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Patch 00083

Thursday, September 29th 2005 - patch 83

[ S P E C I A L  N O T E ]

You can preview and play with the new racial animations by activating an option in your configuration window. All you need to do if following the instruction stated in the [ G R A P H I C S ] section of the release note below. Watch the news on to know more!

[ M I S C E L L A N E O U S ]

. Karavan people should have a better standing position.
. The Zoraï chief tent in Nexus has been replaced by a Fyros tent.
. The banner from the Cockroach camp in the Prime Roots has been moved to the Keepers camp.
. Fixed a respawn point on Tryker refugee island: Barkdell.

[ G R A P H I C S ]

. Thanks to the "enable racial animation" button, you are able to choose between the old and the new racial animations. In order to toggle animations on and off, you need to access your configuration (press 'U') then 'characters' then check 'enable racial animation'.
.The forage 'end' animations are no longer played when the forage actions are not validated (e.g. trying to begin prospecting on a mount made the character stand).

[ L A N D S C A P E ]

. All civilizations used their best landscapers in order to redo some lay out of their land in certains areas. As a result you will be able to notice some changes in the following areas on Atys: Graveyard Walk, Gusty Gorge, Hush Hole, Muse Watch Lake, the Nexus, Elusive Forest, Land of Continuity, Prime Roots, Falls of the two totems, Eastgrove Gate, Westgrove Gate, Highgrove, Killing tree, Smittent Mount, Dragon's Spine, Thesos Spring, Thesos Fall Tor, Highridges, The Waste, Midpeaks, Ruins of Mossok, Dyron Hill, Shadow Riders, Imperial Dunes.
. Some guards' tower appeared at Highridges and Midpeaks. A control post appeared at the 4 roads in the Fyros land. What homins are up to ?

[ I N T E R F A C E ]

. You may have to recreate some of your actions in your hand bar. This is the case for actions concerning for example the double missile as it has been going through some changes.
. You can now invert the mouse Y axis in the option, when using freelook.
. In the shard selection window, the first server on your list is automatically selected. Hitting 'ENTER' will make you connect to the highlighted server in your list.
. The keys configuration window (press 'K') has been modified in order to ensure a better readability. You can resize it vertically.
. The craft window has been changed from a vertical to horizontal view. This will be needed for outpost as a new component will be needed to make new items. You now have in the left panel the basic component needed to craft, and on the right panel a preview of the result crafted item.
. IG rollover tool tips have been improved and the way they behaved has been changed. They are now instantaneous and appear by the control, not the mouse cursor.
. It could happen that the text in the info window is cut (eg: raw material info). If this occurs, just go over it with your mouse and a roll over with the text missing should appear.
. More tooltips are added here and there, eg: descriptive tooltips added to the persona window, over character stats.
. The duel offer window is now entirely displayed.
. Clicking SUPPORT at the login page was not directing you to the right support page. It is now fixed.
. Back to the future ! In order to take screenshots without any interfaces and just the scenery, you can press shift-F5. Press shift-F5 again in order to get your interfaces back.

[ C H A T ]

. Region talk (from player or NPC) only involves the characters in the region; it does not reach the characters around the sender if they are not in the region anymore.

[ M E K T O U B ]

. When mounting a mektoub, any pending exchange is automatically aborted.


. IG forum have been going thru some improvement (eg: topic too long could bug the layout).

[ P v P]

. If you and your target are both flagged as Faction PvP, the target window shows the level of your target (based on his highest skill), the same way as for a creature. It allows you to know if the fight will be worth honor points, to prevent you from the need of attacking random players (and killing newbies in the process). It also allows low level characters to select appropriate targets and avoid high levels.
. When leaving a PvP zone and entering a new one, it could happen that you got the message: 'you are safe' when you were not.
. You cannot invite to your team players from opposite factions in a PvP faction area.
. Right now PvP damages are divided by 2 compared to PvE. The original purpose was to make PvP fights to last longer, especially since magicians were able to inflict too many damages. Since we would introduce magical damage absorption, while offensive casters would still have a slightly advantage regarding damage quantity, it would restore some balance here. Also, in PvP, armors above q160 aren't useful since they absorb more damage than a warrior will ever be able to inflict. We then removed this dividing factor.

