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- Patch Tomorrow [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,19 October , 2006
- We will patch Ryzom tomorrow Friday the 20th. As a result, all the live shards will be closed from 7 am to 12 pm (GMT+2, Paris time). Find below the main ...
- 19 [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,19 October , 2006
- Speed cap on the 1 handed weapons [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,23 November , 2006
- The cap of roughly 35 hit/minute that appears on daggers and 1H weapons speed is being corrected. After the correction, if your dagger shows a speed of 46 hpm, ...
- Devs' Interview [1%] by Marjo, Monday,16 October , 2006
- Update of the Development section [1%] by Marjo, Monday,16 October , 2006
- We've updated the website today to give you further insight into what we're working on currently.
- NPC Bosses [1%] by Marjo, Monday,16 October , 2006
- We want to work on the bosses including Aen the Desert Blade, who were once all available on the mainland.
- 16 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,16 October , 2006
- Range Fight Skill Tree [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,29 March , 2007
- We are reevaluating the importance and fun-factor of the Ranged Fight skill tree from a game-play point of view. This is the reason why plans related to range ...
- Fame Titles [1%] by Marjo, Monday,18 June , 2007
- To give you more freedom in what title you want to show to other players, we plan to add new titles related to fame.
- Q&A answered by Guillaume Puzin, Ryzom EP (Oct 2006) [1%] by Marjo, Monday,16 October , 2006
- This Q&A has been submitted by and answered by Guillaume Puzin, Executive Producer of Ryzom, on October the 13th, 2006.
- New Chapter of Sian's Story & Route of the Exodus in the Chronicles [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,11 October , 2006
- A new chapter of the Story of Sian Gai-Lua, "A Fateful Hunt" has been published in the Atys Chronicles. Grab your last issue to read what happened to Sian! You ...
- How to contact a CSR in game [1%] by Marjo, Monday,09 October , 2006
- We are adding a CSR "tag" next to the name of your CSR team members. When CSR will talk to you in any chat in game, a (csr) tag will appear next to their name. ...
- Client Installer Now Includes The Ring [1%] by Marjo, Monday,09 October , 2006
- A new Ryzom client installer has been uploaded on the site! It includes our recently released first Ryzom expansion, Ryzom Ring.
- 09 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,09 October , 2006
- Articles on the Web [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,05 October , 2006
- It's been an eventful week for the homins of Atys. The launch of the Ring and the opening of a brand new shard will give you much to explore and play with. And ...
- 05 [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,05 October , 2006
- Cho Is Coming [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,05 October , 2006
- Cho, the new international shard, will open tomorrow. As a result, we will close the live shards from 11 am to 4 pm GMT+2. This patch will also introduce new ...
- 04 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,04 October , 2006
- Ring Release PR [1%] by Marjo, Monday,16 October , 2006
- Press Release of the Ryzom Ring Release.
- The Power Is In Your Hands [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,03 October , 2006
- Ryzom Ring it out! :) Along with its awaited release the manual is now available in French and German. The English version has also been updated. Have fun!
- 03 [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,03 October , 2006
- How can I upgrade my Free Trial account to a paying account? [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,22 February , 2007
- If you wonder how to convert your Free Trial account into a regular paying account and then how to go to the mainland, you will find here the answer to your ...
- Tomorrow is Patch Day [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,04 October , 2006
- The patch bringing us the Ring release comes tomorrow. The content restrictions will be waived and you will be able to enjoy the Ring in its complete state! ...
- 02 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,02 October , 2006
- October [1%] by Marjo, Monday,02 October , 2006
- The Story of Sian Gai-Lua - Part Two [1%] by Marjo, Friday,29 September , 2006
- "Now that Sian stopped to think things over, he understood how they had been wandering aimlessly through the fog as it had become thicker and thicker."
- Patch Today [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,28 September , 2006
- We will apply the first update patch for the Ring. As a result, the live shards will be closed from 1200 to 1700 BST today Thursday 28.
- 28 [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,28 September , 2006
- New Webkit and Goodies [1%] by Marjo, Friday,29 September , 2006
- Someone abandoned a treasure chest...
- 27 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,27 September , 2006