We are
actively working on a solution regarding skill tree fixes for craft
(some skills blocked; a solution for magic amplifiers' quality before
and after the patch).
[ G a m e p l a y c h a n g e s & i m p r o v m e n t ]
. HP of mobs has been increased. . Damages done by mobs have been reduced. . Chances for a player to parry or/and dodge have been increased. . All heal HP based have been increased. . The quantity of damages absorbed by armor has been increased.
. All related combat items wear have been adjusted. [ F o r a g i n g & P r o s p e c t i o n ]
the feedback from the players on the forage changes in Chapter 1: Time
changes, the dev teams have been at work make a few changes.
**Major changes:
. All extractions give bigger quantities than previously. .
In order to reduce down time, the focus used in an extraction session
regenerates immediately at the end of the session (This only works with
prospected sources, it will not work if the source has poped-up by
itself). It is still important to manage your focus during long
foraging sessions and to choose your actions carefully. Focus consumed
in prospecting and crafting are not regenerated at the end of
extraction sessions. Focus consumed in this way regenerates over time
in the same way as hit points, sap or stamina. . The XP gained from
prospecting and curative forage actions has been balanced against the
XP gained from extraction actions. The XP is now shared out evenly
between the extractor, source healers and prospector. . The gentle extracting stanzas are now noticeably gentler than the harmful ones.
**Minor changes:
The quantity or quality drops that used to occur frequently ("hard
luck, you failed/spoiled...") now no longer occurs unless the
extractor's level is significantly lower than the level of material
that they're trying to extract. . Explosions and other such
disasters now only occur if extractors continue to use extracting
actions when the indicator bars get dangerously low. It was previously
possible for a source in the critical zone to 'topple' into a disaster
without provocation.
. Mobs should not respawn anymore as soon as you loot them. . Fixed a dependency issue with life gift and heal. . Fixed a bug in the right click menu when trying to free a dead mektoub. . You should now be able to free your mektoub packers from the stables. . Fixed various text issues. . Fixed a bug with the Offlovak Oasis kami altar teleport ticket.