High Level Area - Kitins' Lair - 2nd document
"Hey! I risked life and limb to sneak inside the Kitins' Lair to bring you this dossier on this intriguing and previously unknown nest. I managed to come back alive (yes, that's quite an achievement) and got to gather a few facts about the place and its inhabitants..." Read the thrilling report of a Tryker scout who dared to venture into the lair!
He wasn't forthcomintg with information about rewards at first, but was happy to take me to the lair. At least, part of the way. He kindly explained that he wouldn't accompany me further inside. It would only be later that the reason why he was so reluctant to join me became clear.

Lair entrance
Indeed, walking in this place is rather crazy, especially alone. I quickly wished I was with some strong fellow Fyros just in case something bad happened. As if it would!
Now, where to start from. This place? It's dark, dark and even darker. It's definitely not a place for those not accustomed to the Prime Roots or those who want an easy, peaceful life. The wind whips through this huge place, it's eerie. I could have just ran through to see what happened, but decided to exercise caution and hug the walls to get to see some interesting views. Some truely indescribable. While lovers of landscape may enjoy the views, those of us who know what happens when you explore strange landscapes won't be able to avoid noticing movement down there, lots of it. It's safe to assume that these guys won't be friendly.
However, I was so motivated to get back out and see the sweet Lakes again (and write you this dossier of course!) that I didn't feel like trying to get too close to those Kitins I could hear and see far away in the dense shadows of the lair. More investigation would be needed to really know who lives here.
Nobody has ever drawn a whole map of this place, so I couldn't figure out exactly how far I was from the entrance. It doesn't take a genius to work out that no one lived long enough to map it. But that doesn't fill me with confidence for a safe return should I choose to explore more. I've got my hands on a map showing approximately some edges of the lair and after a while I really felt like a Yubo trapped in Heretic's Hovel (nasty creatures included).
I've been able to survive through a room that looked like the place where Kitins take care of the cattle. I could see poor Herbivores here waiting for a certain death... Good thing Kipees didn't smell me to add me to the herd (sometimes I'm glad not to be a Fyros - no offense meant to the Fyros people!).

Cattle room
While sneaking in some dark and smelly place, I noticed that the ground was all ruffled, as if many foragers came here and harvested without much caring for our beloved Atys (this reminded me some places of the Prime Roots at certain times). However, the few perceptible marks on the ground didn't have much in common with Homins' marks... Shame, as much as I am a dedicated forager, I didn't have my pick in my bag to check out what was hidden in the soil there! Meh.
One of the most interesting discoveries here have been Kitins' eggs. Too bad they look so dirty, they could serve as apartment ornaments quite well otherwise, maybe with some polishing... Anyway I didn't venture too close to them as there were some guards around. Eggs looked big and solid, as if protecting something fragile and this teased my curiosity. What's inside? Sweet liquor mixed with larvae perhaps? How I wish a few strong warriors were with me to break one!

But enough rambling. While contemplating the lair and daydreaming, a young Kitin brought me back to the harsh reality of the place after grabbing with his claws and fiercely tearing apart my left heavy glove and ear in the same time. In an instant I ran straight forward not knowing where I was going, but thanking Jena for this speed power I was able to use (and blaming Ma-duk for not wearing a helmet). Luckily enough the Kitin gave up as I was finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. The last steps towards the exit were a nightmare as I was losing consciousness with such aching wounds.
When I opened my eyes, I was laying down on soft grass with a couple of Atys Rangers sitting around me. I then noticed I'd have to wear longer hair to hide these ugly remainings of an ear. Maybe Tryker girls dig scars?
To my last questions, a Ranger, seemingly more filledwith pity for me than any other feeling, revealed a few of the objects they'd plan to offer to the brave Homins who would succeed in accomplishing their missions. He made it clear that the greatness of the reward would depend on the difficulty of the mission achieved. And basically, that a scout able to see so few as I did couldn't hope for anything better than a few daps'. Stingy him!
But, among other things he showed me a few weapons, a few dirty raw mats I've never seen before in my whole forager's life, and some armour pieces that would fit pretty well on Trykerettes I must say...
i just hope it's not like...
"Everyone grab your picks, season change/server reboot in 30min. Head out to Kitin Lair!"
like it is with sup mats / bosses in atys currently :-(
Ut oh...
Weapons and armour... and special materials... Phat lewt
? I do so hope not.
I absolutely hate people that seem to thing good gear, and good loot somehow ruins a game, I mean just because you will be too lazy too aquire does not mean others shouldn't.....I mean part of the joy of an MMO is aquireing rare and powerful items, so yes I hope there is "Phat Loot" ......because as is there is barely enything keeping me here end game.....
Ok, I'm getting really curious now! :D
Eggs, new raw mats and armor... whhieee!