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Games Convention 2006 - Review

by Kadael Creation Date : Thursday,31 August , 2006
Contributors: ravna, soulsnatcher

Review about the Games Convention 2006 in Leipzig.

List of the people attending:

[Wednesday - Sunday]

  • Milko (Director / Nevrax)
  • Xavier (Nevrax)
  • Ravna (Lead EM / Nevrax)
  • Virien (Lead EM DE)
  • Kadael (CM und SrGM DE)

[Friday - Sunday]
  • Marjo (CM / Nevrax)

[Thursday - Sunday]
  • Balnor/Gargi (player DE)

[Thursday - Saturday]
  • Tilis (EM DE)

[Friday - Sunday]
  • Xanua/Mitchiro (player DE)
  • Matthias (Ex-player DE)

  • Yumidan (GM DE)
  • Shalima (SrGuide DE)
  • Orphanus (SrGuide DE)

Day 1 (Thursday the 24th of August 2006)

Fresh, enthusiastic and in a good mood, Milko (Director Nevrax), Xavier (Nevrax), Ravna (Event Manager Nevrax), Virien (EM DE) and Kadael (CM and SrGM DE) started their journey from the hotel to the GC grounds at 8am. After they arrived at 8.30 they started to prepare for the first public day of the GC 2006. The computers had to be prepared and Ryzom had to be started, so the first visitors of the day were able to sit down and start testing straight away.


And there we were waiting for the clock to show 9am and the first visitors to arrive.

Ravna and Kadael then went to gather Balnor (aka Gargi) and Tilis (Event Manager DE) at the entrance, while Virien, Milko and Xavier watched the booth. With the arrival of Balnor and Tilis we also had the first reinforcements of the team, which were much needed as we figured out pretty soon after. :)

The 22 computers, which were provided for the visitors to test Ryzom, were occupied throughout the entire show. The team had to answer a ton of questions about the game, which were asked by the visitors and they had to explain the game itself lots of times. During the day the 20000 Ryzom Trial-DvDs arrived as well, Kadael and Xavier spent time getting them back to the booth where they were sorted and stacked with the help of Virien and Ravna.

Milko didn't only give Ring demos to the press, but also gave little demos to interested players and visitors when the time allowed it and he didn't have appointments with the press.

The clock rang 6 pm and the GC halls closed for the day. We switched off the pcs and drove into town to have a nice dinner and a chat about the first public GC day. Afterwards we went for a good nights sleep to be fit for the next day.

Day 2 (Friday the 25th of August 2006)

A last wistful look at the hotel (so early in the morning) and off we were again at 8.30 am back to the GC grounds by car.

Sitting in the car we switched the radio on to hear the news of the announced visitor numbers from the day before. Surprisingly the visitor numbers of the first day were 34% higher then on the first day the year before. 34000 visitors came on the first day. That's 6000 more than the year before (amazing what showing Ryzom can do).

Having arrived back at the GC grounds, Kadael quickly checked the Ryzom forums for new applications for the Ryzom gathering on Saturday 4 pm. Like the day before the computers were prepared in the meantime and Ryzom started for the visitors who were already queuing outside. Everything got a last check and then we were ready for the day to start.


The rush had begun, but during the day Marjo (CM / Nevrax), Mitchiro (active player) und Matthias (inactive player) arrived at the Ryzom booth and helped us to take care of the day and all visitors that wanted to test Ryzom.

At the end of the day the official GC Germany site was checked quickly and the news searched for the new visitor numbers. As we discovered these were even higher then the day before with approximately 38000 visitors attending Friday. Those figures meant a new record overall. Around 75000 visitors were attending the first and second GC day.

Back in the hotel we all sat down to have a chat about Saturday and the coming masses of people. From previous years we all knew that Saturday would be an especially challenging day, usually having the most visitors. Anyway, sometimes it can be worse than you expect... :)

Day 3 (Saturday the 26th of August 2006)

The best visited and most exciting day was of course the Saturday of this years GC! With 75000 visitors on that day all records had been broken and with an approximate number of 150000 visitors the overall goal in terms of visitors was reached already at the end of the third day!

On Saturday we also had visits from Yumidan (GM DE), Shalima (SrGuide DE) & Orphanus (SrGuide DE).

That day was especially hard for everybody, since it was almost impossible to leave the Ryzom booth. The hallways were crowded with visitors and nobody was able to get forward anymore. The day was great anyway and something special for us. Why? That you'll be able to discover now …

We stayed at the booth most of the time and waited for 4 pm, since the GC 2006 RL player meeting was scheduled for that time. The time until then passed slower the hoped for ;), since we weren't quite as fresh and enthusiastic as on the first day. The voices were hoarse and the feet were aching quite badly.

Anyway slowly but surely around 4 pm the booth got fuller and fuller as the players arrived, who wanted to attend the meeting. At exactly 4 pm we went to a quite empty and especially for relaxing reserved part of the hall where Balnor (Gargi) organized us a couple of tables by asking a couple of other people to change the table. That bit done we pushed all the tables and benches together and created enough space for everyone to sit down. After that the real meeting began.

Kadael started by introducing all the Nevrax and German CSR and EM Team participants. Then a list was passed round the table for all the players who wanted to sign up for the Ring server and test. Following that the list of ordered drinks was passed round and the first round of drinks was sponsored by Nevrax. Cheers and thanks Nevrax!


During the meeting Ravna went back to Milko and checked if he would have enough time to give a Ring demo to attending players. He willingly agreed to do so and the demo took place at 6.30 pm, attended by the interested players. Sadly it was a bit hard to understand, since on Saturday all the surrounding booths had to test their boxes and microphones. Thus the last remaining voice of Ravna was lost as well and she wasn't able to speak anything anymore at all on Sunday.

After the demo and the end of the day already in front of our eyes we made plans to invite everybody who was interested back into our hotel for a drink.

Day 4 (Sunday the 27th of August 2006)

Sunday was the last day of the GC 2006 and was just routine for us then. Anyways with 30000 visitors it wasn't as relaxed as we expected it to be.

After that day Milko and Xavier stayed a bit longer to dismantle the booth, but are now on their way back to France as well.

Bottom Line

We would like to warmly thank all visitors, every player who visited us at the booth and especially all CSRs and players who helped us during those four days! Without those guys it wouldn't have worked out as well as it did in the end!

Even though everyone of us will be glad that the stress, hectic and the five GC days are over now, we will all remember it as a great event and can't wait to attend again next year!

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