules appears to be running in sync
134 18 kaetemi
* http://localhost:40916/login/r2_login.php appears correctly
135 30 vikarti
* current state:client does not connect with error code 4(manually asking same url via Firefox - returns expected results,apache 2.2 logs looks fine),admin web interface allows to login(after manual db modifications),sees that there is a shard but don't see running services as on
136 30 vikarti
* [Vikarti_Problems_encountered_so_far]
137 18 kaetemi
138 18 kaetemi
h2. sorlok_reaves
139 18 kaetemi
140 18 kaetemi
* Windows Vista Business, 32-bit, VC++ Express 2008:
141 18 kaetemi
** NeL and server compiled
142 18 kaetemi
** Client compiled
143 18 kaetemi
** Several tools (non-MFC ones) compiled 
144 18 kaetemi
** *Current state:* Trying to find my old MFC (VS) license to compile tools, etc.
145 22 Andrew
146 22 Andrew
h2. Andrew
147 22 Andrew
148 120 Andrew
* Compiled linux server on debian, installed and started server
149 120 Andrew
* Compiled windoes client
150 120 Andrew
* Compiled client with server
151 120 Andrew
* Built 2 small test regions in World Editor
152 120 Andrew
* No idea how to transfer region from World Editor to server and client so it's playable. It seems nobody have info how to do it.
153 29 feendrache
154 29 feendrache
h2. feendrache
155 29 feendrache
156 57 feendrache
* Server Compiled for Linux / Ubuntu
157 57 feendrache
* Client Compiled with Vc++ Express for Vista
158 67 feendrache
* Client connecting to server
159 67 feendrache
160 67 feendrache
* _Currently working on setting up my own world_
161 31 Phaelae
162 31 Phaelae
h2. Phaelae
163 31 Phaelae
164 31 Phaelae
* Using: Windows 7 (x86) with Visual C++ 2008
165 31 Phaelae
166 31 Phaelae
* NeL - Compiled
167 31 Phaelae
* Client - Compiled
168 31 Phaelae
* Server - Compiled
169 31 Phaelae
* Tools - Compiled
170 81 Phaelae
* Apache, MySQL, PHP - Installed and configured with shard administration website working.
171 31 Phaelae
172 31 Phaelae
* _Currently trying to get server running and client to connect_
173 44 SpynalTom
174 44 SpynalTom
h2. SpynalTom
175 44 SpynalTom
176 44 SpynalTom
* Compiled on Ubuntu 9.10 (x86)
177 130 SpynalTom
* Compiled on Debian 5.0 Lenny (x86)
178 48 Mankar
179 48 Mankar
h2. Mankar
180 48 Mankar
181 48 Mankar
* Compiled on Windows 7 using Vc++ Express 2008 (x86 and 64-bit)
182 48 Mankar
* Compiled NeL, NeLNS, and Snowballs on OSX 10.6 using g++ (x86)
183 48 Mankar
* Successfully run and connect to server on Windows 7.
184 51 mitharus
185 51 mitharus
h2. Mitharus
186 51 mitharus
187 51 mitharus
* Compiled/running server on Slackware 13.0 (x86)
188 51 mitharus
** GCC 4.3.3
189 51 mitharus
** Apache 2.2.13 - PHP 5.2.11
190 55 webshinra
191 55 webshinra
h2. webshinra
192 58 sorlok_reaves
193 55 webshinra
* partially compiled on Ubuntu x64
194 68 webshinra
* compiled using a chroot 32 bit
195 162 webshinra
* compiled & run on archlinux i686.
