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Patch 00040


[ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ]

. Fixed a bug that could cause chain death.
. Teleport ticket can be used after cancelling their use, there's no more need to relog.
. The ignoreTells was not working properly when you had a player was in target.

[ C R A F T I N G ]

. When a craft fails, the craft bonus will be proportional to the failure, and not a drastic reduction.

[ F I G H T ]

. Healer will get their group xp as long as they are in healing range.
. The Invunerability stanza now protects you from AoE (Area of Effect).
. Some adjustements to stun stacking issue was done.

[ I n t e r f a c e ]

. You can now play in full screen under OpenGL with Windows XP theme activated.

[ M E K T O U B ]

. Fixed a drag and drop issue with your mektoub packers inventory after a teleport.
. You can exchange your mektoub with another player IF its inventory is empty.

[ H A R V E S T I N G & F O R A G I N G ]

. Fixed a dependency with prospecting stanza.

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