The Soul
Kami guild on Arispotle.
Soul we are, Kami born
Blood will flow, wrath and scorn
Wielding magic, flame and might,
As Kami we'll forever fight.
"The song of The Soul can be heard through out Atys as it has for generations and shall for ever more"
Who are we?
We are The Soul
We are an Arispotle based Kami Guild. We have been running now for over 775 days and have seen Atys through the good times and the bad.
We have members of all races and based in every corner of Atys. We currently have over 149 members on our roster with around 30 to 40 regulars. We are active in all forms of the game from events, team hunts, boss hunts, RP, trekking and having fun. In addition to this we are involved in PvP and Outpost wars (where we regularly put out 2 full Soul teams). PvP is a option not a must for our members. We also run our own events and have a thriving community.
We have very few rules but all based on respecting each other inside and outside of our guild. We are here to offer advice and help to all homins, guilded or not. Our average age in the guild is 21-30 and we look for mature, friendly players. If you decide to join our guild you will be part of a big friendly group of mature and helpful people, with active members ranging from your grey bearded oldies to your newly arrived Ryzomers. We see ourselves as an extended family, all playing a game together and trying to do our best to support and help each other.
If you think you would like to join The Soul, or just want to chat to us, you can catch any of us in game or come to our forum website:
In game we have a dedicated team of Officers and High Officers who have set roles and are here to help out people in the guild.
We hope you enjoy your time on Atys and also consider The Soul as new Friends.
I am Soul, Hear me shout!
Kamis know what we're about.
Taking back our Kami lands
And keeping them in Kami hands.