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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated Category
1465 RyzomBugResolvedNormalNo debugging symbols available in Debug mode.sfbsfb06/14/2012 03:12 pmBuild
1325 RyzomBugNewNormalno response here when hit create account menu on loginjiangzixu07/04/2011 06:44 am
1524 RyzomBugNewNormalNot Work in CentOS6lync02/11/2013 02:19 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1407 RyzomBugNewHighOpen source client error when rundrealz12/07/2011 05:18 amClient: General
1497 RyzomBugResolvedNormaloptimize the drawing of radar by removing multiple access to local dbyriclkervala10/02/2012 12:33 amClient: General
1308 RyzomBugNewNormalOVQT make Menu feel more Mac OS X nativerti05/31/2011 10:51 pmOS: Mac
1373 RyzomBugResolvedNormalOVQT Mission Compiler plugin build fails on Debian-based Linux distributions.sfbsfb10/13/2011 05:20 pmBuild
1492 RyzomBugNewNormalOVQt: Object Viewer Plugin - cannot disable sound.sfb09/17/2012 04:52 pm
619 RyzomBugNewNormalParticle systems are animated every time the scene is rendered.kaetemi09/29/2010 09:42 pm
1484 RyzomBugNewHighPassword in client must be 5-8 charactersBotanic07/17/2012 12:34 pm
995 RyzomBugNewNormalpatch_gen tries to delete 'nul' filenimetu06/23/2010 01:35 pm
1432 RyzomBugAssignedUrgentPipeline client_patch bugsBotanickaetemi04/12/2012 08:04 pmTools: Build Gamedata
1466 RyzomBugNewNormalPlaying game on Touchscreen Botanic05/08/2012 07:58 pm
1482 RyzomBugNewNormalPrivate chat appearing in wrong windowPizzaPill06/19/2012 01:15 pm
1143 RyzomBugNewNormalPrivate message delete your phrase in chan userlodnexus10/29/2010 11:12 amOS: GNU/Linux
1455 RyzomBugResolvedNormalProblem building PMS and GUS on VS10.sfbsfb04/06/2012 11:58 amBuild
1389 RyzomBugAssignedNormalQuestion string_client.pack and game missionsmokoisfb12/06/2011 10:22 pmClient: General
1175 RyzomBugValidatedHighQuit to Character Selectionvelogfx07/10/2011 10:02 pmNeL: General
1191 RyzomBugNewNormalredundant/wrong "faber" element in armor .sitem filesaquilesaquiles11/14/2010 05:26 pmTools: Georges Qt
1495 RyzomBugNewLowRelocation R_X86_64_PC32 errorkervala09/23/2012 02:10 pmOS: GNU/Linux
1522 RyzomBugNewNormalRight-click popup menu sometimes comes up during right mouse drag.DuDraig02/07/2013 10:46 pmInput: Mouse
1456 RyzomBugNewNormalryzom iconBotanic04/09/2012 02:45 pmClient: General
1138 RyzomBugNewNormalRyzom shard unstable and crash with shared library on ubuntu server 10.10 64 bitTcR1oo56510/24/2010 10:16 pm
1424 RyzomBugNewHighRyzom starts to blink and give me a black screen after loginjulian_fern02/09/2012 03:07 pmOS: GNU/Linux
831 RyzomBugNewNormalryzom/code/nelns/automacros/mysql.m4 does not parse versions correctlyjeremyhu01/08/2011 06:44 pmBuild
1065 RyzomBugNewNormalryzom_client crash under linux when going from live shard to ring shardEnoril07/10/2011 03:04 pm
1002 RyzomBugNewNormalShortcut key mapping for french layouts.rti07/05/2010 05:16 pmOS: Mac
1213 RyzomBugNewNormalSimple problem with I think a simple solutionnimbus312/11/2010 11:33 pmServices: General
1523 RyzomBugAssignedHighSource files are encoded as windows-1252 or French locale.DuDraigkervala02/12/2013 05:29 pmBuild
1197 RyzomBugNewNormalstart_point mission in region_newbieland.primitive is incorrect.sfb01/19/2011 03:21 pmTools: Level Editor
1347 RyzomBugNewNormalStop grabbing the mouse pointer at startup, at least in window modePotlatch08/08/2012 12:01 pmInput: Mouse
1341 RyzomBugValidatedLowswimming not working in newbieland built with pipelinelynnarakaetemi04/12/2012 08:03 pmTools: Build Gamedata
1207 RyzomBugNewHighTake All button casusing game to crashffmaniac01/15/2011 12:39 pm
1463 RyzomBugAssignedLowTeleport music is not always heard or too silentkaetemikaetemi04/15/2012 11:12 pmClient: General
