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722 items matching your criteria.

- Lilie [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,07 June , 2007
- flame [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,07 June , 2007
- Lilie banner [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,07 June , 2007
- dreamthief [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,07 June , 2007
- Guilds [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,07 June , 2007
- thesoul-members3 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,06 June , 2007
- thesoul-members2 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,06 June , 2007
- thesoul-members1 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,06 June , 2007
- 06 [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,06 June , 2007
- Free Trial - Two cool weeks to get the summer started! [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,06 June , 2007
- From Thursday the 7th to Thursday the 21st of June, the highest level you can reach while playing for free in the Ruins of Silan will be raised from 21 to 30. ...
- thesoul-kami [1%] by Marjo, Wednesday,06 June , 2007
- New Player-Made Videos [1%] by Marjo, Monday,04 June , 2007
- Find here two cool player-made videos about Atys and its inhabitants!
- 04 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,04 June , 2007
- 01 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,04 June , 2007
- June [1%] by Marjo, Monday,04 June , 2007
- 30 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,04 June , 2007
- 24 [1%] by Marjo, Monday,04 June , 2007
- New things in test! [1%] by Marjo, Monday,23 July , 2007
- We've just added into the "now in test" section of the site some new things being tested in house at the moment.
- One-handed Weapons Statistics [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,24 May , 2007
- We are looking into modifying the values of the one-handed weapons statistics to give more interest to 1H melee and crafting skills. No figure can be given yet ...
- More About One-handed Weapons Changes [1%] by Marjo, Monday,23 July , 2007
- Good news for our users of one-handed weapons. The project of improving one-handed weapons is going well and is now entering an more advanced stage of ...
- 15 [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,15 May , 2007
- 14 [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,15 May , 2007
- 03 [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,15 May , 2007
- May [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,15 May , 2007
- 27 [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,15 May , 2007
- And the winner is... [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,15 May , 2007
- We're finally disclosing the name of our skilled winners.
- Spring Contest - First Results [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,15 May , 2007
- Here come the results you were all waiting for! We, the CM team, selected one winner per community. This was a hard task as we received many good and original ...
- Patch 00619 [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,03 May , 2007
- Crafting success and failure rates [1%] by Marjo, Thursday,03 May , 2007
- We are modifying the success and failure rates in order to have a more reliable and more logical system. This will also allow us to fix an issue related to ...
- Patch and server merge on Wednesday, May 2nd [1%] by Marjo, Tuesday,15 May , 2007
- We will patch the live shards next Wednesday. As a result we will close the shards from 8am to 12pm GMT and Cho won't be reopened.