196 56 jayme
197 56 jayme
h2. vhelsing
198 58 sorlok_reaves
199 56 jayme
* Debian sid, x86
200 56 jayme
** nel with cmake
201 100 jayme
** client with cmake [lua5.1]
202 60 Kristaba
203 60 Kristaba
h2. Kristaba
204 61 Kristaba
205 60 Kristaba
* Ubuntu 10.04 i386
206 60 Kristaba
** Compiled NeL, NeLNS, Ryzom Server
207 60 Kristaba
* Windows XP (x86) using VC++ Express 2008
208 60 Kristaba
** Compiled NeL, NeLNS, Ryzom Server, Ryzom Client
209 62 rc
210 62 rc
h2. rc
211 62 rc
212 79 rc
* +Windows Server 2003 (x86)+
213 78 rc
** Successfully compiled everything using VS2008 Pro SP1 (Commitment: 82)
214 78 rc
*** Modified configuration files.
215 78 rc
*** Set up mysql, imported stucture and data.
216 1 vl
** Successfully compiled everything using VS2008 Pro SP1 (Commitment: 102)
217 79 rc
*** Fixed internal assert error.
218 86 rc
*** Modified configuration files.
219 86 rc
*** All services running
220 86 rc
*** Web working
221 86 rc
*** Able to join server, tested with three people online, running smooth.
222 64 invaders
223 64 invaders
h2. invaders
224 64 invaders
225 66 invaders
* Server compiled on ubuntu_x86
226 145 invaders
* Client compiled on ubuntu x86
227 69 narfman0
228 69 narfman0
h2. narfman0
229 69 narfman0
230 70 narfman0
* Server compiled on Ubuntu 9.10 x86, Fedora 12 x64_86
231 74 rti
232 74 rti
h2. rti
233 74 rti
234 104 rti
* nel, nelns, ryzom client built on Mac OS X 10.6 for x86_64 using [[BuildForMacCmake]]
235 112 rti
* client running with some minor hacks [[MacClientState]]
236 104 rti
* nel, nelns, ryzom services compiled on ubuntu 10.4 32bit using [[BuildForLinux]]
237 108 rti
* services running with a customized yubo count :)
238 82 Priato
239 82 Priato
h2. Priato
240 82 Priato
241 105 Priato
* compiled and running server/client for windows 7 x86 using Vc++ Express 2008
242 163 Priato
* compiled server for Ubuntu 10.04
243 163 Priato
* client connect to server
244 163 Priato
* Added new NPC with new quest
245 84 Rawfox
246 84 Rawfox
h2. rawfox
247 84 Rawfox
248 119 Rawfox
* +Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit+
249 119 Rawfox
*** compiled client in 32bit and 64bit, both versions tested and running nice
250 119 Rawfox
*** compiled server in 32bit, tested and running
251 119 Rawfox
*** configured the server and logins are possible local. I killed my fist yubo :D
252 88 Dishwasha
253 88 Dishwasha
h2. Dishwasha
254 88 Dishwasha
255 88 Dishwasha
* compiled and running server on Ubuntu 9.10 x86
256 88 Dishwasha
* compiled and running x64 client using Visual Studio 2008 Team Edition on Windows 7 x64
257 88 Dishwasha
* compiled and running NeL WorldEditor with shard monitor plugin
258 93 BlueSteel
259 93 BlueSteel
h2. BlueSteel
260 93 BlueSteel
261 94 BlueSteel
* Successfully compiled R130 on win7 x86 ultimate using VC++ Express 2008 All compiled with no errors 
262 93 BlueSteel
(using instructions found in forum, including getting VC++ 2008 express to use MFC)
263 95 Fishi
264 95 Fishi
h2. Fishi
265 95 Fishi
266 95 Fishi
* Arch Linux x64
267 95 Fishi
** compiled nel with cmake
268 95 Fishi
** compiled client [lua5.1] with cmake
269 95 Fishi
** successfully connected with client to
270 97 Sywindt
271 97 Sywindt
h2. Sywindt
272 97 Sywindt
273 97 Sywindt
* tools and client compiled on ubuntu 10.4 x86 using make_all
274 97 Sywindt
* server compiled and run on ubuntu 10.4 x86 using make_all
275 97 Sywindt
* client and tools compiled & run on windows 7 x64 (built x86, VS 2008 SP1)
276 97 Sywindt
* server compiled on Win7 x64 (built x86, VS 2008 SP1)
277 97 Sywindt
* successfully connected to server from built client.
