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Patch 00110

Fame & Outposts

Monday, 19th December - patch 110

Here is the patch we have all been waiting for: the Out Post.
We would like to give a real big thanks to all the ATS players and to their leads:
- Senior Guides Yvrelle and Arimuun for the English Community
- Game Master Yumidan for the German Community
- Senior Guide Enoril for the French Community
Their help is tremendous, the feedback we gathered and the bug reports where more then a help for us. Thanks again and now it's time for the exciting Out Post and place to the fun !

[ S P E C I A L  N O T E    O N    C I T I Z E N S H I P ]

So far, Homins had fame values regarding civilizations (Matis, Fyros, Tryker, Zoraï), regarding tribes, and regarding Karavan / Kami.
Those figures had an effect when meeting a representative of one of them, by influencing the way NPCs would react with players and with each others.

 This is going to get somewhat more formal, as you can now become a citizen of one of the four civilizations, and as a separate thing, you can dedicate yourself to one of the two religions, Kami or Karavan. Neutral is an option instead of citizenship and/or faith.

Being member of a religion or a citizen, will influence the maximum and minimum fame points you can have with the varied factions (tribes also).

Personal choice, aka the player decision
After this patch, any pre-patch character will have an undefined status. When you are in an undefined status, it means that you will not gain nor lose any faction points until you choose a mission in order to elect a citizenship or neutrality.
You need to choose between being neutral or to be affiliated to a civilization and/or a religion.

In order to become neutral, you will have to click on the "Become Neutral" button on your fame interface. Your fame points are then adjusted as required for the choice you have made, the changes are rather harsh, so beware before deciding to become neutral.

Still after the live patch, any new character will be neutral by default, and will have to fulfill the pre-requisites and the adequate missions in order to become a citizen and / or a member of a religion (those missions can be found at specific NPC, more below).

Given the fact that you have the minimal fame value (30), in order to become a citizen and / or a member of a religion, you will have to pass through a mission, composed of a trial and a rite.  Those missions are given by the appropriate Magistrate or Priest. As you will see below, you cannot make a choice in contradiction with your guild.

You can loose your link to a side, by loosing loads of fame points or just by talking to the appropriate Magistrate or Priest. So make sure you are bashing the right mobs, NPC, tribes ;)

 Guild choice
A guild can be member of a religion, and/or be declared citizen of a civilization. The choice has to be made by the guild leader, providing the guild has enough fame points, and will influence all the members of the guilds. You can check those fames in the new fame/faction windows (ctrl-F).
A character being citizen of a civilization or member of a religion different to the guild, cannot be member of that guild as he does not follow the same way of life.
If a guild leader of a given citizenship chooses to make the guild quit the civilization he swore allegiance to, all members of the guild will see their status become undetermined, and will keep their actual points: they will be considered as neutral.They will then either have to choose to follow the new way chosen by the leaders of the guild, or to quit the guild and take their fame status back at the Magistrate or the Priest.

 Given the fact that a guild has the minimal fame value (30), in order to become a citizen and/or a member of a religion, the guild leader will have to pass through a mission, composed by a trial and a rite.  Those missions are given by the appropriate Magistrate or Priest.

Impact in game
There will be several impacts in game for all players regarding the side they choose, or to stay neutral.
Having fame (below -50) too low will make any NPC of this faction willing to kill you on sight (KoS).
Having a medium fame (range from 0 to -30) value will influence NPCs to sell you their goods at a very expensive rate.
From now on, Kami and Karavan will have their own Altars influenced by fame. The current number of Altars has been adapted, in order to not give a preference to one or the other, as Kami cannot get tp from Karavan tp and vice versa. Neutral characters will have access to both types of Altars, except some high level regions, and except all the Prime Roots but the Nexus.
All Altars in game can now provide tickets.
Of course, you will be able to take part to a war if you are involved with one of the opposed faction (either Kami or Karavan at the moment).

[ F A M E ]

. When you login, all guilds are set as 'undefined'. From there on, Guild Leader have 3 alternatives:
-> Guild wishes to be neutral. Then guild leader, need to click on the 'neutral' button in the guild window.
-> Guild wishes a specific citizenship and have the required fame (+30). The guild leader needs to do the mission at the Magistrate from the civilization the guild wish to get.
-> Guild wishes a specific citizenship but its fame is too low. The guild leader needs to do the mission at the Magistrate from the civilization the guild wish to get. And at the end of the mission, guild will be rewarded the minimum fame.

. The same goes for religion, but instead of talking with the magistrate, guild leaders need to talk to the priest or bonze by the temples.

. When you log in game after this patch, all characters are undefined and need to choose a citizenship, or become neutral. You can become neutral by clicking the appropriate button in your fame interface (ctrl-F), WARNING, by clicking on neutral, all your fame > 50 will be taken down to that figure. You can choose a citizenship at the right NPC in towns and thus avoid the 'neutral' step.

