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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated Category
27 RyzomBugNewNormalFix the doxygen warning when generating doxvl10/02/2010 12:36 pm
1355 RyzomBugNewNormalFree zone / Guild zone PVP relation codenimetu09/02/2011 02:02 pm
1220 RyzomSupportNewNormalGCI Task: Unit Testjgeralniksfb01/02/2011 11:10 amTools: General
1200 RyzomFeatureNewNormalgeneral widget for 3d viewaquiles11/21/2010 08:18 pmTools: General
1306 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalGeorges as ovqt pluginaquilesaquiles04/20/2012 05:34 pmTools: Georges Qt
1167 RyzomBugAssignedNormalGeorges Qt: .typ & .dfn filesaquilesaquiles05/29/2011 05:53 pmTools: Georges Qt
1472 RyzomBugNewNormalGuild Ranksmalikb979malikb97905/16/2012 07:43 pm
1517 RyzomBugNewNormalHigh disk usage while idleBotanic12/11/2012 07:47 pm
1133 RyzomFeatureNewNormalImplement IME support for Linuxkervala10/17/2010 11:28 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1368 RyzomFeatureNewNormalImplement Linked Heal Over Time effects.sfb09/26/2011 03:17 pmServices: General
167 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalImplement occlusion and obstruction in sound driverskaetemikaetemi04/12/2012 07:38 pmNeL: Sound
1299 RyzomBugNewNormalIncorrrect mimap quality on some shapes.Naush05/23/2011 01:58 pmNeL: General
1353 RyzomBugNewNormalIncrease Damage Restrictrion Brick Parameters are never checked in Combat Phrase application.sfb08/26/2011 02:34 amServices: General
1375 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalInstance Group editordnk-88dnk-8801/15/2012 09:48 pmTools: General
1467 RyzomBugNewNormalInternet disconnected many seconds : terminate called after throwing an instance of 'char const*'thannatos05/10/2012 06:23 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1071 RyzomBugNewNormalkCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSOrderWindowListrti11/11/2012 04:57 pmOS: Mac
1408 RyzomBugNewNormalKernel panic on Mac OSX 10.7iPHP12/19/2011 03:03 pm
1510 RyzomBugNewNormalLighting using "L" based on instance group centerBotanic12/02/2012 09:34 am
1292 RyzomFeatureNewNormalLinux Script Shard Startmolator05/06/2011 10:54 am
1235 RyzomFeatureNewNormalLinux shard services launcherJulFX01/21/2013 12:04 amOS: GNU/Linux
848 RyzomBugNewNormalLinux: code/nel/src/ refers to "../", which does not existAllenJB01/08/2011 06:43 pmBuild
1483 RyzomBugResolvedNormalLocal data files are not removed from ~/.ryzom when after uninstalltremoluxkervala09/29/2012 04:53 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1354 RyzomBugValidatedNormalLocalized crash Mac 10.7.1Sywindt12/07/2011 03:58 am
621 RyzomBugNewNormalLogin service casts pointer to uint32 and sends it over network.kaetemi09/29/2010 09:43 pm
822 Ryzom APIBugNewNormalLogin to the Ryzom Web Applications is not encryptedkregora04/13/2010 07:01 pm
1234 RyzomBugNewNormallogin_patch.cpp : bad chmod assumptionNaush01/26/2012 08:36 pmClient: General
954 RyzomBugNewNormalMake all client sheets code a common library.sfb06/05/2010 08:44 pmClient: General
1377 RyzomFeatureNewNormalMake default respawn methods not hardcoded.sfb12/07/2011 03:51 amClient: General
1153 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalMake ryzom_client run completely in an .app bundlertirti02/06/2011 11:13 amOS: Mac
1344 RyzomBugNewNormalMissing left sidepanel in Encyclopediahook08/14/2011 11:59 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1260 RyzomBugNewNormalmission waypints lost sometimesprozacr03/18/2011 03:19 pmClient: General
100 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalMulti-channel bufferskaetemikaetemi09/29/2010 09:11 pm