1040 RyzomBugNewNormalThe camera is badly positionned at the beginningvl08/05/2010 07:42 pmOS: GNU/Linux
968 RyzomBugNewNormalThe client can't be close if FS is lost and waiting frame is visibleEnoril06/07/2010 09:02 pmClient: General
1530 RyzomBugNewNormalThe client wants to download the full 7z archive but Ryzom is already installed thannatos05/21/2013 09:08 pmOS: GNU/Linux
967 RyzomBugNewNormalThe client windows don't update its position (x,y) according with the available screen areaEnoril06/07/2010 08:55 pmClient: General
899 RyzomBugNewNormalThe undefined reference to `__sync_bool_compare_and_swap_4' problemrti01/08/2011 06:44 pmBuild
758 RyzomBugNewNormalTile Edit Qt cannot view DDS files, only TGAsfb09/29/2010 09:46 pm
757 RyzomBugNewNormalTile Edit Qt Crashes when loading from Snowballssfb09/29/2010 09:46 pm
1508 RyzomBugNewNormalTimeout in tga2ddsBotanic12/02/2012 09:58 am
969 RyzomBugNewNormalTitles combobox list is not hidden when identity frame is hidenEnoril06/07/2010 09:07 pmClient: General
1501 RyzomBugNewNormalTracking / Prospection failure messageusm4rin310/09/2012 03:12 amServices: General
1214 RyzomBugNewNormalTrees texture LOD broken?rti12/12/2010 01:31 pmClient: General
1474 RyzomBugResolvedLowtypedef conflict between /usr/include/mysql/my_global.h and nel/include/nel/misc/types_nl.hcjlpakervala11/11/2012 04:57 pmBuild
1525 RyzomBugResolvedNormalUnable to build on Ubuntu 12.04 using cmakeBagatto04/25/2013 01:08 pmBuild
1514 RyzomBugNewLowUnable to join the water to fleethannatos12/13/2012 08:52 am
1068 RyzomBugNewNormalunable to move more than one objectflocke08/24/2010 10:44 amOS: GNU/Linux
1185 RyzomBugNewNormalunused property in parent armor filesaquilesaquiles01/08/2011 06:58 pmTools: General
766 RyzomBugNewLowUpdate Doxygen configuration filelubos09/29/2010 09:47 pm
1224 RyzomBugNewNormalVarious notices on cmake configmolator01/05/2011 03:17 pmBuild
1506 RyzomBugNewNormalVillage positioning being set to null after being loaded from village_sheettebruno9912/03/2012 03:38 amClient: General
1415 RyzomBugNewNormalWebTT: Raw file import files to import files from a sub-directory on Windows.sfb12/21/2011 09:48 pmTools: General
1338 RyzomBugNewNormalWhen a file is open with ovqt (double click on file after set "Open with ovqt") the font andbasr.tff is missingulukyndnk-8812/07/2011 11:10 pmTools: General
298 RyzomBugNewNormalWindows keyboard settings are not used when using enableLowLevelKeyboardkervala09/29/2010 09:28 pm
877 RyzomBugNewNormalWorld editor crashes on launch ...grego07/18/2010 10:35 am
1464 RyzomBugNewNormalWrite about the source code Layoutshackra04/26/2012 04:05 amDocumentation
1387 RyzomBugPatchedNormalWrong includes in some max pluginsKrolock03/03/2012 10:04 amTools: Build Gamedata
1267 RyzomBugNewNormalWrong mouse click positionrti08/08/2012 12:01 pmInput: Mouse
1494 RyzomBugNewLowwrong path to version.hpp vc9.7Leonheart09/23/2012 06:40 pm
1056 RyzomBugNewNormalX11: Setting mouse position when showing mouse after FreeLookrti08/08/2012 12:10 pmInput: Mouse
762 RyzomBugNewNormalZone Viewer: Free-look with the mouse is wonky.sfb09/29/2010 09:46 pm
1257 RyzomBugNewNormalZoneLighter - segfault when using more threatsKrolock04/02/2012 07:32 amTools: Build Gamedata
1513 RyzomBugNewUrgent[Security] I can connect the game without entering my entire password !thannatos12/06/2012 08:25 pm
921 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdd a password to connect WorldEditor to Monitor Servicevl05/20/2010 10:39 amTools: Level Editor
1369 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdd ability to restrict sitem use by brick.sfb09/26/2011 07:46 pmServices: General