[ C O M B A T ]

. All double missile stanzas now has a new cost: the relative cost. In order to fine tune PvP and PvE, double missile adds a 20% cost to all actions.
. Recast timer for some auras are now of 20 mins instead of 30 mins.
. Depending on the aura, there is a 10 minutes timer (instead of 15 mins) for you to be affected again when one wears off.
. Stanza for Area of Effect (bomb, spray, ricochet) have had their power doubled, this is for damages and heal also. Except the first stanza/brick of those 3 effects, which is a bit under factor 2.
. Armors should now absorb creatures' critical damages as intended by the gameplay. Absorption values have been fine tuned. A certain amount of melee damages you receive from creatures will now be absorbed by your armors. Of course, those will vary depending on light, medium, heavy armors and their stats.
.The new absorption value are as follow:
- For light armors, the absorption range changed from 5%-15% to 5%-25%
- For medium armors, the absorption range changed from 20%-30% to 20%-40%
- For heavy armors, the absorption range changed from 45%-55% to 40%-60%

. The 2 handed melee weapons (sword, axe, pike and mace) now have differentiated characteristics, and all of them have a value. Here, the 2 handed sword is the reference for damages and speed comparison:
- Axe & mace: 20% more damage, 10% slower;
- Pike: 20% less damage, 10% faster, 20 in reach (3 others weapons have 10) that allows to lower received damages by 10%;
- Sword: has a parry bonus that allows to lower received damages by 10% (comparing to axe and mace).
 Depending on the used materials, the 4 weapons:
- Reduce one's dodge from -20 to 0;
- Increase target's dodge from +20 to 0;
- Reduce target's parry from 0 to +20.
So, the effectiveness of these weapons will depend on the mobs' defence mode: those who parry will be easier to kill, and those who dodge will be harder.

. The way resistance works on jewels has been undergoing some changes. You can notably see those in your personna window 'P'. The RESISTANCE category now has more tooltips and the category PROTECTION appeared, also filled with tooltips also. They are both for jewels only.
. In a nutshell, resistance let you know if you will be hit by a spell or not and protection the reduction percentage of spell damage.
. Each jewel can have up to 3 resistances. Those resistances come from the raw materials which you use in order to craft your jewel.

.The new types of resistances (which replace the former ones) are as follow:
- Desert resistance includes fire, blind, madness
- Forest resistance includes poison, sleep, snare
- Lake resistance includes cold, shockwave, stun
- Jungle resistance includes electricity, slow, root
- Prime Roots resistance includes acid, rot, fear
. You get a bonus with the resistance of your originating ecosystem.
. When crafting jewels, in the crafting windows, the greyed stats are not used (only the 3 best are chosen). Tooltips will detail it in the craft window, also providing examples of how it works for a better understanding and making the desired/appropriate jewel.
. Former jewels will have their resistance converted to the new system when needed, they won't have any protections.
. Moreover, jewels now have 3 classes: class 1, 2, 3. Their difference relies on their durability. You will need more raw materials to make a higher class jewel.
. The class 1 jewels are already live on your server. However, the number of raw materials needed to craft them has changed. You might need more or less raw materials in order to craft some of them.

. The protection system (which is not the same thing as the resistance) has also been reworked:
- All homins share a common base protection
- Protection values specific for each civilization are added to the base values on specific magic types: 10% for generic damages, 20% for natural damages, 0% for all others
 - The maximum protection percentage is 70%
- There is also maximum number of absorbed points, depending on the best skill of the character
- Generic magic damages are: Acid, Cold, Rot
- Civilization damages are: Fire (Fyros), Poison (Matis), Shockwave (Tryker), Electricity (Zorai)
- Special attacks from creatures are now absorbed by either armors for melee damages or jewels for magical damages - there are however some special attacks that are still unabsorbed, this is on purpose.

. The madness spell was not fully working as intended. When a player casted a spell under a madness effect, he didn't take his own damages as he should. This is now fixed.

[ S T A N Z A ]

. Actions in your handbar could be stuck if you played a spell then a power.
. Some tuning was done on sap, stamina and HP heal:
- HP heal is divided by 2
- STA heal is 5 times higher
- SAP heal is 4.16 times higher

[ B U Y I N G  &  S E L L I N G ]

. You can now buy from NPC seller items of level > 250. This is only for items sold via players through NPCs.

[ F A M E ]

.Any new born character is now granted with a not null Kami or Karavan fame. The value is based on the civilization choosen. eg: Matis naturally have a positive Karavan fame and negative for Kami.
. Some changes were done in the way fame is addressed for Kami and Karavan, global fame is now identical to personal fame.

[ N P C ]

. Min-cho guards whom had Jen-Lai title were promoted to Min-Cho title. All is back as normal.
. Hoi-Cho guard is back in his flat.

[ F A U N A ]

. The Gibbaï tribe in The Void replaced their Frahar by a Gibbaï.

[ K N O W N  B U G ]

. If you buy or have a piece of equipment in your inventory which is red and can't be equipped due to some missing pre-requisites, it will stay red when you'll finally match these pre-requisites. However, you'll then be able to equip it immediately, and the redness will disappear when you relog.
. The new jewels did not make it yet to the deep tribes on Atys. As a result some loots from the degenerated tribes are not up to date. This is the case for: Cute, Gibbaï and Frahar tribes.

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