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Patch 00079

Thursday the 11th of August 2005, patch 79

In this patch :

[ E Q U I P M E N T ]
. All pieces of equipment (even light/caster armour and jewels), either crafted or looted, now have pre-requisites that you will have to match to be able to equip them. All these items have at most two pre-requisite skills. You can see the pre-requisite by right-clicking on the piece of equipment and then choosing 'info'. Please note that items bought, crafted or looted prior to the introduction of this change to the live version will keep their pre-requisites (none for light/caster armour and jewels).
Some new pre-requisites are:
* Jewels: max quality = highest skill + 25
. About armours:
- In order to wear light armour your skill has to be less then 25 compared to the level of the armour. eg: you can wear a light armour lvl 75 when you reach 50 in the appropriate skill.
- Medium or heavy armour require you to have a skill of 25 less then the level of the armour and the right constitution level.
. When an item has worn out, it is not automatically destroyed anymore. It is unequipped and marked with a red cross over its icon in your inventory. You then need to destroy them as it is the only action you can do on them.

[ D I S P L A Y ]
. Fix for NVidia users with their latest drivers.

[ E M O T E ]
. We have changed two emotes:
* /suspicious doesn't allow you to look suspicious to yourself anymore
* /panick is now /panic for players using the English version of the Ryzom client

[ I N T E R F A C E ]
. Some colour changes were made in the system info window to allow a better readability of the displayed information. The affected message types are:
- damage absorbed by a shield
- damage taken while foraging: explosion, absorbed explosion, toxic cloud, etc...
- damage taken during a Kami Blast
- magic damage from enemies
- self damage
. The guild interface now displays the amount of dappers in the guild inventory.Entrez un text ici
. In all inventories, the maximum number of slots and the number of used slots are displayed.
. For all mektoubs, you now have icons on the map and on the mektoub window. These icons let you know: if the mektoub is in the stable, if the mektoub is dead, or if the mektoub is following you. Moreover, when a mektoub dies you have a specific icon letting you know the remaining time before it vanishes.
. The cosmetic option has been removed from the virtual desktop as it is currently an inactive feature.
. Moved the contextual menu item "Quit Team" to a safer place.
. Loot window on bandits will close as soon as there is nothing more to loot on the corpse.
. Reversed the line order of Pierce/Blunt on Shield/Armour info. It is now the same as the order in the craft preview. This will avoid any misunderstanding.
. Fixed a bug in the virtual desktop where the inventory box was ticked when it should not be, thus providing you incorrect information.
. Forage windows could end up being displayed in the wrong order; this is now fixed.
. Items stored in players' apartment inventory were displayed with a null value on the information window; this is now fixed.

[ M I S S I O N ]
. Added a default icon to the mission window. You will now have a default icon when/if needed.

[ M E K T O U B ]
. Auto-run whilst riding will no longer be automatically interrupted when you come out of water.
. When you were mounting using the interface shortcut and had a mob targeted, your character was running to the targeted creature instead of mounting. This is now fixed.

[ P R O G R E S S I O N ]
. Added an effect to display when unlocking a new skill branch in your action book. Gratz!

[ F I G H T I N G ]
. Named creatures respawn delay : In patch 71, we partially revamped the named creatures of Atys to change their respawn delay from 'immediately!' to 4-8 hours (random) and to let them wander around instead of staying at the same location. However, high level groups now have a hard time finding good challenges, since named creatures cannot be used to gain experience efficiently anymore.
. While we do not want to revert to the old behaviour, as named creatures are true individuals and chain-killing them wouldn't fit that purpose, we still want to help a bit here. We lowered the respawn delay to 2-5 hours (random). Also, to compensate the loss of high level challenge for groups, we modified 4 of the races currently wandering on the high level areas, multiplying their HP and experience reward by 5. They are all herbivores.
. The affected creatures are:
 - Madakam :
 o Matis : Grove of Confusion
 o Zorai : Grove of Umbra, Knot of Dementia
 - Shalah :
 o Fyros : Scorched Corridor
 o Tryker : Bounty Beaches, Enchanted Isle
 - Bolobi :
 o Tryker : Lagoons of Loria
 o Matis : Upper Bog, Heretic's Hovel, Hidden Source
 - Ploderos :
 o Zorai : The Void
 o Fyros : Savage Dunes, Dunes of Exile, Outlaw Canyon
. Players killed while they sit will lay down dead and no longer be seen in a standing position.
. The Bodokin encounter will no longer play undead and is pleased to grant rewards once again.

[ M A C R O ]
. Fix in the macro system when using "select shortcut bar" and "run shortcut". Previously, the command "run shortcut" was executed before "select shortcut bar", thus executing the wrong parameters.

[ M I S C E L L E A N O U S ]
. Changed destination name in teleport window. Foreman have been renamed as Overseer to fit the NPC title in the English version of SoR.
. You can now see Kami and Karavan from a longer distance.
. One of the two Karavan ships, at the Dune of Exil, is undergoing a maintenance and has been removed in the meantime.
. Taskgivers name for Fraiders, Cuzans and Gibads have been changed in order to be more appropriate with the language of those tribes.
. All capitals, Pyr, Yrkanis, Zora and Fairhaven are not fully safe anymore. A modification on safe zones has been developed to enhance the abilities of the event teams. The safe zone areas have been reduced back to the immediate surroundings of respawn and teleport points. Mobs are able to attack you in towns - at least if they manage to pass the guards.. The mini-boss Jugula has been moved away from the Kami teleporter in the Grove of Confusion.

. You can activate the afk mode even when you are sitting. There is no more need to stand up for that.
. You can not go through plants anymore. They now have their own collisions.
. Renamed the crafted medium Tryker boots from Ry-Tissan to Ry-Fabren.
. Replaced the Matis tent at the Barkers with a Fyros tent.
. Fixed a bug in the selling system when using margins. The margin limit is now of +9 999% max, instead of the buggy 99 999%.
. The name of a targeted entity will always be visible to you. Note that you need to target the entity; the name will then adjust itself to be visible in all circumstances. You will not encounter NPCs with their name lost in the ceiling anymore.
. Fixed bugs related to pre-requisites on various items. This was affecting equipment of certain items, and certain items sold by NPCs. Those items had a red background when they should not have, because some values were wrong or not working as displayed in the info.
. The /random is officially live. Feel free to roll your dice at will. Maximum and minimum value are 32 767 and - 32 767.
. You cannot enter a negative value for money exchanges with another player.

[ T E X T ]
. Lots of various text fixes including wrong or misspelled names on items and NPCs.

[ 3 D . D A T A ]
. Review and adjustment of Trykers collisions and some characters animations. Noticeably, some Tryker islands which were previously inaccessible can now be reached from the water.

[ K N O W N B U G ]
. If you buy or have a piece of equipment in your inventory which is red and can't be equipped due to some missing pre-requisites, it will stay red when you'll finally match these pre-requisites. However, you'll then be able to equip it immediately, and the redness will disappear when you relog.

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