Monday,17 September , 2007 at 18:00 UTC
Here's a few words from your CSR Team:
"The Arispotle CSR team kicked off the anniversary celebration of Ryzom at 0001 hours GMT with spontaneous fireworks and greeting players.
Although the actual celebration of Arispotle was scheduled for 8PM GMT, the team split up and conducted many fun events prior to the main celebration. For Silan these events included find Avenna's lost mektoub, scavenger hunt, PvP last him standing event in arena, trivia quizes and two special events team run events the Jena Commandments, and the revelations of Ma-Duk. The Mainland events included Mektoub Races, hunt down GM Daestny, Trivia quiz, last Homin standing PvP event in the Matis arena.
The actual event in Almati Wood was attended by an estimated 200+ Homins. We started with opening remarks by SGM Androbia followed by a long fireworks display. GM Daestny gave a rendition of “a tale of reconciliation” to set the tone for peace and cooperation among the players. As soon as that was over we did Trivia quiz in Almati Wood and Silan. Almati events then continued with “Choose The CSR” and scavenger hunt. After about one hour was conducted the happy wedding of Niobe and Pryath, and festivities continued. :)
Post celebration activities continued at a rapid pace until about 0330-0400 GMT on the 17th, with extra attention paid to Silan young Homins. We want to thank everyone for attending the celebration with such a cheerful mood. Thank you for these unforgettable moments!"
Find more screenshots here:
Arispotle - http://s157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/Gilgameesh/Ryzom/
Aniro - http://ryzom.wankin.net/?id=./2007-09-17_ryzom_a_trois_ans
Aniro - http://www.cholle.org/release.html
Leanon - http://www.elantar.de/galerie/thumbnails.php?album=67
And videos:
Arispotle - http://forums.ryzom.com/forum/showthread.php?p=418796#post418796
Aniro - http://forums.ryzom.fr/forum/showthread.php?t=31343
Leanon - http://www.alterflow.net/downloads/
Thursday,21 December , 2006 at 14:44 UTC
As a result, the billing system will reopen shortly so that you can subscribe again or give someone a Ryzom account for Christmas. :) Free Trial account owners will be happy to hear that they will be able to convert into a paying account and move to the mainland.
We will provide you more information in the upcoming weeks as things settle down.
Merry Christmas to all and enjoy your stay on Atys!
Feel free to discuss in the thread we've opened on the forum.
This is an unofficial players news
Monday,27 November , 2006 at 16:30 UTC
Monday,20 November , 2006 at 16:37 UTC
The first news is that while the game WILL continue to run and be supported, Nevrax (as a corporate entity) will be going into receivership next month. We emphasize again that the game will continue to run and be supported as this is not the beginning of the end - just the end of the beginning.
As you all, we love our game and we want to see Atys and its homins continue to evolve. We are not alone in this feeling as from the shadows a company has emerged and are currently preparing a plan to take on Ryzom. We can't tell you more at the moment since it is being discussed but we will keep you informed when we get hard facts. We can assure you that much is happening behind the scenes.
In the meantime, Ryzom goes on. Your CSRs will continue to help you and to take care of everything, while our devs will continue to work on their current schedule: the next step is to patch the ATS with a few new things. So basically, while these negotiations are ongoing, everything else is business as usual.
As we don't want to cheat on you, while Nevrax is going through this transition period, the following actions have just been taken today around 3pm GMT regarding the billing system:
- All existing subscribed accounts created before 3pm GMT will be turned into free account with 1 month of free access.
- It will not be possible to pay to subscribe to a full Ryzom account anymore.
- You will still be able to create a Free Trial account, but at the moment there will be no possibility to upgrade your account and go to mainland. As a result we've removed the level cap for the Free Trial to give players in the Ruins of Silan much more to achieve in the meantime.
As things develop you can expect a return to the usual more conventional account options soon.
This is an unofficial players news
Thursday,09 November , 2006 at 17:25 UTC
A few months ago it was put online, but due to an unlucky incident with the server it went offline. The radio has now been back online for a few weeks and is stable. I now wish to promote it a bit!
Before I come to the meat of it, here are some details: Radio-SoR is a web-radio server that is run by me (some of you may know me as xenofur on the forums). It always broadcasts a 2 hours long music-medley that was put together by Acridiel. This medley was made to fit Ryzom and is there to ensure that there is never silence on the air. ;) Additionally, DJs can hop online anytime via Winamp and a simple web interface to offer live content. To ensure that people aren't stuck with a DJ who doesn't stream music to their taste, there are two different stations and more can be added if necessary.
