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Patch 00042

Thursday 13th, 2005 - patch 42 - Chapter 2.3


Introducing: Ritual Missions!
. Keep an open eye on your Encyclopedia: by accomplishing some tasks, and fulfilling pre-requisites such as level and fame, you may unlock some Rites!
Be prepared, and receive some surprising rewards. Each Rite unlocked and accomplished will reveal a bit of Atys' history.

Introducing: Mektoub Mounts!
. Enjoy the mektoub mounts. They can be bought at stable boys. Be aware that even if you can make them run, it will exhaust unless you feed them.
Browse your favorite forums on for more info on Mounts.


[ M E K T O U B ]

. As a mektoub mount, a mektoub packer has now to be feed. You might want to buy some food from the stable boys, and fill your mektoub's inventory with it. Mektoubs will consume this food when they get hungry. Would your mektoub run out of food, it would decrease his speed. Be careful not loosing sight of it.

[ I N V E N T O R Y ]

. Personal apartments inventory size has been increased from 500 to 2 000.
. Guild building inventory has been increased from 2 000 to 10 000.


[ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ]

. Some tool tips when browsing skills proposed by trainers have been corrected where needed.

[ I n v e n t o r y ]

. All items from your Mektoub's inventory are now displayed correctly when browsing it at a merchant.
. Fixed some issue when swapping raw mats from a slot inventory to another.

[ I n t e r f a c e ]

. "Advanced Heavy Range Weaponsmith" and "Advanced Range Weaponsmith" titles requirements were not correctly displayed.
. As it seems to not be used, the /whisper chat is removed.
. The Dodge and Parry button were inverted in the textual control Pad.
. Messages sent when leaving or entering a stable area are sent only once.
. The up part of the quest window is now proportionnaly resized for a better readability.
. You should not experience anymore freeze when editing some stanzas.

[ F o r a g i n g & P r o s p e c t i o n ]

. Detailed raw material source name was missing with prospection knowledge 3 for a few weeks.

[ C R A F T I N G ]

. Items given at the character creation were labeled as created by the character, which was not acurate.
. Common items can now be crafted from any kind of materials (Fyros, Tryker...) and not only from Common materials.

[ Q U E S T S ]

. All your active tasks are resetted.
. Some quests are simultaneous tasks. Those tasks may have not been updated as intended when one had been completed and not the other.
. Material types is now taken into account when prospecting for quests.
. Some quests could appear grayed out even if not ended.

[ F I G H T I N G]

. When getting loot for a specific mission, you won't get more items than needed.
. Bandits and other NPC corpses were vanishing to fast once dead, you could not loot them. This is now fixed.
. Specific attacks implying Stamina lost from the target will now work as intended.

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