278 107 Sywindt
* admin site working (except LAS)
279 99 droidix
280 99 droidix
h2. droidix
281 99 droidix
282 99 droidix
* compiled client (Win32 Debug) with Visual C++ *2010* on Windows 7 x64
283 99 droidix
** created my own build of stlport since the one in externals uses the VC++2008 runtime
284 99 droidix
** had to comment out a line in ctrl_text_button.cpp due to an internal compiler error
285 99 droidix
** 2010 has per project directories so you have to set the include/lib locations on each project (tip: you can select multiple projects at once)
286 99 droidix
* successfully connected to and explored the open shard
287 102 brocifer
288 102 brocifer
h2. brocifer
289 103 brocifer
290 103 brocifer
* Server compiled in CentOS 5.4 x86 working on config
291 110 Korath
292 110 Korath
h2. Korath
293 110 Korath
294 110 Korath
* Windows 7 64 Home Premium 
295 110 Korath
* compiled server and client 32 bit and 64 bit (64 bit with thousands of warnings)
296 110 Korath
* 32 bit versions running fine
297 110 Korath
* 64 bit services crashing (most of them)
298 124 Enoril
* successfully connected on localhost
299 124 Enoril
* installed server on another machine (XP SP2)successfully connected from win7 machine
300 110 Korath
* did some changes to world to get a hang on it
301 110 Korath
* admin tool not proper working till now
302 111 Enoril
303 111 Enoril
304 111 Enoril
h2. Enoril
305 1 vl
306 128 Enoril
** *Windows 7 x64 Home Premium*
307 128 Enoril
308 124 Enoril
* Using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 
309 124 Enoril
* Using revision 236
310 124 Enoril
> x86
311 1 vl
> * Server & Client compiled without problem
312 124 Enoril
> * Client & Server run perfectly
313 128 Enoril
> * Connected on localhost server, web admin tool
314 124 Enoril
315 124 Enoril
> x64
316 124 Enoril
> * Server & Client compiled without problem
317 124 Enoril
> * Client run perfectly
318 1 vl
> * Some server services crashing on loading without log 
319 1 vl
320 129 Enoril
** *Ubuntu 10.04 x86*
321 128 Enoril
322 128 Enoril
* Using CMake
323 128 Enoril
* Using revision 283
324 128 Enoril
> * Nel, Nels, Server & Client compiled without problem
325 128 Enoril
> * Client run perfectly under Ubuntu
326 124 Enoril
327 113 MMOInteractive
328 113 MMOInteractive
h2. MMO Interactive
329 113 MMOInteractive
330 113 MMOInteractive
* Windows Vista 32bit 
331 113 MMOInteractive
* Using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
332 113 MMOInteractive
* Not sure which rev # but it was code from Saturday May 15th 2010
333 113 MMOInteractive
* Got everything compiled just fine
334 113 MMOInteractive
* Servers work with some errors but prob. just an issue with my config. The errors don't prevent the servers from working.
335 113 MMOInteractive
* Client is able to connect no problems. I do get a lua error every once in a while but nothing that prevents the client from working.
336 113 MMOInteractive
* After recreating the pack sheets all the player characters have lost their heads. I am guessing the files for the character heads are missing so those will have to be recreated or put back into the server source files.
337 116 Cyberj
338 116 Cyberj
h2. Cyberj
339 116 Cyberj
340 116 Cyberj
* Debian sid 64
341 116 Cyberj
* Compiled nel with cmake
342 116 Cyberj
* Compiled client [lua5.1] with cmake
343 116 Cyberj
* Successfully connected with client to
344 116 Cyberj
* Fail to compile server with cmake
345 123 khelkun
346 123 khelkun
h2. Khelkun
347 123 khelkun
348 131 khelkun
* Compiled Ryzom server & client.
349 132 khelkun
* Ran client & a local game shard.
350 133 khelkun
* Ran a local ring (R2) shard and use it from client.
351 132 khelkun
* Platform concerned by previous achievements:
352 1 vl
** Windows XP Professional SP3 32 bits / VC++ 2008 SP1 
353 131 khelkun
** Windows Vista 64 bits Ultimate / VC++ 2008 SP1 (x86 compilation - Failed to compile a x64 version)
354 133 khelkun
n.b: in client scenario editor choose land type and season then press enter key. Thanks to _vl_ for submitting DSS config files.
355 1 vl
356 125 vbmithr
h2. vbmithr
357 126 vbmithr
358 126 vbmithr
* Failed to compile the server on archlinux 64 — linking problems with NeLLIGO
359 127 khelkun
* Successfully compiled client with cmake
360 134 Nerocon
361 134 Nerocon
h2. Nerocon
362 134 Nerocon
363 143 Nerocon
* Win7 64bit, compiled 32bit everything with VS 08 following the [[EverythingWindows]] guide.
364 134 Nerocon
* Was able to run the client and connect to the local DB and server. The web portion for admining is however broken for me passing syntax errors.
365 1 vl
* I think it was a directory structure error on my part that is not allowing the web based portion to function.
366 1 vl
* Worldedit appears to function well, had no issues or crashes after compile, but did not dig deep.
367 143 Nerocon
* Compiled with zero errors ubuntu 10.04 32bit [[Buildforlinux]], server fired up and runs great. Again issues with the admin web portal but turns out I had some permission set funny.
