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Patch 00020

November 5th, 2004 - patch 20


[ G a m e p l a y c h a n g e s, r e a d j u s t m e n t & i m p r o v m e n t ]

. Fine tuning of spell resistance.
. Adjustments to the combat skills of certain mobs in some refugee lands .
. NPC won't sell any raw material above 100 in quality anymore. However, merchants still sell player's raw material above 100 in quality.
. Forage / Prospection xp was not distributed as it should.
. Skill tree problem fix for the close combat crafting issue.
. Crafting was adjusted in term of successfully making an item.


. Fixed an audio bug which made you hear incorrect sounds.
. Various problems with inventory transfer are fixed (this includes the mektoub inventory problem).

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