Document Actions

Patch 00024

17 November 2004 - patch 24


[ I n t e r f a c e ]

. When a crafter crafts an item, his name is now listed in the description of the item.
. The seller's name is now listed in the description of the item to sell.

[ G a m e p l a y c h a n g e s, r e a d j u s t m e n t & i m p r o v m e n t ]

. Mobs' spell resistance check for direct damage spells has been reviewed.


[ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ]

. Mobs are now behaving in a more natural way near zone borders.
. Fixed a problem with fame rewarding tasks when the reward was more than 32000 or less than -32000
. Fixed a bug when removing an item from an empty stack.
. Credits are now available in French and German.
. Welcome message and MOTD are back.

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