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Old March 22nd, 2009, 05:18 PM   #11
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

Don't tell me crafters and diggers can't get honor points? Find a crafter/digger of the other faction, do some mysterious stuff like voodoo and magic and voila, if done right, up to 320 honor points can be aquired. Then wait 5 min, repeat.

Not what you want to hear, but easy to afford a couple of picks this way
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Old March 22nd, 2009, 08:57 PM   #12
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

All I can say is: I hope this doesn't end in the addition of "epics" locked away behind PvP Honour points like in the game we all love to hate...

As for there not being enough PvP and too much carebearism,...well buhuuhuuu cry me a river and drown in it (carebear enough for ya?)

Edit: If that last remark is too harsh for you check in at MMORPG.com once in a while to watch the much anticipated "ultimate" FFA PvP sandbox die in increments helped along by it's "community". As far as I'm concerned there can never be too little PvP in an MMO as it somehow brings out the worst in some (a lot of?) people...
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Old March 22nd, 2009, 11:22 PM   #13
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

The current HP items look pretty, but they don't really have much value beyond bragging rights. I doubt we'll see nerf.

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Old March 23rd, 2009, 12:42 AM   #14
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

Mmmm, are there people around to actually pvp tho? Or only once every other week if your lucky?

May pop back and see if my old amps still work
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Old March 23rd, 2009, 01:18 AM   #15
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

Nope, everyone got bored again.
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Old March 23rd, 2009, 08:23 PM   #16
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

Originally Posted by michielb
Edit: If that last remark is too harsh for you check in at MMORPG.com once in a while to watch the much anticipated "ultimate" FFA PvP sandbox die in increments helped along by it's "community". As far as I'm concerned there can never be too little PvP in an MMO as it somehow brings out the worst in some (a lot of?) people...

The main point seems to be being missed by both sides. It's simply math. If we say that the % of the population that loves PvP is "X" and the % of the population that has little or no interest is "Y", the simple fact remains:

X + Y is bigger than X
X + Y is bigger than Y

To be successful, a game's chances of survival depends on its ability to please the widest possible audience. I am continually amazed at the mindset that has it figured that if one group is given "equal opportunity" it somehow diminishes another group's experience. If there's a need to apply denigrating terms to the opposing viewpoint, it's an obvious admission that reason is not the means one wishes to use to argue the point.
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Old March 24th, 2009, 04:24 PM   #17
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

Originally Posted by jared96
The main point seems to be being missed by both sides. It's simply math. If we say that the % of the population that loves PvP is "X" and the % of the population that has little or no interest is "Y", the simple fact remains:

X + Y is bigger than X
X + Y is bigger than Y

To be successful, a game's chances of survival depends on its ability to please the widest possible audience. I am continually amazed at the mindset that has it figured that if one group is given "equal opportunity" it somehow diminishes another group's experience. If there's a need to apply denigrating terms to the opposing viewpoint, it's an obvious admission that reason is not the means one wishes to use to argue the point.

So how would a PVE-er go about acquiring honour points?

And you're right other players PvPing does not diminish my experience in any way. (assuming they don't resort to the kind of verbal abuse that is so common in other PvP oriented MMO's) It's only when someone decides that funny lil Tryker with the pick down in PR is an easy mark that my gameplay is adversely affected. (admittedly this has, so far, never happend and hopefully never will...)

Equal opportunity would mean PvPers can PvP and PvE-er can PvE, granted on most of Atys this is the case but there are places where PvE-ers can't go without the risk of getting involved in PvP. PvP-only Honour points add to that imbalance.

In short I don't mind some PvP in Ryzom as long as I have choice...

edit: you forgot Z: players who absolutely hate PvP in any shape or form.
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Old March 24th, 2009, 05:37 PM   #18
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

Originally Posted by michielb
So how would a PVE-er go about acquiring faction points?
fixed your typo
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Old March 24th, 2009, 05:52 PM   #19
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

Just checking if I understand this right,...

You´re actually saying you haven´t got enough PvPers?

Want some of ours?
We got plenty.

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Old March 24th, 2009, 06:45 PM   #20
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Re: Honor (Honour) Points

Surely PvP in PR doesn't reward honour points, as it is GvG, not FvF?

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