[ O U T P O S T ]

Even though we will not spoil the way Out Post gameplay is supposed to flow, here are a few hints and mechanism which you should find useful. And of course, have fun.
You can find more info on the rewards and battle concept at the following urls:

. You can find useful information about your OP in your guild window (shift-J): guild info, squad manager info, about info. The 'about' is all about the status of your OP and their building (if any).
. You cannot target some OP buildings by pressing 'space', this is on purpose in order for it to be playable with more fun.
. Player not engaged in the fight cannot heal engaged PvP players factions in an OP war.
. You can see the life status of squads with a gauge placed above their head. You can activate this gauge in the ig options.

. When you are in an OP area, by pressing 'i', you will notice a new tab: guild inventory. Guild leader and High Officer can interact with the guild inventory from OP, adding dps, items, or removing them. The inventory can be browsed by other members whom cannot interact with it.

. Out Posts can be managed by Guild leaders and High Officers only. That mean they can initiate a challenge, give up an OP. When you initiate an OP war, this costs dappers. It could happen that you do not have enough dappers in guildbank, several scenario open based on that:
- enough dappers in guildbank, all is fine, let's the fun start
- not enough dappers in guildbank, the system would then take out from the initiater the dappers lacking (that would be the Guild leader or a High Officer).
- not enough dps in guild bank, nor on the initiater inventory, you cannot challenge and need to make more dappers !
. Bannishing: Guild Leader and High Officer can banish a player or a guild from an OP war (they cannot ban their opponent, stop to try to 'sploit). All they need to do is right click on the player and choose: 'ban player' or 'ban guild'. That can be useful if an allied guild turns out to be Tryker spies playing the Trojan !

[ C O M B A T ]

. Fixed several problems related to auras. The icon in your buff window was still present when it should not.
. Spell effects are no longer removed when ending a duel, except link spells.
. If you happen to not have a sufficient fame with a civilization, its guards will KoS (Kill On Sight) you. You can also attack the guards if you have a fame bad enough with them. However, in capital, on the path between respawn points and closest exit of the city guards should not be KoS. Unless your fame is really, really bad ;)
. You can now break the casting of NPCs.
. You cannot heal characters engaged in a duel.
. Hail, Daï-Den ! He is finally familar enough with the area to move around and get his own food.

[ P v P ]

. You cannot activate your PvP tag unless you have choosen any allegiance.
. In OP PvP, neutral characters cannot heal engaged PvP players factions in an OP war.
. You cannot heal characters engaged in a duel.
. Whenever teamed players from opposite faction engage opposite factioned players from outside the group will end up in having him kicked from the team. That also goes if you attack someone from an opposite PvP faction within your group.

[ I N T E R F A C E ]

. We made some changes in the color your name is displayed for the scenes to be clearer:
-> tag on / flag off, in this case your name is displayed in blue. It means that you are up for any kind of PvP and that you can group with players from any faction.
-> tag on / flag on, in this case your name is displayed in red. It means that you are already engaged in a Faction PvP and cannot group with opposite faction players nor heal them.

. We reorganized the way you view your various fame. All you need to do is open up the new 'fame/faction window'. You can do so by pressing ctrl-F.
. With Out Post, we added some interfaces and merge some:
- Guild info window has been reduced in size, we removed the colomn with members scores, changed the position of the 'Quit guild', members' list all have the same size.
- Out Post manager, guild info and about are in the same window, and separated by tabs.
- Out Post window description can be reduced.
. You will find some tool tips in your new interfaces in order to help you understanding some actions and giving the proper hints.
. The invert mouse option now work in real time, no need to click 'apply' to test it.
. You can now see the HP that any armor grants you, all you need to do is right click on it, select info, and check the number in brackets next to 'armor type'.

[ E Q U I P M E N T ]

. Medium and Heavy armour now have additional hit point bonuses. Medium armour will have 50% of the quality as a bonus, Heavy 100% of the quality as a bonus. This is affect current armours aswell as new.

[ M E K T O U B ]

. Mektoubs mounts cannot go invisible anymore. At last, we managed to stop the mektoub 'sploitage.

[ V A R I O U S ]

. If you are bored of your city and want to change of appartment, all you need to do is buy another one. This will insta delete your former appartment and all your belongings in it, so make sure you are hauling for a better view. A warning will pop up to warn you of course :) The same goes for guild buildings. Note that only guildleaders can do so.
. We have changed the way contextuel menus works. Before, when you double clicked on a mob or NPC, it was initiating combat with him. From now on, the system will look for the highest priority, removing 'attack' from his list. There's no more reason to die by mistake ;)

[ T E X T S ]

. You should notice more feedback messages in your system tab. For example, when you'll try to use a tp after a duel, a message would explain you why you cannot; same goes when you try to tp to an area controled by an opposite faction.

[ A N I MA T I O N S ]

. Racial animations are all activated by default except the following which are as before:
- Male Tryker run/walk
- Male Fyros sit
- Male Matis sit
- Female Matis sit

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