Now there are two crucial points to this: we need more motivated DJs who want to offer live content as well as more listeners that are interested in listening to music broadcasted by their fellow players, while they are playing Ryzom (or working, etc).
If you already had experience with web-radios you can simply go to the Web-Interface and load the url of the station you'd like to listen to into your audio player. If you don't know how it works, you can visit the Radio-Sor-Wiki and find instructions under the topic "Listening".
If you would like to become DJ, read up on the Radio-Sor-Wiki under the topic "Broadcasting" and then contact me on IRC. :)
If you have further questions, please ask them in this thread on the forum.
Thursday,10 August , 2006 at 10:00 UTC

Friday,16 June , 2006 at 18:10 UTC
With the new unlimited Free Trial offer, you can play:
- Forever (no time limit before paying)
- Without XP limit (except for the mobs you'll be able to find)
- Without entering a credit card number to create the trial account
- Only on Ruins of Silan (access is restricted to the newcomers' island). To have access to the mainland, you have to convert your trial account into a paying account.
If you have started a Free Trial before the patch (before Monday the 12th), you keep it even though the offer has changed, meaning you don't have an unlimited time to try the game but less than 7 days. If you didn't teleport to the mainland, your character is still on one of the old islands (any new character created will now appear on the new island though).
If your Trial has ended during the patch, you can't benefit from it anymore. To continue playing with this account, you have to convert it to a paying account. Note that if you need more time to try Ryzom, it's still time to create a new Free Trial account!
If you have any doubt, trouble or question about the Free Trial, feel free to contact the Customer Support on the Klient.
Thursday,19 January , 2006 at 16:45 UTC
Monday,02 January , 2006 at 18:31 UTC
Happy New Year to all of you, fellow homins!
We wish you health, happiness, and many other good things for 2006! But most importantly, we wish you to have lots of fun and enjoy the encounters you may have this year on Atys. :D
Wednesday,28 December , 2005 at 19:31 UTC
We hope you all spent a wonderful Xmas!
You may have noticed lately that yubos also like to have parties; they are all wearing deer yubos Santa hats, and probably woudn't mind some good cookies for New Year's eve too. ;) Please be nice with them in these special times, feed them well... They'll get fatter for the feast and the now traditional roasted yubo!
And now, a special greeting from Ora the yubo and its children:

Thursday,03 November , 2005 at 18:30 UTC
Starting today, Ryzom is available for online purchase on dlGamer.com, with a special offer: the game can be purchased at 24.90 euros with an initial play time of 60 days included. :) Also, if you can't or do not want to pay with a credit card, dlGamer has an option allowing you to pay by wire transfer.
Please note that this is a download-only offer (no box).
Tuesday,20 September , 2005 at 18:01 UTC
Friday,16 September , 2005 at 16:53 UTC
Exactly one year ago, on September 16th 2004, the gates of Ryzom were opened...
So much has happened since then, it feels like it was in another life. We had our share of laughs and tears, friendship and love, joy and hatred - everything which makes Ryzom more than just a game, a living world deeply linked with us and you, the community.
We have already opened the anniversary gift, the free month, but we wanted to use this occasion to thank you again for being in this adventure with us. Also, a slideshow has been posted on the boards, showing a set of user screenshots taken over the last year.
Now it's time to start enjoying the second year of Ryzom... See you at the IRL!
Your English support team has also written the following text at your attention:
Would you believe it's been a year already? It only seems like yesterday that we opened the gates to the wonderful world of Atys for everyone to experience. In this year many people have experienced new wonders, forged new friendships and shared much joy and a fair share of frustration with the rest of us.
The Saga of Ryzom has many unique aspects to it, not least of which is the amazing strength of the community - that's you guys. In so many games you see players who never talk to each other and unwilling to help anyone. Not so with Ryzom, we have the strongest community in any MMO, and one that your customer support team is happy and proud to work so closely with.
Whether it's through the forums, in Klient, in game or even in the real life meets (don't forget September 24th) the relationship between our players and our support teams is strong and at a level many games would be envious of.
So from us, we would like to thank you for a year of fun (mostly) and look forward with all of you to the huge plans that are going to be put in place in the next year.
So raise a glass with us Homins, here's to the wonderful world of Atys and the experiences we will have in it.