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Player movies [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,21 November , 2006
Important Information [1%] by Marjo, Monday,20 November , 2006
As you will no doubt know, Ryzom has been going through a transition over the last few months. This transition is continuing into the new year and changes are ...
20 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,20 November , 2006
17 [1%] by Marjo, Friday,17 November , 2006
sirens_book2.jpg [1%] by Marjo, Friday,17 November , 2006
#29 - Lixie's Camp [1%] by Marjo, Friday,05 January , 2007
Ring Editor Hotfix [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,16 November , 2006
Today we made a change related to the Ring editor: if you edited a scenario with a character from Ruins of Silan, and then went to the mainland with him, ...
16 [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,16 November , 2006
Bloom Effect [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,15 November , 2006
Nobody will argue that Atys likes to be pretty. Always trying to look young, the next step is the use of the bloom effect. Let's have a closer look.
15 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,15 November , 2006
09 [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,09 November , 2006
Answers To Questions From The Board About the RRP [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,07 November , 2006
After the many reactions on the Ring Reward Points (RRP) document, Daniel Miller (Ring Producer) wished to step in to give you more insight into the scoring ...
Technical Incident [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,07 November , 2006
This morning, from about 10 am to 11 am (GMT), you will have noticed that the live shards, forums, Klients and website have been inaccessible. This ...
Slaughter Week Coming to an End. For How Long? [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,07 November , 2006
The Hominkind fought well and drove the Kitins back to where they belong to, the deeper roots of Atys. Hurray!
06 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,06 November , 2006
03 [1%] by Marjo, Friday,03 November , 2006
November [1%] by Marjo, Friday,03 November , 2006
Guild MOTD [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,14 December , 2006
We will add the possibility to write a MOTD (message of the day) for your guild. The message will appear in the guild chat when you log in. The leader and high ...
Faction chats available without being tagged [1%] by Marjo, Saturday,28 October , 2006
We will make the Kami and Karavan chats accessible without needing to activate the Faction PvP tag. Once you get an allegiance (you accomplish either the ...
Write your own emotes [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,14 February , 2007
We're improving the emotes system to allow you to write your own emotes, to associate the existing animation of your choice and to play the animation without ...
Monday is Patch Day [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,08 November , 2006
We will patch Ryzom on Monday the 30th of October (next week). As a result, the live shards will be closed from 9 am to 4 pm (GMT+1, Paris "winter" time). To ...
Ryzom on the Web [1%] by Marjo, Friday,27 October , 2006
The latest batch of interviews, podcasts and more articles about Ryzom and the Ring. Something new to read and listen to (with new things to watch coming ...
27 [1%] by Marjo, Friday,27 October , 2006
Ring: "auto-invite" [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,26 October , 2006
We're adding an option in the "Listing Options" window (when you click on the Ring icon to put your scenario online, this window opens and shows several ...
Maintenance on the Klients [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,25 October , 2006
Tomorrow Thursday the 26th, we will operate a small maintenance on the Klients. As a result, it will be unavailable at 2:30 pm (gmt+2) for about 30 minutes.
25 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,25 October , 2006
24 [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,24 October , 2006
Ring Rewards Points [1%] by Marjo, Friday,20 October , 2006
Maybe you've been wondering what are the Ring Reward Points also called "RRP", how do they work and if they are already usable. We've just published a document ...
20 [1%] by Marjo, Friday,20 October , 2006
Ring - The Scoring System [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,07 November , 2006
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