573 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdd anti-aliasing to the OpenGL Drivercompilo140712/20/2010 04:51 pm
1244 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdd complex mission to the newbielandaquiles01/19/2011 05:35 pmClient: General
879 RyzomFeatureNewLowAdd dae and or fbx art pipelineMetal3d04/12/2012 08:19 pmTools: Build Gamedata
1444 RyzomFeatureResolvedNormalAdd details for user-agentkervalakervala09/28/2012 09:03 pmClient: General
685 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdd getMsgNb method to CBufFIFO.sfb10/16/2010 10:33 am
1226 Ryzom APIFeatureNewNormalAdd missing stats for itemsaspgic01/06/2011 09:21 pm
1241 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdd teleport example to newbielandaquiles01/19/2011 03:22 pmClient: General
1240 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdd trainer to newbielandaquiles01/19/2011 03:21 pmClient: General
1335 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdd UI scaling functionalitySywindt04/06/2012 05:39 pm
1397 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdd UI Translation Editor to the Translation Manager pluginsfb04/25/2012 06:38 pmTools: General
1242 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdding examples for all currently available spells / fighting bricks plus creditsaquiles01/19/2011 03:38 pmClient: General
553 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdditional Cubic Bezier Key Framer Implementation (Animation)sfb09/29/2010 09:42 pm
1313 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAdmin Panel & PHP 5.3.3TomH06/06/2011 12:12 am
997 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalAllow client to reconnect without client restartkerozcakkerozcak06/22/2010 03:04 pmClient: General
1488 RyzomFeatureNewNormalAllow user to bind more than 3 mouse buttonskervala08/16/2012 04:16 pm
33 RyzomFeatureNewHighbad assumption that time_t is 32bvlsfb09/29/2010 09:06 pm
1237 RyzomFeatureNewNormalBe able to recreate and successfully use sheet_id.bin with only existing ryzom core dataaquiles01/19/2011 02:22 pmClient: General
1470 RyzomFeatureNewNormalCharacter AchievementsSirCotare05/14/2012 08:24 pm
1239 RyzomFeatureNewNormalClean up / Extend / Polish the newbielandaquiles01/19/2011 03:18 pmClient: General
1238 RyzomFeatureNewNormalClean up and change hardcoded referencesaquiles01/19/2011 02:27 pmClient: General
1316 RyzomFeatureNewLowColor for emotesMisugi06/12/2011 10:58 pm
1409 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalConvert Tile Edit Qt to an OVQT Pluginsfbsfb12/09/2011 03:08 pmTools: General
1085 RyzomFeatureNewLowCreate .framework and .plugin instead of .dylib and .so on Mac OSrti09/07/2010 03:52 pmOS: Mac
1275 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalCreate an OpenGL ES driverkervalakervala05/12/2012 07:29 pmNeL: General
57 RyzomFeatureNewLowcreate and manage bn7 filesvl09/29/2010 09:09 pm
938 RyzomFeatureValidatedHighDynamically set the texture entities cache sizekervala05/25/2010 10:09 amClient: General
1356 RyzomFeatureNewNormalEmote Sheetslynnara09/14/2011 10:20 pm
168 RyzomFeatureAssignedLowEnvironment room size does not work the same under different sound driverskaetemikaetemi08/14/2011 11:56 pm
1500 RyzomFeatureNewNormalFeature request: ability to equip items on hotkey (or upon shortcut bar activation).Nixus10/07/2012 02:51 am
1361 RyzomFeatureNewLowFix Titles so they're not hard coded in character_titles.hsfb09/26/2011 03:14 pmClient: General
1211 RyzomFeatureNewLowGCI Task : Unit Testpeneonsfb12/09/2010 10:15 pmTools: General
1200 RyzomFeatureNewNormalgeneral widget for 3d viewaquiles11/21/2010 08:18 pmTools: General
1306 RyzomFeatureAssignedNormalGeorges as ovqt pluginaquilesaquiles04/20/2012 05:34 pmTools: Georges Qt

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