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Patch 00071

Thursday, May 26th of May, patch 71

What's new

[ M I S C E L L A N E O U S ]
. Titles are now granted at the beginning of a branch tree (51 instead of 50 for example) except at 250. If you are at a such a level (like 20) you will lose your title until the next level.
. You can now have stacks of 999 items (except for pre-patch tickets).

[ G U I L D S ]
. The guild inventory slot number is increased to 1000.

[ I N T E R F A C E ]
. When reaching the end of a branch of your skill tree, and beginning the next, the part that is complete is coloured green for a clearer display.
. We increased the slots in bags to 500, and the player's apartment inventory to 1000.
. When chatting, the sender's name is coloured for clearer readability.
. Entity on your mouse cursor are lit up. Furthermore the mouse precision has been increased.
. You can now use special characters like é, ü, ... in tell windows, macro commands and such.

[ M E R C H A N T S ]
. You can sell tools bought from NPCs to any other NPCs.

[ M E K T O U B ]
. If you get a new Mektoub, from someone or from a merchant, his size will be specific to your race. They are all still going at the same speed.
. Mektoubs packers inventory size has been increased to 500 slots.

[ F I G H T I N G ]
. You can resolve your death penalty faster by buying Kami or Karavan pacts at the appropriate altars. Enjoy el neato icon coming along with the pact ! Please note that you can see those pacts only if you have some DP.
. When leaving a fight, either by running away or entering a water area, coming back and finishing the fight won't give you any reward, unless the mob recovered the major part of its life.
. If you escape from a fight, the mob will chase you over a certain distance. After that distance, the mob will leave you, and agro one of your teammates if in range.

[ R I T E S ]
. New rites are live!. You may want to talk to Lidix Deps, barman at Pyr; Berglo Visti in a Davae building; the Fairhaven barman, or Hoï-Choi's Intendant to know more.

Bug Fixes

[ M I S C E L L A N E O U S ]
. Thanks to the spring clean, getting all your character's info while logging into the game is faster.
. If you are moving using the two buttons on your mouse and then press the auto run key, you can release your mouse buttons and you will keep running.
. Some item names have been updated.
. Porting will not make some clients slow down anymore.
. As it is absolutely pointless, you cannot reload a non enchanted weapon.
. For the French community: some raw mats looted on Ora where said to be 'Supreme' but were actually 'Excellent'.
. Worn items are all properly destroyed when worn.
. Pyr Kami Guardians have been asked to behave. They now always come back around their Kami Masters.
. Item HP should always be properly updated in the appropriate window.

[ G U I L D ]
. Offline members' names are correctly displayed in the guild listing.
. Your guild inventory is displayed fully and correctly.

[ I N T E R F A C E ]
. If you put part of some items you have into the trade window, the slot where the remaining part is is greyed out and the number of items is correctly displayed.
. Some missing icons (welcome and tutorial missions) have been added.
. You can not destroy an item that is in a greyed slot (it means that it is blocked because of a trade in progress).
. The loot window title is back to a readable version.
. If you click the "Take all" button on a trade window while your inventory is full, the window doesn't close on its own.
. The mektoubs mounts and packers names are correctly displayed on the compass.
. The /afk command is back, and is not interfering with some animations anymore.
. Your target's HP bar could have been not empty even if the mob was dead. This is now always correctly displayed.
. Some wrongly named items have spread along Atys. There are no more raw materials called Vest, for example.
. The log out icon is back.
. There are no more figures at the bottom of actions icons like login out, porting, mount/dismount a mektoub.
. There is now a unique icon in the stable interface allowing you to feed your mektoub totally if they are in.
. It is not possible to delete a macro being edited.
. Hitting the Enter key doesn't actually buy the cosmetic item.
. Cosmetics merchants are not affected by pricing filters anymore.
. Message entered in the Region chat window is displayed on the Region channel, even if the Region chat window is separated from the other ones.

[ M E R C H A N T ]
. Merchants won't offer you to buy twice the same item anymore.
. Merchant filters go up to the quality 300, to be able to display quality 270 items.

[ F I G H T I N G ]
. The range of your ranged weapons is the same would your attack been resisted or not.
. Bosses got their specific loots back.
. Using enchanted weapons won't stop healers gaining XP.
. The way you gain (or loose) fame by killing someone from an opposite faction, or by accomplishing missions, has been tuned for more equity.
. The Karavan guards wearing laser weapons fall when dying.
. All teammates can see the "You gain XP" message when they are entitled to see it.
. Titles for fighting bare hands after the level 200 are now correctly allocated to the corresponding skill. It is therefore possible to gain levels in that skill.
. The bleeding damage messages are displayed again, in a more compact way to not spam the player interface.

[ T A S K S ]
. Tasks givers handle multiple quality items better.
. The welcome and tutorial missions can now be taken back by players who gave them up.

[ F O R A G I N G ]
. The foraging FXs are now correctly played a the right time.

[ C R A F T I N G ]
. The preview text for an item now displays correctly the class and best stats.

[ M E K T O U B ]
. Unfriendly mektoubs behave! They won't become crazy anymore when being mounted.
. It is not possible to order a mektoub to enter a stable if a player is still riding it.

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