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722 items matching your criteria.

- Player movies [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,21 November , 2006
- Important Information [1%] by Marjo, Monday,20 November , 2006
- As you will no doubt know, Ryzom has been going through a transition over the last few months. This transition is continuing into the new year and changes are ...
- 20 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,20 November , 2006
- 17 [1%] by Marjo, Friday,17 November , 2006
- sirens_book2.jpg [1%] by Marjo, Friday,17 November , 2006
- #29 - Lixie's Camp [1%] by Marjo, Friday,05 January , 2007
- Ring Editor Hotfix [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,16 November , 2006
- Today we made a change related to the Ring editor: if you edited a scenario with a character from Ruins of Silan, and then went to the mainland with him, ...
- 16 [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,16 November , 2006
- Bloom Effect [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,15 November , 2006
- Nobody will argue that Atys likes to be pretty. Always trying to look young, the next step is the use of the bloom effect. Let's have a closer look.
- 15 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,15 November , 2006
- 09 [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,09 November , 2006
- Answers To Questions From The Board About the RRP [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,07 November , 2006
- After the many reactions on the Ring Reward Points (RRP) document, Daniel Miller (Ring Producer) wished to step in to give you more insight into the scoring ...
- Technical Incident [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,07 November , 2006
- This morning, from about 10 am to 11 am (GMT), you will have noticed that the live shards, forums, Klients and website have been inaccessible. This ...
- Slaughter Week Coming to an End. For How Long? [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,07 November , 2006
- The Hominkind fought well and drove the Kitins back to where they belong to, the deeper roots of Atys. Hurray!
- 06 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,06 November , 2006
- 03 [1%] by Marjo, Friday,03 November , 2006
- November [1%] by Marjo, Friday,03 November , 2006
- Guild MOTD [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,14 December , 2006
- We will add the possibility to write a MOTD (message of the day) for your guild. The message will appear in the guild chat when you log in. The leader and high ...
- Faction chats available without being tagged [1%] by Marjo, Saturday,28 October , 2006
- We will make the Kami and Karavan chats accessible without needing to activate the Faction PvP tag. Once you get an allegiance (you accomplish either the ...
- Write your own emotes [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,14 February , 2007
- We're improving the emotes system to allow you to write your own emotes, to associate the existing animation of your choice and to play the animation without ...
- Monday is Patch Day [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,08 November , 2006
- We will patch Ryzom on Monday the 30th of October (next week). As a result, the live shards will be closed from 9 am to 4 pm (GMT+1, Paris "winter" time). To ...
- Ryzom on the Web [1%] by Marjo, Friday,27 October , 2006
- The latest batch of interviews, podcasts and more articles about Ryzom and the Ring. Something new to read and listen to (with new things to watch coming ...
- 27 [1%] by Marjo, Friday,27 October , 2006
- Ring: "auto-invite" [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,26 October , 2006
- We're adding an option in the "Listing Options" window (when you click on the Ring icon to put your scenario online, this window opens and shows several ...
- Maintenance on the Klients [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,25 October , 2006
- Tomorrow Thursday the 26th, we will operate a small maintenance on the Klients. As a result, it will be unavailable at 2:30 pm (gmt+2) for about 30 minutes.
- 25 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,25 October , 2006
- 24 [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,24 October , 2006
- Ring Rewards Points [1%] by Marjo, Friday,20 October , 2006
- Maybe you've been wondering what are the Ring Reward Points also called "RRP", how do they work and if they are already usable. We've just published a document ...
- 20 [1%] by Marjo, Friday,20 October , 2006
- Ring - The Scoring System [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,07 November , 2006