Pipeline 3D Export Tool Requirements

Version 18 (kaetemi, 09/01/2012 05:06 pm)

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h1. Pipeline 3D Export Tool Requirements
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This page lists the requirements for creating export tools for 3D data which can be used by the pipeline.
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An export tool would be either one of the following:
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* A console tool that can be executed once per input file
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* An interface for inter-process communication that commands a running 3d modeling application process
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* A tool that commands a 3d modeling application to process many input files in batch (Not recommended, as it does not provide sufficiently flexible feedback, and is totally annoying when it crashes)
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And needs to accept the export modes with their respective input parameters, and output all of the requested files.
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h3. Export modes
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|shape|1 -> many|shape; anim; tga (lightmap)|
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|ig|1 -> many|ig|
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|skel|1 -> 1|skel|
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h2. shape
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* All shape nodes with lod (shape_with_coarse_mesh/nodename.shape)
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** Node metadata contains list of names of LOD mesh nodes.
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* All shape nodes without lod (shape_not_optimized/nodename.shape)
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** Except for the ones that should not export.
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* Animations per shape if any (shape_anim/nodename.anim)
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** When @Automatic Animation@ is checked in the metadata of the node pointing to the mesh.
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* Generates lightmaps (LM) if required per shape per lightgroup (shape_lightmap_not_optimized/filename_nodename_lightgroupid.tga & filename_nodename.txt (if OptLightmapLog))
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** We might want to modify this to export the data required for a lightmap generation tool only to a data file, and run a lightmap generation tool outside of the 3d export process, that uses the exported shape and light information from the data file. See calc_lm*.* files under nel_mesh_lib.
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Does not export:
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* Accelerators (meshes describing clusters and portals)
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* Zone quad patch (this is exported to .zone in a different process)
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* Particle system (a type of node that refers to a .ps, used in the .ig)
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* PACS Primitive (basic cylinder and box shapes used for collision)
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* Node properties DONOTEXPORT checked (speaks for itself)
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* Node properties COLLISION checked (interior collision meshes)
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* Node properties COLLISION_EXTERIOR checked (exterior collision meshes)
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Shapes may be:
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* Particle system (???)
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* Wave maker
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* Node properties USE_REMANENCE checked (what is this?)
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* Flare
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* Triangle object
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Triangle object may be:
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* Water shape
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* Shape with lod
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* Shape without lod
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Input parameters:
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* LogErrorFile
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* LogDependFile
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* SrcFile
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* DstDirectoryWithoutCoarseMesh
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* DstDirectoryWithCoarseMesh
63 9 kaetemi
* DstDirectoryLightmap
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* DstDirectoryAnim
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* OptExportLighting
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* OptShadow
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* OptLightingLimit
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* OptLumelSize
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* OptOversampling
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* OptLightmapLog
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h2. ig
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* All instance groups for IGNAME used in node properties (igname.ig)
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Instance groups contain:
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* All shapes (by name)
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* All lights
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* All helpers
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h2. skel
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* One skeleton containing node tree in reference position starting from node Bip01 (filename.skel)