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Patch 00118b

Thursday, February 16th 2006 - server side patch

[ F O R A G E ]

. Kitin larvae were not appearing as the game play requires. This is now fixed; happy foraging if you can survive there.
. The respawn timer for resources that spawn on their own has been adjusted.
. The regen of Kami tolerance on all resources has been slightly increased.
. Moreover, you should notice that resources respawn slightly faster in all areas.

[ A L T A R ]

. Final fix for neutral characters wishing to use altars. The previous version was a hotfix, this one is final.

[ F A U N A ]

. Some mobs were regularly crossing a teleport area in Sunken City. After arguing with the devs, they agreed to modify the path. Both sides are now happy.

[ T E X T S]

. As part of English SoR version mini-revamp, some emotes have been modified.

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