150 RyzomFeatureNewNormalMulti-Core Supportdamonka11/05/2010 07:13 pm
1493 RyzomFeatureResolvedNormalMultiArch supportkervalakervala09/23/2012 08:45 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1245 RyzomBugNewNormalMultiple CGDMouseMove per frame bug (and other misc bugs)Qantourisc08/08/2012 12:01 pmInput: Mouse
1518 RyzomSupportResolvedNormalneed help with libsquish compilejasonakervala01/08/2013 08:15 pmBuild
1208 RyzomBugNewNormalNeeds a higher-resolution iconVadi12/11/2010 12:08 am
1158 RyzomBugNewNormalNel max plugin broken headermolatorsfb11/04/2010 08:12 pm
1183 RyzomBugNewNormalNeL receives mouse move events, even if the app is not activerti08/08/2012 12:09 pmInput: Mouse
651 RyzomBugNewNormalNeL3D fails to run on GM45 Intel on LinuxSpex05/25/2011 07:57 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1221 RyzomFeatureNewNormalNew client command: sysLogKrolock12/29/2010 02:50 pmClient: General
1142 RyzomFeatureNewNormalNew Map for Ryzomlodnexus10/26/2010 10:44 pm
1302 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalNew World Editordnk-88dnk-8811/08/2011 11:07 pmTools: General
1252 RyzomBugNewNormalnlwarning "Unknown video card" never calledtachiorz03/01/2011 05:41 pmClient: General
1528 RyzomSupportNewNormalNo clear way to download the 64bits application for GNU/Linuxthannatos05/14/2013 06:36 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1465 RyzomBugResolvedNormalNo debugging symbols available in Debug mode.sfbsfb06/14/2012 03:12 pmBuild
1325 RyzomBugNewNormalno response here when hit create account menu on loginjiangzixu07/04/2011 06:44 am
1524 RyzomBugNewNormalNot Work in CentOS6lync02/11/2013 02:19 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1314 RyzomFeatureNewNormalOpenAL environment effects on Mac OS Xrti06/18/2011 04:04 pmOS: Mac
1497 RyzomBugResolvedNormaloptimize the drawing of radar by removing multiple access to local dbyriclkervala10/02/2012 12:33 amClient: General
1308 RyzomBugNewNormalOVQT make Menu feel more Mac OS X nativerti05/31/2011 10:51 pmOS: Mac
1373 RyzomBugResolvedNormalOVQT Mission Compiler plugin build fails on Debian-based Linux distributions.sfbsfb10/13/2011 05:20 pmBuild
1492 RyzomBugNewNormalOVQt: Object Viewer Plugin - cannot disable sound.sfb09/17/2012 04:52 pm
1487 RyzomFeatureResolvedNormalPanoply preview toolkaetemi10/07/2014 02:17 amTools: General
619 RyzomBugNewNormalParticle systems are animated every time the scene is rendered.kaetemi09/29/2010 09:42 pm
1458 RyzomFeatureResolvedNormalPatcher on Linux/OSXBotanicsfb03/23/2014 08:46 pmClient: General
995 RyzomBugNewNormalpatch_gen tries to delete 'nul' filenimetu06/23/2010 01:35 pm
1217 RyzomFeatureNewNormalPer user config/logs for OVQT and GEQT app bundlesrti12/12/2010 10:39 pmOS: Mac
1466 RyzomBugNewNormalPlaying game on Touchscreen Botanic05/08/2012 07:58 pm
1482 RyzomBugNewNormalPrivate chat appearing in wrong windowPizzaPill06/19/2012 01:15 pm
1143 RyzomBugNewNormalPrivate message delete your phrase in chan userlodnexus10/29/2010 11:12 amOS: GNU/Linux
1455 RyzomBugResolvedNormalProblem building PMS and GUS on VS10.sfbsfb04/06/2012 11:58 amBuild
765 RyzomFeatureNewNormalQt NeL Launcher: Allow users to edit basic configuration elements through the UI.sfb09/29/2010 09:47 pm
764 RyzomFeatureNewNormalQt NeL Launcher: Drive "signup" webpage through config file.sfb09/29/2010 09:46 pm
1389 RyzomBugAssignedNormalQuestion string_client.pack and game missionsmokoisfb12/06/2011 10:22 pmClient: General
1191 RyzomBugNewNormalredundant/wrong "faber" element in armor .sitem filesaquilesaquiles11/14/2010 05:26 pmTools: Georges Qt
825 RyzomNeverEndingNewNormalRemove all warnings when compiling Ryzomvl11/18/2010 02:34 pmBuild