368 143 Nerocon
* On to world editing! 
369 135 icepick
370 135 icepick
h2. icepick
371 135 icepick
372 139 icepick
* Server compiled and running on Fedora 11, 12, 13 x86 (BuildForLinux)
373 139 icepick
* Server compiled and running on Ubuntu 10.04 (BuildForLinux)
374 140 icepick
* Client and Tools compiled and working on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (32bit) and Windows XP 32bit with VS 2008 SP1
375 138 icepick
* Everything connects and runs as advertised with some minor file locating and shuffling :)
376 135 icepick
377 141 Phormagos
h2. Phormagos
378 1 vl
379 141 Phormagos
* Client and server compiled on Windows Vista 64
380 142 Phormagos
(Kudos to the creator of Building, Configuring and Running the Ryzom Core for Windows(x86), great job!)
381 141 Phormagos
* Getting a few errors building some of the tools, haven't had a chance to research why yet
382 141 Phormagos
* Vista client connects and runs just great with Vista server on the same system
383 141 Phormagos
* Two remote clients on Windows XP connect and run great with the Vista server
384 141 Phormagos
* Next stop, world editing
385 146 molator
386 146 molator
h2. Molator
387 146 molator
388 176 molator
* Server built and running on Windows XP SP2 x86 (Visual C++ Express 2008 SP1)
389 176 molator
* Client built and running on Windows XP SP2 x86 (Visual C++ Express 2008 SP1)
390 176 molator
* Tools built on Windows XP SP2 x86 (Visual C++ Express 2008 SP1 + MFC from DDK)
391 176 molator
* Windows XP SP2 x86 client connects to Windows XP SP2 x86 server (different PCs, same network), characters creation in the testing area
392 176 molator
* Shard Administration Website working with Xampplite and EasyPHP on Windows XP SP2 x86
393 176 molator
* Server built and running on Ubuntu 10.04 x86 (g++) (cmake for NeL and make_all for server)
394 176 molator
* Server built and running on Debian 5.0.5 x86 (g++) (make_all for NeL and server)
395 176 molator
* Windows XP SP2 x86 client connects to Debian 5.0.5 x86 server (different PCs, same network), characters creation in the testing area
396 176 molator
* Windows XP SP2 x86 client connects to Debian 5.0.5 x86 server (different PCs, through Internet), characters creation in the testing area
397 176 molator
* Shard Administration Website working with Apache2 on Debian 5.0.5 x86
398 176 molator
* Adding armor parts to Debian 5.0.5 x86 server
399 151 demarii
400 151 demarii
h2. Demarii
401 151 demarii
402 151 demarii
* Win7 32bit, compiled with VS2008 (SP1) following the [[EverythingWindows]] guide.
403 151 demarii
* Test run of server and client worked fairly well, minimal issues.
404 152 demarii
* Ubuntu 9.10 32bit compiled and running following the Linux guides.
405 152 demarii
* Web Admin site is working with only a few minor issues.
406 151 demarii
* Worldedit working, small graphic glitch on selection box. Needs more documentation.
407 151 demarii
* Time to learn the art of world editing and developing a work flow for content creation.
408 161 Minthos
409 161 Minthos
h2. Minthos
410 161 Minthos
411 161 Minthos
* server compiled & run on ubuntu x86 (combination of make_all and manually calling make)
412 164 Minthos
* server compiled on gentoo x64, 8 out of 14 services don't immediately crash or abort when launched..
413 165 nikska
414 165 nikska
h2. Nikska
415 165 nikska
416 165 nikska
* server compiled & running under ubuntu 10.04 i386
417 165 nikska
* client compiled & running under ubuntu 10.04 i386
418 170 VinnyQ
419 170 VinnyQ
h2. VinnyQ
420 170 VinnyQ
421 170 VinnyQ
* Windows XP SP3, VS2008 SP1, compiled x86
422 170 VinnyQ
* server compiled & running
423 170 VinnyQ
* client compiled & running, tested on open shard (
424 171 VinnyQ
* tools compiled, 4 projects failed;  Loaded world editor for open shard starter area
425 170 VinnyQ
* next step:  figure out how client/server handle key & mouse inputs and running actions
426 172 flocke
427 172 flocke
h2. flocke
428 172 flocke
429 172 flocke
* Client compiled & running (tested on the "official" shared) on Archlinux 64bit