Document Actions

Patch 00033

Thursday 16th, 2004 - patch 33


[ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ]

. The bug report tool, which pop up when you encounter a problem on your client, has been improved to gather more feedback for the devs.

[ G a m e p l a y c h a n g e s & i m p r o v m e n t ]

. Kinchers group behavior has been tuned.
. Kipukas group behaviors have been adjusted.
. Kirosta and Kiban group behavior have been adjusted.
. The number of herbivores has been increased in a high level area in the Tryker Lagoon of Loria.


[ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ]

. Players who are patching for the first time their Chapter 2, part 1 won't be affected by the problem with their hair appearance.
. All characters existing at the time of today's patch will be able to enjoy a special offer on haircuts: the first one for 1 Dapper. Depending on your fame, you can see a price of 0 dapper for this haircut, it is in fact 1 dapper.
. The correct dodge and parry values are now properly set to the character as soon as he enters the game, even if he not equipped with a weapon.
. Psykopla now cast less spells.

[ I n t e r f a c e ]

. You can create landmarks in your map safely.

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