32 RyzomNeverEndingNewNormalRemove the #pragma warning on Windows in types_nl.h and solved the warning in a good mannervl09/29/2010 09:06 pm
34 RyzomFeatureNewNormalRemove the HashMapTraits and use a less or hash function if possiblevl09/29/2010 09:07 pm
1203 RyzomFeatureNewNormalReplace LibWWWsfb05/27/2012 10:48 amClient: General
1522 RyzomBugNewNormalRight-click popup menu sometimes comes up during right mouse drag.DuDraig02/07/2013 10:46 pmInput: Mouse
1315 RyzomFeatureNewNormalRyzom Core Web-Based Translation Toolkerozcakkerozcak06/09/2011 04:00 pmTools: General
1471 RyzomFeatureNewNormalRyzom GUI editordfighterdfighter05/15/2012 04:00 pmTools: General
1456 RyzomBugNewNormalryzom iconBotanic04/09/2012 02:45 pmClient: General
1210 RyzomFeatureNewNormalRyzom Icon in launcherJulFX12/08/2010 08:17 pm
1138 RyzomBugNewNormalRyzom shard unstable and crash with shared library on ubuntu server 10.10 64 bitTcR1oo56510/24/2010 10:16 pm
1505 RyzomFeatureNewNormalRyzom with PerfHUDBotanicBotanic11/26/2012 04:45 amNeL: General
831 RyzomBugNewNormalryzom/code/nelns/automacros/mysql.m4 does not parse versions correctlyjeremyhu01/08/2011 06:44 pmBuild
1065 RyzomBugNewNormalryzom_client crash under linux when going from live shard to ring shardEnoril07/10/2011 03:04 pm
1336 RyzomFeatureNewNormalScalable Ryzom Launchermolator07/25/2011 07:29 pmClient: General
1002 RyzomBugNewNormalShortcut key mapping for french layouts.rti07/05/2010 05:16 pmOS: Mac
986 RyzomSupportNewNormalShowing stop instead of online?TomH06/16/2010 01:25 am
1213 RyzomBugNewNormalSimple problem with I think a simple solutionnimbus312/11/2010 11:33 pmServices: General
691 RyzomFeatureNewNormalSnowballs config in home dirlubos09/29/2010 09:44 pm
794 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalSound device selectionkaetemikaetemi03/02/2012 10:20 pm
1469 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalSound triggers and camera animationsFabien_HENONFabien_HENON06/14/2012 09:36 pm
1209 RyzomSupportNewNormalSplit Unit Test into Separate Testsjgeralnik12/03/2010 02:23 am
1197 RyzomBugNewNormalstart_point mission in region_newbieland.primitive is incorrect.sfb01/19/2011 03:21 pmTools: Level Editor
1347 RyzomBugNewNormalStop grabbing the mouse pointer at startup, at least in window modePotlatch08/08/2012 12:01 pmInput: Mouse
1040 RyzomBugNewNormalThe camera is badly positionned at the beginningvl08/05/2010 07:42 pmOS: GNU/Linux
968 RyzomBugNewNormalThe client can't be close if FS is lost and waiting frame is visibleEnoril06/07/2010 09:02 pmClient: General
1530 RyzomBugNewNormalThe client wants to download the full 7z archive but Ryzom is already installed thannatos05/21/2013 09:08 pmOS: GNU/Linux
967 RyzomBugNewNormalThe client windows don't update its position (x,y) according with the available screen areaEnoril06/07/2010 08:55 pmClient: General
899 RyzomBugNewNormalThe undefined reference to `__sync_bool_compare_and_swap_4' problemrti01/08/2011 06:44 pmBuild
758 RyzomBugNewNormalTile Edit Qt cannot view DDS files, only TGAsfb09/29/2010 09:46 pm
757 RyzomBugNewNormalTile Edit Qt Crashes when loading from Snowballssfb09/29/2010 09:46 pm
1508 RyzomBugNewNormalTimeout in tga2ddsBotanic12/02/2012 09:58 am
969 RyzomBugNewNormalTitles combobox list is not hidden when identity frame is hidenEnoril06/07/2010 09:07 pmClient: General
1501 RyzomBugNewNormalTracking / Prospection failure messageusm4rin310/09/2012 03:12 amServices: General
1307 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalTranslation Manager - OVQT Plugincemycccemycc12/22/2011 03:05 pmNeL: General

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